Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1207: aliens in action

Ye Han suddenly had an idea: "Isn't it right? Ganymede is so badly destroyed, is it necessary to rebuild it? Why don't they just withdraw to Europa or Callisto?"

"You really asked for an idea, but do you think I can know about this? The intelligence side thinks that there should be something very important at Ganymede that cannot be transferred, or it can't be transferred at all, now Ganymede is still the nest of aliens, I want to see, we have to go there again sooner or later.

"I agree with it, but forget about landing. I don't have so many people throwing it in. If I don't knock it down, I will beat it to death and smash him."

Gao Kai chuckled: "The two of us want to go together again. Otherwise, we will be outside, and the king's life will be affected. It is to guard against blind commanding."

If outsiders hear these words, there is no guarantee that there will be a disturbance, but neither of them thinks it is too much.

"You can't fall into the same pit twice, and you have learned a lesson once, can you still remember?" So many soldiers have been thrown into the trap, no matter where they go, Ye Han can reason.

"Hopefully." Gao Kai didn't have the slightest bit of confidence, a look of resignation.

Ye Hanguai: "Are you too pessimistic?"

"It's not that I'm pessimistic, it's that I'm afraid of playing the piano. If it weren't for the chaos, could you throw so many people underground?"

Ye Han was silent for a moment: "It's all life."

Regardless of fatalism or other theories, he does not believe in all of them, but the fate of this thing is elusive but real, and no one can deny it.

Sighing to drive the negative emotions out of his mind, Ye Han forced a smile: "Let's talk about you guys, what have you been doing in the past six months? God babbling!"

"Which eye did you see me babbling?" Gao Kai stared.

"Okay, it's mysterious, it's finally done, right?" Ye Hanma backed down, "I didn't say it was neurotic and it gave you face.

Gao Kai didn't have the heart to joke, and said sternly: "We have traveled to the asteroid belt during this time!"

Ye Han's pupils shrank suddenly: "Asteroid belt? Aliens start first?"

Gao Kai nodded: "It's a matter of the past few months."

"How many months?"

"For more than four months, the space telescope has been focusing on monitoring Jupiter. As soon as it is discovered, it will be notified... It's our departure time."

"how is the situation?"

Gao Kai smiled heartlessly: "Are you asking about the aliens or the fleet?"

"Of course it's aliens. You're all back. What am I asking?"

"Aliens are okay. They will start by picking asteroids that are close to Jupiter, and they will pick the ones with larger size. So far, they have probably accounted for dozens of them."

"That's quite a lot." Ye Han frowned into a Sichuan character.

It has only been half a year, and the aliens have not only initially recovered their strength, but also have the ability to develop outward and begin to gradually devour asteroids near Jupiter.

Presumably Jupiter's satellites have been almost occupied by aliens. This is to build a solid fortress layer around Jupiter to prevent humans from attacking Jupiter again. In the future, the fleet will attack Jupiter, I am afraid it will not be as easy as before.

However, the satellites of Jupiter are very far apart, and it takes two full days for the most advanced warships to fly from Callisto to Ganymede. From this point of view, no matter how many satellites are occupied by aliens, it will take two days for the most advanced warships to fly from Callisto to Ganymede. The action didn't have much impact, and it could even be said to have no impact at all, unless the battle situation was stalemate, giving the aliens enough time to deploy troops.

But this is absolutely impossible, because space is unobstructed, as long as you are diligent and observe more, the whereabouts of the alien fleet will definitely not escape the eyes of human beings. If the distance and speed of the alien fleet are calculated, the human fleet can completely leave the battlefield ahead of schedule. .

Looking at it this way, the aliens occupying all the satellites are not thankful at all, and it is better to build a powerful fleet with all their strength.

Hmm... I can't say the same, if aliens stationed large fleets on various satellites, chased and intercepted from all directions, and the human fleet that penetrated into Jupiter might not be able to escape the siege.

If the asteroid belt is also mastered by aliens... The asteroid belt is actually much more empty, and the density of asteroids is much lower than that of Jupiter's satellites. This sieve-like sparse line of defense cannot block the human fleet at all. The only possibility It is to treat the asteroid as a fleet station and turn the asteroid belt into an invisible encirclement.

In this way, even if the human fleet knows that the distance between the asteroids is very far, they should also be concerned about the echoes between the asteroids. No matter what kind of military operations, they must first consider whether the retreat will be blocked by the alien fleet.

If aliens control the entire asteroid belt, aliens can create an invisible isolation belt between Mars and Jupiter, which will become an obstacle to human beings from entering the solar system.

Of course, with the current strength of aliens, it is not so easy to completely control the asteroid belt.

Restricting humans to the asteroid belt can not only limit the scope of activities of the human fleet, but also prevent humans from going to the outside world and occupying the solar system and the outer solar system. At that time, the aliens can fully utilize the huge resources of the solar system and the outer solar system. Build a staggering alien fleet.

There are only four satellites in the orbit of Mars. Humans have limited speed in building ships and limited resources that can be developed and utilized. Sooner or later, the aliens will be killed by violent soldiers.

The speed of human violent soldiers is really unable to match the aliens.

The head supports the resistance organization, or maybe he wants to support the resistance organization, fight the aliens together, and share some of the pressure for mankind.

Maybe one day in the future, human beings can also have a huge army of servants who are not afraid of life and death!

If I can command an army of servants to swept the aliens in the future... special, just thinking about it makes me feel!

" What are you thinking?" Gao Kai pushed Ye Han.

"I didn't think of anything." Ye Han immediately shook his head.

The idea of ​​bringing a group of servants, let's not make jokes, okay?

"Then why are you in a daze?" Gao Kai didn't believe it at all.

"I don't think my wife can't do it?" Ye Han raised the banner again.

"It's no wonder I believe you!" Gao Kai didn't believe it at all.

"Believe it or not." Ye Han insisted, "Don't say it's useless, what are you doing there?"

"Send a batch of personnel and supplies, and prepare to take the lead. First find an asteroid to test the water. If the cost can be afforded, increase investment and compete with aliens for control of the asteroid belt."

"Is your brain flooded? It's better to send the fleet directly, where the aliens will blow up!" Ye Han's whole body is bad, "How much resources will be wasted if you hollow out an asteroid? "

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