Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1241: why not chase

The shrapnel rain is not over yet, and the second round of lasers has already entered the aircraft group. Two different methods have taken turns to fight the alien aircraft group.

The alien aircraft group has not yet crossed the halfway, and the fighters have already lost more than half. When a large group of anti-aircraft missiles flew to the place, the alien aircraft group was half-killed by the Leishan, and the remaining fighters were less than one-third of the total.

The alien aircraft group was still so urinal, and the heavily damaged aircraft group showed no sign of retreating at all.

The anti-aircraft missiles became the last straw that overwhelmed the aircraft group. They drove the alien fighters flying around, killing all the alien fighters in one go.

After the swarm was destroyed, there were still a lot of missiles that did not catch the target, and flew around like flies for a while. Some took the wreckage of the alien fighter as a target, and some did not find the target when the time limit was reached. The self-destruction device was activated and exploded directly. into a light group.

It sounds troublesome, but in fact everything happened in a very short period of time. The two alien warships have just circled from the back of the asteroid, and there are not many aircraft groups left.

The alien resolutely confessed, and the fighter plane, which had no speed in the first place, turned around and ran away.

They didn't worry about Leishan chasing after him, because Leishan's speed was too fast, and when Leishan had slowed down, the alien warship would have run far away.

Ye Han wanted to kill the two enemy ships in his heart, but the reality was in front of him. Once the Leishan slowed down, no one could catch up. He could only give up the tempting idea of ​​destroying the enemy ships and continue chasing the alien spaceship in front.

After the short exchange of fire, Ye Han couldn't calm down, he hesitated for a moment and said, "He Lu, do you think this is an accident, or did the aliens deliberately lead us here?"

If it hadn't killed one enemy ship ahead of time, Thunder Mountain would have to face the siege of three enemy ships.

Leishan is very sure to deal with one enemy ship, and it has to fight against two enemy ships. If it is against three enemy ships, Leishan will not sink or suffer heavy losses.

He Lu was stunned: "No way? We weren't chasing this way..."

"Do you think they saw us chasing after them and came up with such a way?"

"I think it is, unless there are alien ambushes in all directions... This is not Jupiter. It is impossible to run into aliens wherever you go, right?"

"There is a certain reason." Ye Han commented, "But thinking about it now, the fat ship flew back to the No. 4 asteroid a while ago, which itself is not in line with common sense. Maybe it will be a pit from the beginning of the siege of No. 1 base. "

He Lu was very surprised: "Captain, are you too sensitive?"

"I'd rather be sensitive than take everyone on an adventure." Ye Han said, "Even if it's not a hole dug by aliens, the direction of escape of these alien spaceships is also planned. I think they are in these few places. The battleships on the line are indispensable, if you continue to chase, 80% will have to encounter an ambush."

"Then let's withdraw?" He Lu suggested cautiously.

"No!" Ye Han refused, "Keep chasing, even if you can't catch up with the target, you have to see what kind of plane the aliens are doing."

"Understood." He Lu nodded, and immediately arranged a few people to focus on the asteroids along the way.

"Also!" Ye Han said again, "Organize the situation we encountered and report it to Beiyuezhou. It is recommended that Beiyuezhou focus on the No. 4 airspace... and the surrounding area of ​​the No. 4 airspace."


He Lu executed the order meticulously, and resolved all the matters that Ye Han had explained in a short while.

The following pursuit is a long and arduous process, and everyone is ready to fight a protracted war.

A few hours later, Leishan received a reply from Beiyuezhou. According to the observation of the space telescope, a total of 11 enemy ships were found in the No. 4 area. It is estimated that the total number of warships of aliens in this area is no less than 20. The Thunder Mountain was asked to be more vigilant and not to underestimate the enemy, so as not to fall into the trap of aliens.

The words in the order are very peaceful, and no guidance is given. This is the rhythm of completely handing over the decision to Ye Han.

A star map was sent along with the message, and the location of all enemy ships was marked on the map.

Ye Han opened the star map and took a look, okay, there are four ships behind Leishan alone, one in front and two in front.

All the enemy ships moved in the direction of the Thunder Mountain, and a huge encirclement was faintly formed.

Ye Han couldn't help laughing: "This is so special, treat us as prey."

He Luxin said that you can still laugh at this time, how big is this heart?

Of course Ye Han can laugh, but it's just an encirclement that has not yet formed. Compared to the time when he landed on Io Zero, he almost let the aliens make dumplings.

Luo Qi couldn't help but ask: "Master, are we still chasing?"

"Chase, why don't you chase?" Ye Han chuckled, "If they want to swallow us, they're still missing a pair of good teeth!"

"Can it be done?" Luo Qi was a little nervous.

"Put your heart in your belly." Ye Han said, "The nearest one is hundreds of kilometers away from It's fine if we don't know. Now that we know, do you still want to surround us? Just dream. ... what way!"


"Accelerate, avoid any dangerous places in advance, don't hide too far, just don't give the enemy a chance."

He Lu pointed to the screen: "What about this?"

"Let's leave it alone, don't care if you can't catch up. In short, you can't let the dog sit idle."

After arranging the tasks for the next stage, Ye Han continued to look at the star map.

This thing not only marked the situation of Airspace No. 4, but also marked the situation in other directions on the map.

Ye Han found that the alien infested star field has been marked to No. 6. Except for the No. 4 airspace, there are only a few enemy ships in other places.

But Beiyuezhou believes that everything is just an appearance. There must be not so few fleets sent by aliens into the asteroid belt, and they must have hidden all the warships.

For example, only one fat ship was found in the No. 4 star field, but after the Leishan came over, more than a dozen alien warships appeared immediately, and it was unknown how many enemy ships were hidden in the dark.

It is conservatively estimated that the total number of warships arranged by the aliens in this area should be no less than one hundred.

This is already a very large number. If these warships are organized to attack the earth, humans may not be able to stop them.

In addition, the star fields have a common feature, that is, there must be an asteroid with a volume that exceeds the line, or even more than one.

The next step for Beiyuezhou is to focus on monitoring asteroids whose volumes cross the line.

The distribution of star fields is also very interesting. They are all concentrated in the same direction of the asteroid belt, or the same arc surface, and this arc surface just coincides with Jupiter's orbit in the past few months!

In other words, wherever Jupiter turns, the aliens will deploy the fleet, which is also an important clue to search for aliens.

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