Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1246: It doesn't feel so simple

A single alien warship is definitely not an opponent of Leishan. The aliens are as clear as Ye Han. If the aliens want to do something, it is absolutely impossible to send only one warship. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a

"I haven't found it yet." He Lu said.

Ye Han said solemnly: "Continue to observe and report at any time if you find anything."

"Yes!" He Lu agreed, "Captain, do you need to notify the transport ship?"

Ye Han shook his head: "No, it's still so far away, it's not too late to wait until it's close."

He Lu said in a low voice: "At least let them know a little bit about the situation and move quickly."

Ye Han nodded: "Give it to me."

The communication was connected, and a lieutenant colonel officer with a stubble face appeared on the screen: "Hello, Chief."

Ye Han said: "Don't be so polite, we found an alien warship." Then he reported the specific location of the enemy ship.

The lieutenant colonel scratched his head: "How long do I have?"

"Three days." Ye Han said with great certainty, "but it must be more than this enemy ship, and the positions of other enemy ships are still uncertain for the time being."

"Understood, I am here as soon as possible." The lieutenant colonel said, "Also, Chief, I just received the emergency plan sent from above, and ordered me to implement it according to the situation when encountering an alien fleet."

Ye Han frowned slightly: "Is there anything else?"

"Well, it was the day before yesterday," said the lieutenant colonel.

"In this situation, is there anything in the plan?"

"Yes, I encountered an enemy ship, please deal with Leishan." The lieutenant colonel laughed halfway through.

Ye Han was also happy: "Is there any more?" There must be no such request in the plan, it was definitely added by the kid himself.

"Two ships too, three or more, please **** Leishan and move closer to Base No. 2."

Ye Han was startled: "Base No. 2? Nanzhou?"

"It should be." The lieutenant colonel scratched his head again.

"What if there are ten ships and eight ships? Is there any in the plan?" Ye Han asked curiously.

"Yes!" said the lieutenant colonel. "If there are more than six enemy ships, then evacuate directly. If necessary, you can abandon the No. 2 base."

Ye Han bared his teeth: "What about the details? I didn't say details, such as what distance to evacuate."

"I didn't mention that."

"I understand." Ye Han said, "We still have time. What should you do? I'll let you know when it's time to leave."

"Okay." The lieutenant colonel agreed and the communication ended.

The transport ship slowly approached the asteroid, and a landing craft broke away from the transport ship and landed on the asteroid for field survey.

Thunder Mountain continued to observe the surroundings, looking for traces of alien warships.

Only 20 minutes later, another enemy ship came into view of the Thunder Mountain, followed by the third and fourth ships, and finally a total of five enemy ships were found facing the Thunder Mountain!

There are many warships in the asteroid belt, most of which are alien warships, and there are at least a dozen alien warships within the sight of Leishan.

But these enemy ships were either too far away or the direction was wrong, facing the direction of Thunder Mountain, and only these five ships were within the warning distance.

The situation is already very obvious, but Ye Han is still a little puzzled.

Five alien warships are more than enough to eat Leishan, but as long as Leishan wants to run, five enemy ships will never be able to surround Leishan!

So the enemy's goal is to eat the Thunder Mountain, or to force the Thunder Mountain away and take the opportunity to occupy Ceres?

Ye Han feels that the latter possibility is more likely. If there is not a transport ship, Leishan can use guerrilla tactics to drag the enemy... Could it be that the aliens are rushing to act at this juncture because Leishan has more transport ships. ?

The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he felt. Ye Han told He Lu and Luo Qi about his worries. He Lu couldn't help but think down according to Ye Han's ideas. The deeper he thought, the more complicated the situation became.

However, Luo Qi just said incomprehensively: "Whatever they want to do, we'll be finished if we don't see what we do?"

With a word that woke the dreamer, Ye Han suddenly realized: "Yeah, why do you think so much?"

No matter what the aliens want to do, they have to rely on the warships to execute them. Just by looking at the actions of the warships, you can roughly judge the purpose of the aliens.

Before, his thinking was limited by the plan given above, but the situation on the battlefield is ever-changing, and it is impossible for the above plans to take all the circumstances into account. Could it be that the transport ship can't fly to the No. 2 base without Leishan?

The above order to protect Ceres has not been canceled, but flying to Base 2 cannot protect Ceres. These two orders are fundamentally conflicting. If one is executed, the other must be abandoned.

The two orders before and after conflict with each other, how does this make him execute it?

Ye Han didn't realize this just now, so no matter how he thought about it, he was extremely entangled. Now that he has figured it out, his eyes are suddenly enlightened.

Ye Han immediately called He Lu: "Send a report to Beiyuezhou, my ship is carrying out the order to defend Ceres, and the plan issued by the superior conflicts with the original order, please instruct my ship how to implement..."

Half an hour later, Leishan received the latest instructions from Beiyuezhou: follow the action plan!

The instructions were very clear, but Ye Han was still dissatisfied, and called He Lu over again: "Send another message, please make Beiyuezhou clear, whether to suspend the task of defending Ceres."

Everyone looked at Ye Han in unison. Everyone's eyes were either puzzled or puzzled. The atmosphere in the bridge suddenly became very strange.

He Luwei: "Captain, isn't this too direct? Is it necessary?"

"Yes!" Ye Han nodded affirmatively, "You didn't know me the first day, you should know that I'm not that kind of quirky temperament."

He Lu nodded immediately, not to mention that Ye Han was telling the truth, even if he was talking nonsense, he could only nod.

Ye Han continued: "Look at what Beiyuezhou replied? Executed according to the action On the surface, it did answer our question, but in fact? Not a word about Ceres!"

He Lu understood a little: "Are you worried that Ceres will fall into the hands of aliens, and Beiyuezhou will shirk its responsibility?"

Ye Han nodded: "I won't tell you whether Ceres is important or not. If Ceres falls into the hands of aliens, can we get rid of the responsibility with such a sentence?"

"No way? How can the headquarters be so unscrupulous?" He Lu didn't believe it. Isn't this just unfounded worry?

Ye Han pouted and sneered: "I'm not afraid of no good, but I'm afraid of no good people. Knowing people, knowing faces, but not hearts, be careful now, it's better than taking the black pot and trying to get rid of it, okay?"

Ye Han was very calm, but He Lu saw that his eyes were a little lost.

He Lu understood a little, 80% is Ye Han or someone around him had a similar experience: "I'll contact Beiyuezhou immediately!"

"By the way, I want a battle plan. I always feel that the plan given above is not that simple."

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