Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1203: There are worms and there are worms

Ye Han happily left the office and informed the whole division to gather on the playground. After a while, more than 2,000 old and young men lined up in several squares and stood neatly in front of Ye Han.

That is to say, there are few airborne people. If there is an army division with more than 10,000 people, the playground will not be able to hold it.

Ye Han stood at the front of the queue with an electric horn in his hand: "Comrades, I have understood your concerns. I have just talked to the expert group of Beiyuezhou, and the expert group replied that the technology of cell fusion is not It affects the succession of the lineage, you don't have to worry about this issue at all, if you want to directly pass on the fusion physique to your children, come back and report to me alone, do you understand?"

There was silence in the queue, and all the battalion-level officers were dumbfounded.

This is so special, the change has come too fast, right? The relationship is all over, you tell me this? How about communicating with your superiors?

After hearing these words, those soldiers who were upset were relieved and a little embarrassed at the same time.

Many new warriors who didn't know Ye Han heard it and admired it. They said that the teacher is the teacher, and the way is the wild. Even the expert group in Beiyuezhou can be contacted...

The veterans who knew it laughed but didn't say a word, just guess what you want, I won't tell you!

Ye Han put down the electric horn, let out a long breath and said, "Okay, take it all back!"

Officers on duty from various units came out one after another, and the troops were brought back with loud slogans.

Ye Han let out a sigh of relief, thinking that this should be resolved now... It was too early for him to be relieved. His words really dispelled the concerns of most people, but some people still couldn't let it go, and some thought Ye Han was exaggerating. , and some think that the expert group is nonsense, and some simply don't want to change their DNA.

Just like what Ye Han said, there are always a few people who are sceptical and no one will believe it. These people have applied for leaving the team one after another, and a total of more than a dozen applications have been handed in before and after.

Ye Han approved their application without even thinking.

It's all said and done, and there are so many thoughts. This kind of person has already left the Airborne Division. It is better to leave if he stays, so as not to become the black sheep of the whole division in the future.

However, Ye Han still fulfilled his previous promise and erased the stains left by the transfer as much as possible.

Many people don't understand Ye Han's approach, but Ye Han has his own logic.

Stay on the line as a person, and see each other in the future. Since we can't be together, let's get together and leave.

Two days later, the entire Airborne Division set off for Kalidan on a passenger ship provided by the Navy.

The departure this time was a bit different from the past. Every time they performed a mission in the past, the airborne division had to bring a full set of equipment, at least a power armor.

But this time, everyone went into battle lightly, without any burden other than a military uniform, so they boarded the ship empty-handed.

Those who know it know that this is the start of the airborne division, but if they don't know it, it should be an appointment for the whole division to travel together!

Ye Han was also very helpless about this result. He was very used to his suit of armor, but he really couldn't bring it this time.

Power armor is indeed the standard equipment of airborne divisions, but the problem with armor is that its dead weight is too high. Even if the transportation cost of orbital elevators is far lower than that of traditional aerospace means, more than 2,000 sets of power armor are not a small burden. Without armor, at least It can save more than 4,000 tons of load.

That's 4,000 tons of load, what's not better than transporting a pile of iron mounds?

As for the equipment of the airborne division, it is simple. After arriving at Beiyuezhou, you can just replace it with a new set. The cost of building a set there is much lower than shipping a set from the ground.

Moreover, the first division often performs missions in outer space, and the requirements for armor are very high. After the old armor is used for a period of time, the airtight layer will somewhat deteriorate. A new armor is also a safety guarantee for the soldiers.

The old armor is not wasted and can be handed over to ground troops for continued use, and ground missions do not require such strict air tightness.

More than 2,000 sets of second-hand power armor are also a considerable amount of resources.

After the ship left the port, it went all the way south. The weather along the way was not bad. The soldiers were very relaxed, and even had the illusion of swimming in the mountains and water.

Later the next day, when the passenger ship arrived in the southwest of the South China Sea, it encountered a naval fleet. The warship escorting the passenger ship joined the formation, and the passenger ship also turned westward with the formation.

Everyone is not curious, isn't it a direct flight to Kalidan? Why did it change again?

To be cautious, Ye Han contacted Qiongzhou. Huo Qiang said that this was a temporary mission from Beidu. There was nothing to do with the Airborne Division. Ye Han just took the soldiers to watch the fun.

Ye Han was at a loss, it was so fresh, and there was still excitement to watch?

The formation went all night, and when he woke up the next morning, Ye Han realized that the formation had anchored and stopped sailing, and a large island could vaguely be seen on the sea covered in morning fog.

Ye Han was not the first to arrive on the deck. Many soldiers gathered on the deck and pointed at the battleship ahead.

He was about to find someone to ask about the situation, and all the battleships turned their turrets The high gun barrels pointed diagonally to the sky.

After a short pause, all the battleships fired at the same time, and the gunfire sounded and the smoke filled the sky in an instant, and the thunderous muffled sound spread like rolling thunder.

A seaman happened to pass by and was directly caught by Ye Han, asking what happened.

The seaman is not on active duty, but the ship is requisitioned by the military, so he knows a little bit about it.

The seaman told Ye Han that this is near Jinzhou Island, and Jinzhou is not far to the west. A troop of the South Army Corps is fighting with the insect people on the island. At this moment, the fleet is shelling the insect swarm on the island.

Ye Han heard the fog in the clouds, is it a worm or a swarm?

The seamen didn't know what the shelling was, but they said that there were bugs and swarms on the island. The original destination of the fleet was not here. It was only when they suddenly received news from the troops stationed on the island that they rushed over to give a wave of fire support.

This kind of battle does not only happen here. In the recent period, alien forces have frequently appeared on Jinzhou Island. In order to prevent the alien forces from going north, and also to gain control of Jinzhou Island, the army from the south was sent to Jinzhou Island. A large number of troops, the two sides launched a desperate fight on an island of more than 400,000 square kilometers. Every day, a large number of insects and giant insects are killed by the south army. At the same time, there are also many soldiers who died tragically at the hands of insects and giant insects. .

Ye Han didn't understand very much. He clearly had absolute air superiority, so how could there be so many casualties?

The sailors are not very clear about the situation in this regard, only that the insect swarm rarely confronts the southward army head-on, and they always attack quietly.

After saying this, Ye Han understood, and when he asked about other things, he could only reluctantly let the seaman leave.

Replying to the book friend tsayun1's question, the repeated chapters are anti-theft, this question has been said many times, I also try to change it faster, that's all.

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