Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1184: Tougher than aliens

After more than a week, the supply ship finally returned to the Qiongzhou base, and Ye Han and others finally returned to the Qiongzhou training base.

The Second Airborne Division and the Third Airborne Division all participated in the plan to go south, and only a few people stayed behind. Only the first and third battalions returned to the base, as well as some of the backbone of the fourth division.

This fourth division was a unit that had just started to be formed before the implementation of the southward plan. Before the framework was set up, the southward plan suddenly started. All the personnel who should have been sent to the fourth division followed the troops southward. Less than half of the officers were in place, sergeants. It's less than one-third of the way, and with the current situation, the Fourth Division doesn't even want to build it up for a while.

Not only the fourth division, the first division lost two whole regiments plus a number of direct troops after being assigned by Nanyuezhou. These shortages also need to be supplemented by personnel, and the record of the first division is obvious to all. It is said that Huo Qiang's eyes are sweet It's not an exaggeration, the base must give priority to replenishing the vacancy of the first division, which invisibly affects the formation speed of the fourth division.

Who doesn't want to have more experienced veterans under his command? But the fourth division still hasn't put up the air, how can they win over the first division?

In short, the fourth division commander, who is no better than a bare commander, is very entangled.

Ye Han didn't think so much at all, his only thought was to go home quickly.

Under his command, the returning troops completed the closing process as quickly as possible... The soldiers were even more anxious than Ye Han.

After Ye Han gathered the people and briefly summed up a few words, the second battalion and the guard company were disbanded on the spot. The soldiers cheered and rushed out of the honor, and went home to reunite with their long-lost relatives... The family area is next to the base, and it only takes a few minutes to walk. minute.

Ye Han, like the soldiers, returned home happily and saw his long-lost wife and children.

The moment Bai Xiaoting saw Ye Han, tears flowed uncontrollably, and she hurriedly welcomed Ye Han into the house.

However, the two little guys didn't give any face at all. They refused to call him Dad. They pointed to the pictures on the wall and scrambled to say that this was Dad.

Ye Han was both sour and guilty, tears kept rolling in his eyes, and he almost couldn't help it.

He can command thousands of troops and fight to the death with aliens, but he doesn't know what to do to bring the relationship between the child and himself.

The two children are already four years old, but the children have been born for such a long time that Ye Han can count the time they spend with the children.

But he is not in a hurry. The first division will definitely rest at the base for a period of time. He believes that he will be able to settle the two little guys... Happy families are all similar. go away.

However, several families are happy and some are sad, not all families are immersed in joy, and some families have spent another sleepless night in tears.

They have a common title - martyrdom.

Ye Han did not forget those comrades who died. The next morning, he kissed his wife and children goodbye and returned to the base, recalled all the officers, and visited the relatives of the martyrs from house to house.

The visit is just a formality. Ye Han's real purpose is to hear what the martyrs have to ask. Anything he has the right to solve will be solved on the spot; anything he can't solve will be recorded on the record, and he will try to solve it afterwards. Heroes bleed and cry!

The problems of martyrs mainly focus on several aspects. First, the issue of treatment. The country implements a rationing system. The treatment of military family members far exceeds that of civilians. From military family members to martyr family members, can the previous treatment be maintained?

The second is the housing problem. It is only natural for military family members to live near the base. After they become martyred family members, how should the housing problem be solved?

The third is the issue of relocation. One of the benefits of the military is that under the same conditions, military family members will be given priority to move to the moon and become martyred family members. Is there still such an opportunity?

In addition, there are some miscellaneous issues, such as children's schooling and employment; another example is whether the conditions for joining the military can be relaxed for military family members of the appropriate age...

Ye Han's head was big when he heard it, and he was walking around a big family, so he could not wait to gather everyone to hold a meeting and give them a good talk about the country's policies.

But he couldn't do that, he could only repeat the answers to these questions over and over again.

Ye Han was not the only one who visited the martyr's family. All the officers above the platoon in the entire division accompanied them. The basic reason was that unrelated personnel stayed outside and waited, and all the officers directly under the command entered the door to visit the martyr's family.

For example, if a soldier from a regiment, a battalion, a company, a platoon, and a certain squad died, then the squad leader, the platoon leader, and the division leader Ye Han must all show up to express condolences. As long as the person is not dead, it is absolutely not allowed to be absent.

In this way, Ye Han took a group of men and spent a few days to visit all the martyrs, and then spent a few days to solve all the problems that could be solved, and reported the problems that could not be solved to the base headquarters in the form of a written report. , the base will come forward to solve it. If it is really out of the ordinary, the reason should be explained in the form of a written report. After reporting a compromise plan, the base will send a special person to negotiate and solve it.

Finally, after the problem is solved, a special person must be sent to follow up, and it must not be a hand-cuff manager... Everyone knows that the issue of martyrdom is not a trivial matter. It is not only related to the life of the soldiers, but also the vital interests of the military.

These days, being a soldier means putting your head on your trousers belt. Maybe one day you will die without a place to be buried. If your worries are not Who can work for the country with peace of mind?

Soldiers talk about sacrifice, dedication and honor. To put it bluntly, it is a big truth. Everyone understands this stuff, but soldiers are also human, and they also have to take care of their parents and relatives. You can’t just let soldiers sacrifice and give without giving them the treatment they deserve. ?

In the past, the country had no conditions, but now it is different. Therefore, the aftermath of the Qiongzhou base is very well done. Ninety percent of the martyrs thought they were satisfied with the aftermath arrangements of the base, and only a few people were not satisfied.

It is very rare to be able to do this.

After working hard for more than half a month, Ye Han finally solved the problem of the martyrs. In the next period of time, the army was supplemented to a certain extent, but there is still a long way to go before it is full. There are few veterans and many new recruits in the army. The level of military training needs time to improve, and the combat effectiveness needs time to run in. A lot of things have confused Ye Han.

His only consolation is that he can find time to go home for a while every night, and he usually finds time to spend with his children. The two little devils went from unfamiliar to familiar, and finally accepted this unfamiliar father. When he heard the child call his father, Ye Han's heart was about to melt.

But the time was still too short. Children usually prefer to stick to Bai Xiaoting, which made Ye Han couldn't help but sigh. These two little devils are more difficult to deal with than aliens!

When I was writing this chapter, I thought of Malipo, the old mother of martyr Zhao Zhanying, and the ruined martyrs’ cemeteries and the forcibly demolished martyrs’ cemeteries… I don’t want to say much about this, but as a veteran, I I sincerely hope that one day, Bei can pay as much attention to the affairs of the martyrs as in the book, and there will be no more tragic situations where the martyrs sacrifice for 20 years, but their mothers have no money to go to the martyrs' cemetery. This is not only the sorrow of the martyrs, but also the shame of the country. above.

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