Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1215: 1 point scum will do

A string suddenly broke in Ye Han's mind, and he finally realized what the aliens were doing.

That spaceship is indeed used to attack the fortress, but instead of punching a hole and sending alien bugs or anyone in, it allows a dwarf alien plant to take root on an asteroid!

This plant is the killer of aliens. The abnormal noise the soldiers heard was actually the sound of the roots breaking rocks!

It can chisel hard olivine, how strong is this root? Plants on Earth are definitely not so powerful, but what about plants that have been transformed by aliens?

Ye Han suddenly felt that the future was bleak. In the past, he only needed to deal with aliens, servants and giant insects. What about in the future? We also need to bring alien plants. Is it possible that every time we go to war, we have to burn all the plants on the battlefield? Isn't this bullshit? Dropping a nuke directly is about as good.

However, plants have great limitations. If there is no spaceship outside the asteroid, this thing will definitely not be able to take root... Then there must be water in the spaceship and other things necessary for plants to grow, otherwise it is unnecessary. It's been stuck there!

Thinking of this, Ye Han shouted sharply: "Inform Base No. 1, there is an alien spaceship parked outside the asteroid, no matter what gets into the asteroid, it must have something to do with that spaceship!"

If you want to solve the aliens, you must blow up the spaceship!

Ye Han wanted to say that, but he couldn't.

As long as the soldiers in the base are not idiots, they can figure out the joints in them, and they will naturally rush out if they are determined to solve the crisis. If no one wants to, Ye Han will be ignored even if his throat is broken, not only will he not be grateful, Instead, it will fall to complain.

The human heart is such a nonsense sometimes.

The news was sent, and the next thing was to wait anxiously, but Ye Han couldn't wait for the response from Base No. 1. Eight minutes later, the asteroid suddenly exploded in the rear, and the explosion was not over yet. Two dozen people wearing power armor The fighters flew frantically out of the blast hole.

They stopped briefly above the blast hole, found no enemy spacecraft, and flew to the other side of the asteroid.

The alien warships hovering nearby, like sharks that had seen blood, swooped on them viciously, and the fine light fell like rain, severing the flying warriors one by one.

Ye Han's heart was throbbing, but the two places were separated by tens of millions of kilometers, and he couldn't come up with the slightest way except to watch.

Luo Qi gritted his teeth in a hurry: "Why don't you explode No. 6 and No. 7, why don't you explode No. 6 and No. 7!"

The two hiding holes were the first to hear abnormal noises, and immediately after they burst open, you could see the enemy's spaceship.

Even if there is a problem with No. 6 and No. 7 and cannot be blasted, the nearby No. 5 and No. 8, even No. 4 and No. 9, are more suitable than blasting the hiding hole on the other side of the asteroid, right?

At this time, another hiding hole exploded, and more than a dozen people rushed out under the cover of gunpowder smoke and rushed to the alien spaceship without risking their lives.

They were also blocked by alien warships, and the charging warriors were shredded by the fine light one by one.

Ye Han's teeth were almost crushed, and blue veins burst out on his clenched fist.

At a critical moment, the bottom of the spacecraft suddenly exploded, and the alien spacecraft was opened by the explosion, rolling and drifting away from the asteroid.

Under the spaceship, there was a short, stubby, strange-looking thing. No one could relate it to a plant unless Ye Han said it beforehand.

This thing was covered with a lot of liquid. After the spaceship was overturned, the liquid that wrapped the plant immediately boiled. After a while, the remaining liquid of the plant was frozen.

However, the soldiers did not withdraw, but continued to charge forward, detonating explosives at the cost of annihilating the entire army, completely destroying the plant.

The bridge was deadly silent, Luo Qi was stunned for a while, only to realize that he had received a lot of news, and immediately after the drip opened, he heard an urgent voice: "No. ?

"I'm number seven, and we're broken here too!"

"Blast it right away, rush out and blow up Dog. Sun's spaceship... Blast it!"

"It's been blasted!"

"What? Try again!"

"Nth time!"

"There must be something wrong, change to No. 8..."

"Change, No. 8, report the situation?"

"No movement!"

"Change number five!"


"I'm No. 5, I didn't explode!"

"Try one by one, hurry up... Which one explodes and which one rushes up!"

"Which one exploded?"

"No Nine!"

"No Four!"

"No. 3 didn't..."

"I'm number eleven, brothers, look at us!"

"You exploded?"

"No, I dug out the wires and wiring!"

"What do you want to do?"

"Don't do anything, I'll connect the remote control directly if it doesn't explode... Give me the battery!"


"Successful, brothers, rush up—"

"Let's come too, hurry up and dig!"

"Where is the detonating wire buried?"

"That kid Feng Yu buried it!"

"Where is Feng Yu?"

"The eleventh hole, he was the one who spoke just now!"

"Fuck, Feng Yu, tell me where the wires are!"

"Feng Yu sacrificed... Brothers, we can't rush up, it's up to you..."

"I found I found it, give me the battery!"

"Here, I found it too, give me the battery..." A strong pop suddenly came from the communication.

"Stop, that's a communication line!"


"Boom..." This was the second explosion.

"I'm No. 7, we found it too, waiting for our news... Boom-"

"There, it's there, rush!"

"Cover me, cover..."

"Look at my..."


In the end, a bang ended it all.

The reverberation of the explosion still reverberated in the bridge, but the expressions on everyone's faces became uglier than the last.

After a while, a voice appeared: "Leishan Leishan, I am the No. 1 base, the crisis has been resolved, we have lost holes No. 11, No. 2 and No. 7, so many brothers have died, we have no face to run for our lives, if the enemy comes again, we will I've worked hard... Please tell me that the aliens are still out there."

Ye Han personally cut into the communication and spit out a word: "Yes!"

He wanted to say something more, but when the words came to his mouth, he couldn't spit out another word.

For a group of warriors who are determined to fight their enemies, any language is so pale, whether sympathy and encouragement or something else.

A few minutes later, the voice reappeared: "Understood, Thunder Mountain, I want to ask you a favor, in addition to the forty-seven brothers who died, there are one hundred and twenty-four men left in Base No. 1, Give us a few minutes, and we'll pass on the suicide note later..."

The voice was interrupted, and reappeared a few seconds later: "If, if you can find our parts or something when you come, ask brothers to help you collect them, and return to our family with the suicide note... Ye Luo returns to the roots, even if A little bit of scum will do."

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