Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1233: another possibility

Fifty minutes later, Leishan arrived at Base No. 1.

A landing craft immediately took off from Base One and returned to Thunder Mountain.

A few minutes later, Luo Qi rushed to the bridge: "Master, I'm back!"

"Sit down." Tangled and serious entangled in Ye Han's face, "How's the situation?"

Luo Qi sat in the chair and buckled his seat belt while replying: "The tentacles are almost cleaned up, seven hiding holes have been dug, and there are still two left."

"Where are the people? How many did you get back?"

"Ninety-two, all on the landing craft." Luo Qi looked at Ye Han and cast a questioning look.

Ye Han raised his eyes: "Tell me, what's the situation with everyone?"

Luo Qi pursed his lips: "It's not good, most people have no vital signs, only less than one-fifth are normal."

Ye Han rubbed the corners of his eyes: "He Lu, you can arrange it and send the normal ones to release from hibernation first."

"Yes!" He Lu agreed, and immediately conveyed Ye Han's order, emphasizing the problem of physical signs, and asked the medical team not to make mistakes.

People have already been sacrificed, and if the medical team tossed the body of the martyr again, it would be impossible to say.

Ye Han said bitterly: "What's the situation in the hiding hole?"

Luo Qi said: "Some have air, some have no air, and others are basically the same."

Ye Han's mind flashed: "Is it normal to have no air?"

Air, it must be air!

This makes sense.

Although I haven't seen the remains of the soldiers, the soldiers hiding in the hiding holes have made adequate preparations. No matter how they look, they should not sacrifice. The only possibility is hypothermia, but this problem has been solved by plutonium 238. .

However, the heat released by plutonium 238 is limited, and it is impossible to heat the entire hiding hole, so the soldiers hugged together and transferred the heat released by plutonium 238 to the armor through the contact between the armors.

In hiding holes with air, the heat is then transferred through the air to the asteroid, where it is eventually absorbed by the asteroid itself. In a hiding hole without air, heat can only be slowly dissipated by infrared radiation!

So, the culprit that killed the soldiers was the air!

Luo Qi immediately realized what Ye Han was thinking, so he shook his head and said, "No, survivors were also found in the air hole, and there were more survivors than in the airless hole."

Ye Han was stunned: "No?"

Luo Qi nodded lightly: "And they have been using isotope batteries to power the armor, and the armor's life-support system has been working normally. Even if there is no plutonium heating, the body temperature can't be too low."

"It's not the body temperature?" Ye Han couldn't think of the reason at all, so he could only put the question aside for now, "Forget it, let's check it up... Have you found out the identity of the martyr?"

"Check it out." Luo Qi nodded.

Seeing the hesitant look on Luo Qi's face, Ye Han couldn't help frowning: "What's the matter? Just say something."

"Yes... that's it." Luo Qi lowered his voice subconsciously, "Master, I have an unusual discovery."


Luo Qi leaned in front of Ye Han: "Master, I found that all those who have no vital signs have undergone cell fusion..."

"What?" Ye Han's eyes almost fell out of shock, "Are you serious?"

Luo Qi nodded seriously: "How dare I say this nonsense? Some of them were transferred from our first division."

Ye Han's whole person is not well, if it's like what Luo Qi said, things will be big.

What is hibernin? Hibernin is an important support for humanity's journey to the universe; what about cell fusion? It is also of great significance to human aerospace engineering.

If it is said that the injection of dopamine after receiving cell fusion will lead to death, it will be a great blow to the human spaceflight industry!

Thinking about it carefully, Ye Han couldn't help but be afraid for a while.

When he came, Ye Han never ordered hibernation due to various reasons. If it weren't for the accident, as long as he said a word at that time, hundreds of people in the whole ship would have to finish the game.

He didn't die on the battlefield against aliens, but he died unjustly because of the injection of hibernin, how can he justify it?

He couldn't help rubbing his neck, feeling as though he had just walked on the edge of the blade.

Luo Qi said again: "Master, look at this..."

Ye Han waved his hand: "Who else knows about this?"

"Come with me to check the status of martyrs, two."

"I'm going to issue a seal order immediately, no one is allowed to speak out about this situation without my permission!"

"It has already been explained." Luo Qi said.

Ye Han nodded slightly, took out a gas mask-like thing and buckled it on his face.

Luo Qi's heart froze, and he hurried away from Ye Han.

This thing that looks like a mask is actually a set of confidential communication equipment. After wearing it, it can ensure that not a word of what the user says will be transmitted.

Ye Han, who had put on his mask, started the device. After everything was ready, he set the communication authority to the highest level: "Beiyuezhou, I'm Ye Han, captain of the Leishan..."

He explained the cause and effect and listened to it again to make sure there was no omission before sending this sentence back to Beiyuezhou.

Next, it depends on how Beiyuezhou handles it, whether to stop cell fusion or stop hibernin... No, he remembered that when he was in Nanyuezhou, Professor Qin once said that after accepting cell fusion, people can get The ability to hibernate autonomously, could it be said that this state of having no signs at all is related to autonomous hibernation?

That's not right. In order to improve the physique of the soldiers, Ye Han would rather command the Leishan than send the fleet out. The few people who were finally snatched up had also accepted cell fusion.

Base No. 1 is so important, it is impossible to send soldiers who have not been fused here... But not necessarily, the construction of Base No. 1 is not to fight with aliens. what about?

It is also possible that the mission is urgent, and some of the people sent to the No. 1 base have not completed the fusion, which leads to two different situations: those with signs and those without signs... It doesn't seem right, autonomous hibernation is not cryonics, and the most signs are It's similar to injecting hibernin, how can there be no signs at all?

Thinking of this, he immediately added another message, hoping that Beiyuezhou would check in this direction.

After taking off the mask, Ye Han called Luo Qi: "There are still two holes, you immediately go back to the No. 1 base for on-site command, bring people back as soon as possible, and you don't need to worry about the rest."

"Yes, I'll go right away!" Luo Qi agreed, unbuckling his seat belt and floating away from the bridge.

After Luo Qi left, Ye Han said again: "He Lu, send a message to the medical team..."

He suddenly stopped talking halfway through, and He Lu asked suspiciously, "Captain, what message do you want to send to the medical team?"

Ye Han suddenly shook his head, unfastened his seat belt and said, "No need, I'll take a trip myself...He Lu, the bridge is handed over to you."

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