Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1218: wait 1 more

Lord Snow Eagle

, Legend of the Dragon King

, super soldier

, Cultivation: Overturning the Rain and Turning the Clouds

, Martial Arts Supreme

, Eternal Night King

, my neighbor is a banshee

, fairy wood legend

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There was an embarrassing silence in the communication, except for a low rustling sound, no sound could be heard, and the Thunder Mountain was also silent.

Life-sustaining equipment does not refer to a specific kind of equipment, but a general term for a whole set of equipment, including air circulation, temperature control, pressure sensing, gas sensing and various other sensors.

The optimal combination of all equipment is the life-sustaining equipment of the military equipment troops. Its main function is to maintain the living environment required by human beings under closed conditions. For the current aerospace field, the role of life-sustaining equipment is irreplaceable.

But no matter what equipment, it has to run on electricity, and no electricity is the ears of the deaf - decoration!

Power for Base One comes from a reactor, which was the first to be erected on the base and the first to be put into use.

At present, the power supply to all the hiding holes has been cut off, and the possibility of a problem with one of the unified lines is very small.

The awkward silence lasted for a while before a low voice asked, "Who is going?"

No one answered, and the communication was still dead silent.

Everyone understands that this sentence is not about who will repair the reactor, but who will take the initiative to open the hiding hole, fight with the aliens, and fight for a chance for others.

Sacrificing a hole to save most of the people is a simple math problem. No matter how you look at it, it is the most beneficial choice for the collective.

The situation is like this, but the fate of people is not calculated in this way. For an individual like a person, everyone's life is the whole of life, and there is only one life.

Moreover, there are at least seven or eight people in each hiding hole, and as many as ten people. Even if one person is selfless and willing to sacrifice himself, the other people in the hole are willing to die together.

That is absolutely impossible.

Heroes are heroes because they have done things that most people cannot. Even in this special group of the army, heroes are only a very small number.

When a crisis comes, people tend to act according to their instincts. The soldiers have received strict military training. In a critical moment, desperately is also one of the instincts of the soldiers.

In fact, many situations do not require the soldiers to fight hard. If there is enough time to calm down and consider carefully, most people will not choose to fight to the death.

Or do you say that the times make heroes?

The current situation of Base No. 1 is like this. Before, the situation was critical, and everyone exploded the hiding hole without thinking. However, the situation is not so dangerous now, and no one took the initiative to stand up.

Anyway, there are so many people in a cave and no one else makes a sound. I don’t make a sound, but I follow the crowd.

"Draw lots," said a voice.

"Then catch it, let it be fate, don't blame anyone."

"How to catch"

There was silence again in the communication, everyone was scattered in different holes, and it was impossible to convince people if they didn't catch it with their own hands.

"Let's do it, let the Thor catch it. If you agree, you will squeak. The ugly words are ahead. If you agree, whoever will be caught will be whoever will be caught.




"Thor, you all heard what we said just now, please help draw a lot, whichever hole is caught."

The ball was kicked at Ye Han's feet, and Ye Han was immediately under great pressure.

Casting a lot is very simple, but the result will determine the fate of a whole hiding hole, and there are more than one person in the hole, so it is a bit hesitant.

But if you don't catch it, everyone will end up together!

Ye Han gritted his teeth: "Luo Qi, prepare a note for me!"


"Wait, you arrange for someone to go, and you stay to send a message to Base No. 1."


Luo Qi was ready immediately.

Ye Han said: "You tell them, I respect their decision, but I suggest that they wait and see what the aliens do. If the power outage is a coincidence, if the aliens continue to dig, let's talk about whether they will rush out. It's not too late."

"Also, if you just look at the situation, you don't need to open a hiding hole. They still have sealing materials in their hands. They can dig it up and seal it up, and let someone go out and then seal the exit."

Luo Qi transferred Ye Han's meaning to Base No. 1 verbatim, and looked at Ye Han after he finished speaking.

Ye Han turned his eyes to the screen and sighed faintly.

Kindness is not in charge of soldiers, righteousness is not in business, and sometimes, no matter the commander or the ordinary soldier, there is no chance to choose.

The soldiers sent by Luo Qi finally came back with a note, and with a flick of his hand, a few small **** of paper stuck in his palm.

Since the fleet has already achieved paperless office, it is difficult to find a piece of paper on the Thunder Mountain. The soldier spent a lot of effort to find a wrapping paper and barely completed the task.

Ye Han took the paper ball: "It's all written"

"It's written." The soldier nodded.

Ye Han's palm shook, and several paper **** floated away from his palm. He grabbed one of them, opened it and sighed: "Number two."

Luo Qi turned on the communication device and said in a low voice, "The Thunder Mountain called the No. 1 base, and the result came out, it was No. 2."

A few minutes later, Leishan received a new communication again: "The result is out... No. 2"

After a moment of silence, a dry voice appeared: "Let's discuss it."

"It's been discussed just now, and you both agreed. It's already been decided, so there's no need to discuss it again."

"Didn't you hear Thunder Mountain's advice?"

"Okay, okay, hurry up if you want to discuss it, don't babble like a woman!"

"You are a man, why don't you go out"

"Pick me, I'll definitely get out!"

"Okay, what's the Whoever talks nonsense will go with you, stand and talk without back pain, right?"

Everyone was quiet now, and after a while, a voice said: "I'm the second hole, I'll make a statement first, since we've drawn a few of our heads, then the few of us have nothing to say, we plan to draw again, Pick someone out and see what's going on, that's all."

No one spoke in the communication, and after a while, the voice of the second hole reappeared: "The candidate has been selected, but there are a few words ahead."

"you say!"

"What the **** are we doing out there?"

"Do you even need to ask? Look at the reactor!"

"Then there is a problem. The aliens are still outside. They haven't discovered that we are hiding here. If we go out now, won't we expose the hiding hole?"

"Also, if the aliens find and destroy the reactor, it will be too late to go out now. Conversely, if they only destroy the wiring, there is no difference between going out now and going out later. You said, is our analysis correct? right"

"Makes sense," said a voice. "Then what are you going to do?"

"Our idea is to wait, we still have oxygen pills, it's not a problem to persist for three or five days, and it's not too late to go out after the aliens have left."

"What if the aliens don't leave by then?"

"Then do we have a choice?"

"Okay, then wait." Tip: You can search for "Zero Point Academy 00sy" or "00sy" in Baidu to visit this site. The address of this site is: . For the convenience of reading this book next time, you can click "Add Bookmark" below to record this reading record, and you can directly read this chapter when you open the bookshelf next time!

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