Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1198: Only for equipment, not for technology

In the next period of time, the food of the airborne division improved significantly. Only when there was time, everyone went out to hunt for wild food. When you are lucky, the whole division can eat a big meal, and when you are unlucky, you can only deal with a group of bugs.

There is too little meat to eat on the worms, and there is not much good meat when they come back. Moreover, the soldiers have raised their mouths, and no one wants to eat worm meat.

The foodies made a series of conclusions in private, and divided the game into one, two and three grades, some suitable for roasting, some suitable for stewing, and only the worst grade would be sent to the microwave cabin.

like fish...

It's not that fish is really bad, but the main source of meat at present is sea fish. Fish is usually a treasure. When you get to this place, it's so hard to get it on the table.

The experimental group was helpless. How could a good microwave cabin become the airborne division's kitchen? But every day when they were eating, they all gathered in the microwave cabin energetically and waited for the meal... The experimental group also had their mouths open.

In fact, it is not as miserable as imagined in China, but there are only so many rations. If you want to eat meat happily, you have to save for half a month.

There is no harm without contrast, and the issue of meat is no exception.

When the experimental team and the airborne division completed their assigned tasks and were about to withdraw from Southeast Asia, many people were still reluctant to leave, and even after many years, they still cherished this experience.

The memories of the most difficult years will always be so unforgettable.

In early May 2031, the Airborne Division was evacuated from Southeast Asia and all returned to Qiongzhou.

After returning to the base, the troops resumed training, and the personnel transferred in one after another slowly filled the gap, and the First Airborne Division finally regained its combat effectiveness.

Ye Han took the time to deal with the documents accumulated during this period and various reports from superiors, and found that there were no major actions in the world during this period, and the battle between humans and aliens was still deadlocked.

When the two sides have reached this point, most people believe that the war cannot end in a short period of time, and it is even possible that the stalemate will continue, maintaining the situation of human beings on the ground and aliens underground. Humans and aliens can reach a peace agreement to live together on Earth.

The military of various countries scoffed at this argument and vowed to be inseparable with aliens.

The people whose relatives and friends died from the plague of insects or the hands of aliens even scolded the guy who made such negative comments, and cursed the people who killed the whole family.

However, Ye Han didn't pay attention to these gossip, and quickly skipped this paragraph. Then, he saw the latest bulletin from the military.

At the beginning, he didn't pay much attention to this document, but after reading a few lines, this document immediately caught his attention.

The content of the document is very simple. To summarize, the military's experiments in Io Zero have achieved phased results. The two sides have reached an agreement on the issue of alliance, and the two sides will launch new cooperation at the military level.

There was no beginning or end in the document. Ye Han immediately searched the document pile and quickly found more than a dozen related documents. After reading it from beginning to end, Ye Han couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, secretly sighing at the military's Big money.

The documents are not coherent, and many places are still vague, but Ye Han has roughly restored what happened through a certain degree of brain supplementation.

The matter has to start when the alien fleet landed. At that time, several alien warships flew to Io, and actually got dozens of warships from Io!

This situation has aroused great attention from the military. The military believes that although the servants have occupied Iowei in name, the servants are really a typical example of masters. They have very low control over Iowei, but only A few battleships can hold down the servants all over Io Zero. The next time the aliens come over, the possibility of the servants desperately resisting is very low, and the possibility of defeating the aliens is completely impossible.

Io is close at hand, and its existence itself is a threat to the earth. If aliens reoccupy Io, the threat will be infinitely magnified. Sooner or later, human beings will be extinct in the hands of aliens.

No matter from what perspective, it is necessary for human beings to master Io Zero as soon as possible.

But how can I control Io Zero?

The simplest and most direct way is to capture by force, but capture by force is definitely not the most effective way.

The reason is very simple. The situation on Io Zero is too complicated. With the strength of human beings, there is no problem in capturing the surface. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is easy and pleasant.

But then again, is Io Zero so easy to occupy?

That place is not an ordinary planet, but a hollow starship, with holes everywhere under the surface.

The surface is not the point at all, the underground space is the essence of Io, only occupying the ground has no strategic significance, but attacking the underground... don't be kidding, okay, even if all the armies of all countries in the world are ~I can't even fill the underground void of Io!

How complicated is Io's underground space? According to Ye Han's understanding, even the native servants have not been able to fully grasp the underground space yet - servants are essentially slaves of aliens. No matter how free the slaves are, can they still master the secrets of their masters?

This is also the fundamental reason why the aliens can get dozens of warships as soon as they arrive at Io.

Even the natives like the servant army can't completely control the moon, let alone the foreign households like humans. Even if the servant army is defeated, they will fall into a protracted underground battle. , it is not surprising that a human brain becomes a dog brain.

Therefore, no matter how servile the servants are, the military has no idea of ​​replacing them. It is better to help the servants at a critical moment to achieve the purpose of indirectly controlling the guards.

This is what the military thought and did. As early as the beginning of the year, when it first took control of the three islands in the South China Sea, Beiyuezhou sent a spaceship to Io Wei to re-establish contact with the servants.

The servants participated in the Battle of Jupiter in order to obtain the servant factory, but they did not get a single hair. The most important problem of the servants is the shortage of manpower.

In response to this situation, the working group sent by Beidu promised to provide the servant army with cloning technology and equipment to help the servant army tide over the difficulties!

Speaking of technology and equipment, in fact, Beidu did not intend to give technology from the beginning, but directly to equipment, or the most advanced fully automatic equipment!

The reason is very simple, human biotechnology is too scum!

The servants learn from the aliens. Although the biotechnology they master is not as good as that of the aliens, it is much stronger than the technology of human beings. It is only because there is no concept of cloning that they have not been able to break through the bottleneck.

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