Armor Frenzy

: I am a writer

There were a lot of things I wanted to say, but when I really typed this line of words, I didn't know where to start.

It is the early morning of the year and month number: Minutes, yesterday... No, the morning before yesterday, my father had a cerebral thrombosis in first aid. Fortunately, he was rescued in time. He was transferred to the First Hospital of Jilin University on the same day. Thank God.

No. No abnormality all day long, until dinner, the situation suddenly took a turn for the worse. The examination result was that the carotid arteries were blocked on both sides. One side was tightly blocked, and the other side was also blocked. But it was firmly stuck there, it was so stubborn, so dazzling, it seemed to be stuck in my heart.

I didn't know it at the beginning. It wasn't until 9 o'clock in the evening that I received the news while I was typing. The family gathered to discuss the condition. There is great hope for the operation, but the risk is that I may not be able to get off the operating table. , most likely vegetative.

His father was born in the army, and he has the kind of tough temper that eight cows can't pull back. With his personality, he would rather not be able to get out of the operating room than lie in bed motionless in the next life.

But as a son, this determination is really difficult. Even if conservative treatment can guarantee his life, we are willing to take care of him all the time, but if we really do that, we don't know if there is a chance for rescue next time.

I was planning to go to nursing for two days tomorrow, but I didn't expect it to happen, and it became like this.

When I received the news, I was in the two chapters of the code number, and before the first chapter was over, I received a call.

In fact, at that time, I no longer had any thought of coding, but I was a writer, and updating is the most basic professional ethics, so I barely coded these two chapters, and sent them out before midnight.

If all goes well, I can get my father back from the **** of death, and the account number should be updated normally. I must be in the mood to code. If there is no news, I must be here and say sorry to my brothers in advance.

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