Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1265: Exceeded goals

He Lu wanted to laugh but couldn't. He grinned and asked, "Captain, what should we do now?"

"What else can we do, let me ask you, why are we advancing behind enemy lines?"

"Hold the enemy, mobilize the enemy..." Halfway through the sentence, He Lu suddenly realized, "I understand, the more we move, the more enemies we mobilize, and the more warships the enemy sends, the better!"

Ye Han nodded with satisfaction: "Don't you understand? Tell me, what should I do next?"

"Run, drag the enemy and run behind the enemy, but you can't run too fast." He Lu said.

"According to your arrangement." Ye Han said with a smile.

arrange? How to arrange? No need to arrange at all!

The current position of Leishan is behind the enemy, and the direction is also deep behind the enemy. There is no enemy ship in front of it. Where can I arrange it? Just keep the status quo.

But as Ye Han said, Leishan blew up the No. 4 asteroid, and indeed stabbed a large hornet's nest. In less than an hour, He Lu identified more than 20 enemy ships tracking Leishan. As time passed, there were more enemy ships involved.

After half a day, the number of enemy ships exceeded thirty, but not all the confirmed enemy ships were chasing Leishan.

If it weren't for the fact that the enemy ships were going in and out, there would have been more than fifty enemy ships tracking Thunder Mountain!

But thirty alien warships are enough for Leishan to drink a pot. The aliens should have learned from the experience of previous conflicts and will never send a single warship closer. No matter which direction, at least five will act together. , and keep a sufficient safety distance from each other, so as not to give Leishan a chance.

Ye Han really wanted to break the enemy's siege and interception, and worked with He Lu day and night to figure out a way out. As a result, only the front and rear directions could avoid the enemy ship.

At this time, slowing down is equivalent to courting death, and Leishan can only continue to move forward.

At this point, Thunder Mountain has achieved the purpose of mobilizing the enemy, and it has exceeded the plan.

During the flight, Ye Han received a communication from Nanzhou, and Gao Kai on the screen was worried and said bluntly: "Ye Han, Leishan went deep behind the enemy and indeed mobilized a large number of enemy troops, but your current position is too dangerous, keep an eye on it. There are so many enemy ships at your disposal, and there is no chance of turning back, you better hurry up and think of a way, and if it continues like this, the situation must get out of control..."

Gao Kai's wording is very careful, using out of control rather than irreversible.

Ye Han attached great importance to Gao Kai's suggestion, and quickly replied: "The call has been received, and the situation facing our ship is very difficult. To tell you the truth, we have discussed it several times, and we have not yet come up with a suitable solution. Come, if you have any idea, just say it directly, you don't have to be so polite with me..."

He did realize that the situation Leishan was facing was very bad, but at this point, Leishan couldn't look back at all, and could only take one step at a time.

What Ye Han is thinking about now is not how many enemy ships to mobilize, but how to spell a way back.

More than half an hour later, Leishan received a reply from Gao Kai: "I just can't think of a way, so I suggest you find a way quickly, if you really have no idea, I have two suggestions, one is to report to Beiyuezhou, please The superiors help you to find a way; the second is that you grit your teeth and insist, and you are dragging the fat and thin to death. When will you drag the enemy ship so that you can't follow you, and when will you try to find a way to return... This situation has never been seen before, and there is no idea at all. Think, you are so capable of dying!"

What Gao Kai said was absolutely right. The Leishan ship's current passive situation was entirely the result of Ye Han's death, but it would be too hurtful to tell the truth directly.

Ye Han immediately replied emphatically, and hung a book bag on purpose: "Commander Gao, I can't agree with the words of death, the situation facing our ship is indeed not optimistic, but our ship has attracted the attention of more than 30 enemy ships. …”

He Lu quietly made a gesture to Ye Han and stretched out four fingers.

Ye Han paused, and immediately understood what He Lu meant: "There are more than 40 ships now, I never knew that there were so many warships sent by aliens, they could send so many warships to stare at me, stay in There must be more enemy ships on the arc, and without these enemy ships, the pressure on our army will definitely be reduced a lot. If the pressure on the front of our army has not changed at all, then I will find a way to go back now..."

No matter how bad the situation of Leishan is, it will also contribute to the entire human defense line. Even if it is really desperate to this step, Gao Kai, as a superior, must give him a lower level. evaluation of.

Ye Han knew very well that Gao Kai was concerned about the safety of the Leishan, but he also had to pay attention to the methods and methods. Wouldn't it be a blow to the morale of the Leishan to speak so bluntly and so unmotivated?

After receiving the communication from Nanzhou, Gao Kai's wording was much more cautious: "According to Beiyuezhou's observation, it is found that in the airspace of enemy ships, the number of enemy ships has decreased to a certain extent, your ship is indeed It attracted the attention of aliens, but we must first save ourselves, and then think about how to destroy the enemy... The situation behind the enemy is complicated, and the supply ship cannot go as deep as your ship. Your ship must pay attention to the consumption of supplies and make an evacuation plan in advance... …”

This is a very pertinent suggestion.

The Thunder Mountain is indeed full of but the supplies are limited, and there is an asteroid belt where there is not even a single hair. A little bit of supply will ultimately have to be supported by the ship's inventory.

Therefore, the number of supplies on the ship determines how far the Thunder Mountain can go.

Ye Han pondered for a while and replied: "Most of our ship's crew has entered into autonomous hibernation, and the consumption of supplies and air is not large. Judging from the current situation, our ship has no possibility of fighting the enemy in a short period of time. consumption is not a problem, the only problem is fuel consumption.”

"My ship is behind the enemy. If you want to hold the enemy ship, you must maintain a speed advantage. Compared with the enemy's speed, you can't save fuel anyway... I agree with you on the issue of supply, not to mention the supply ship. If I can't get in, I can get in. I'm following so many enemy ships, and I may turn to accelerate at any time. There is no fixed place, and I can't meet the supply ship at all..."

"Currently, my ship's fuel reserve is still 76%, and it can last for a while. I have adjusted the fuel warning line to 40%. If the reserve is close to the warning line, our ship will try to return in time. If it really doesn't work, just do as you say, even if it's not towed to death, it's worth it to drag so many enemy ships on one ship."

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