Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1200: Seize the opportunity to block

Beidu has the largest population in the world. Even if the orbital elevator does nothing and operates at full capacity 24 hours a day, it can send 10,000 people a day, and it is only sent to space, not to Beiyuezhou!

If people migrate to space at such a speed, it will not take long for Beiyuezhou and Nanyuezhou to be overcrowded, and even the most basic supplies cannot be guaranteed.

Immigrating to Mars may also be an option, but there is not even a scientific research base on Mars, so how easy is it to build a Mars city?

It is easy to send a group of people and equipment, but if there are fewer people and less equipment, there will be no results at all for a while and a half, and large-scale development is simply unrealistic. In order to fight against the bottomless pit of aliens, there is simply no extra resources to develop Mars.

Only the moon and Mars are suitable for immigration in the solar system, and other stars are not considered at all. As for immigration to the outside of the system, not to mention it, it is too unrealistic.

To put it badly, the third point of view is to put the Northern Capital and Washington on fire at all. Even if the Northern Capital and Washington are both staunch resistance factions, they will inevitably be suspected by other countries - you have occupied the moon, After sending so many people up, even if the earth is broken into a ball immediately, it is still invincible, it is simply standing and talking without back pain!

But Beidu and Washington have this qualification. No matter how jealous or resentful other countries are, there is nothing they can do.

In order to divert attention, Beidu publicly announced that the third orbital elevator will be built in the near future, and the right to use this orbital elevator will be auctioned.

Note that it is the right to use, not the ownership!

This is not an auction, it is a rental. As long as you have eyes, you can see the problem. All countries interested in competing for this orbital elevator have all exploded their nests, and there are endless protests.

Beidu has long been prepared for this. The reason why only the right to use is auctioned is because the orbital elevator runs through the sky and is directly related to the safety of the earth.

If it is a military power that gets the ownership of the elevator, it is nothing, but if it is a country that has money but no power, what should we do?

Where the orbital elevator is erected, where is the focus of aliens' attention, what if the orbital elevator is robbed by aliens?

Therefore, Beidu only auctions the right to use. If all countries do not agree, they can only limit the scope of buyers and kick out all those with insufficient strength.

When the news came out, most countries kept their mouths shut. Only those with strength and ambition continued to clamor to kick the weak chicken out. The one who cried the most was Lao Maozi.

Can the North let the rail elevator fall into Maozi's hands? Just kidding, no one can give Maozi! Not only is the North unwilling, Washington is also unwilling!

Lao Maozi has been coveting space for a day or two. If it wasn't for the joint sniping between the Northern Capital and Washington in the past few years, Lao Maozi might be able to get a piece of the pie on the moon.

Even if Lao Maozi has landed on the moon now, China and the United States can't say that I occupy this place. You are not allowed to come here. You can only use methods to undermine Maozi's intentions.

The best result is that several countries join forces to buy the right to use the rail elevator.

China and the United States have the same interests on this issue and use their resources together in a tacit understanding. Before long, several national alliances for rail elevators have quietly formed.

The strongest of these is the European Union.

The al-Qaeda group has never been monolithic, and the conflicts between Washington and other member states have never been secrets. It is just that Washington has the absolute right to speak, and those member states that are unable to set foot in space without Washington have to endure Washington's oppression.

It is rare that Beidu is anxious about people's urgency, thinking about what people think, throwing out the third rail elevator, and the opportunity to turn over is just around the corner. How can those old and powerful countries not fight together?

These countries have secretly negotiated that even if they sell their interests on the moon, and even the rights and interests on Mars and other stars, they must first take down the right to use the orbital elevator... With the right to use, is the ownership still far? The EU is not a weak chicken who can only talk shit.

It's true that Mars has not been developed yet, but there will always be a day when it will be developed. If you don't get an orbital elevator, you won't be able to get these benefits. It's not a big deal to sell it to Beibei.

These countries even established secret contacts with Bei in private, and launched a series of consultations on the ownership of the rail elevators.

That's right, it's just negotiations. Although there are many countries interested in rail elevators, none of them can compete with Europe. Regardless of economy, technology, or military, they leave other countries far behind. It can be said that they are bound to win. Early engagement is not a big deal.

To be honest, when Beidu announced the news to the public, the No. 3 orbital elevator was still on the drawings. When will it be built, it depends on the supply speed of Iowei But the European Union has a high demand for orbital elevators. After the elevator showed a strong interest, the situation was a little different. The European Union could get out of Washington's control by getting the rail elevator.

Washington should be aware of this, so the North Capital believes that the United States may prevent the EU from acquiring the orbital elevator, and may even buy the right to use the orbital elevator.

At this moment, Beidu is even looking forward to Washington's quick action. At that time, the contradiction between the EU and Washington will further expand, and a gap of contradictions will be opened within the al-Qaeda group.

However, Beidu did not expect this little trick to do anything to Washington. After all, the base group is a collection of interests. No matter how valuable the rail elevator is, it is impossible for the base group to disintegrate. , as for the final result, only God knows.

This situation is really strange. Beidu and Washington clearly have the same interests on the issue of aliens, but their small actions in private have never been stopped. As long as it does not affect the overall situation of fighting aliens, both sides are very willing to block each other.

Washington was really annoyed after receiving the news, but there was no way to take the North. After thinking about it, he simply came to the bottom of the salaries. Not only did he not prevent the EU from acquiring orbital elevators, but he pushed it harder and gave money and materials to help the EU compete. Orbital elevators even used their own influence to make some small countries give up the idea of ​​buying orbital elevators.

Bandits and robbers in ancient times all knew that big bowls of wine and big scales divide gold, but they are just to win people's hearts. What's so difficult?

The European side is naturally grateful, but this is just saying that the interests of the two sides are the same, and naturally it is impossible to collapse because of this matter.

The intrigue at the national level does not do Ye Han's business. At the beginning of June, he finally waited for the latest order from the military, and the whole division opened up and returned to the moon!

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