Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1271: try to move

At the moment when the bright light shines, the aliens behind know that they have fallen into the pit dug by humans again, and they have fallen into the same pit several times in a row. The depression of the aliens is simply indescribable in words.

However, at this time, where can they be depressed? The only thought is how to avoid the asteroid debris.

The power of the alien warship is indeed very good. In just over a minute, it just moved six or seven kilometers!

The acceleration of the enemy ship in an emergency situation is more than double that of usual!

However, the spread of debris was faster, and the chasing enemy ships inevitably crashed into the debris cloud. In a blink of an eye, two battleships were lost, and seven or eight other battleships were damaged to varying degrees.

Everyone expected the debris to damage more enemy ships, but all their expectations were all in vain, and no enemy ships were hit by the debris.

Luo Qi muttered softly, "Why are there only two ships?"

"Two ships are good, how much is more?" Ye Han turned to look at Luo Qi, "Hey, look at your expression, are you so uncomfortable?"

Luo Qi smiled embarrassedly: "Why am I uncomfortable, I'm just a little regretful."

"Do you still regret being like this? Only a few nuclear bombs have been exchanged for so many enemy ships. We have made a lot of money!"

Luo Qi said: "Master, I understand what you said. I just think it would be better if these injured people also became heavy."

"You kid thinks a lot." Ye Han smirked, "If you want me to say, it's good to be sunk, but it's also good to be injured. Think about it, if you kill the enemy on the battlefield, in the end, it's just digging. A pit is buried, but it’s different from being injured. Can you save the wounded? Lift them back and then get medical treatment. If you are disabled or disabled, you will have to pay a lifetime pension, which is more troublesome than directly dying on the battlefield.”

Luo Qi looked blank: "Can this be the same?"

"Why is it different? Can an enemy ship be rescued from injury? It doesn't matter whether it is towed back for repair or repaired on site, it must be repaired, right? If it really can't be repaired, the people inside have to be rescued, right? In short, it must be zero and zero. It's more troublesome to leave a lot of broken things waiting there than to directly sink them."

Luo Qi blinked and showed a mischievous smile: "Master, according to what you said, we won't be sunk in the future. Wouldn't it be better if we all get injured?"

"Of course it's great!" Halfway through Ye Han's words, he couldn't hold back his laughter, "Yes, I won't talk nonsense with you, what is the situation?"

He Lu raised his head with a look of surprise: "Captain, they slowed down!"

"How is that possible?" Ye Han's face was full of disbelief, "It's been on the back of her **** for so many days, how did she change her sex?"

"Not all enemy ships slowed down, there were six ships following, and the others slowed down. I think they should have given up." He Lu said.

Ye Han waved his hand: "I see Xuan, don't jump to conclusions yet... What about those enemy ships on the side?"

"It hasn't changed for the time being. Maybe the enemy has changed his tactics. Instead of following behind, he changed to the side."

Ye Han laughed: "Damn, how to follow from the side? You don't care what they want to do, just keep an eye on it and watch it for a while."

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on it." He Lu said.

The arrangement here is quite comprehensive, but the aliens did not give this opportunity at all, and it didn't take long for the observation to come to fruition.

There were more than 30 enemy ships originally behind Leishan, but after blowing up the asteroid, the aliens seemed to realize the danger of continuing to pursue, and evacuated most of the warships, leaving only six warships hanging far away.

Ye Han proudly believed that the aliens were scared by Leishan.

Using one method to pit the aliens several times, Ye Han really has no one anymore. It is estimated that the aliens have caused him a psychological shadow. In the future, if there is a chance to sink the Leishan, the aliens have to be regarded as the Leishan. Another hole was dug.

Ye Han was very calm on the surface, but he was really proud in his heart, but he was proud but did not get carried away. He clearly realized that the actions of the Thunder Mountain had long been recorded by the aliens, and the enemy might have already taken the Thunder Mountain. I hate it to the core, once I find an opportunity, I will definitely kill the Thunder Mountain at any cost.

So, don't look at the aliens' withdrawal of the large troops, but the situation of the Thunder Mountain has not improved much, and it is even more dangerous than some time ago.

Ye Han thought about it for a while, and finally made up his mind: "He Lu, pick a safe direction, let's go back."

"Go back?" He Lu widened his eyes.

"What's your expression?" Ye Han stared back, "Don't understand?"

He Lu quickly shook his head: "No, no, I'm just surprised."

"What's wrong, there are only six enemy ships left. If we don't leave at this time, when will we leave?" Ye Han said.

He Lu didn't quite understand what Ye Han meant, but Luo Qi understood.

The aliens' withdrawal of the large troops is equivalent to disintegrating Ye Han's purpose of mobilizing and containing the enemy. There is no need for the Leishan to go further behind the enemy. control area.

Counting the time, it has been a month since entering the enemy's rear, and the reinforcements should arrive at the place no matter how slow they are.

Although in front of the alien fleet, there is no essential difference between four warships and ten warships, but ten warships can at least form a small-scale local advantage, instead of being passive everywhere as before.

After a few simple explanations, He Lu immediately understood Ye Han's intention, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Captain, we have enemy ships behind us and on our flanks. I think there are two ways to go, one is to keep moving forward, While speeding away the enemy ships, gradually move closer to the front... But there is Airspace No. 5, there are a lot of enemy ships, once we show the intention of getting close..."

Luo Qi said: "The Nanzhou is in this direction. Can we call the Nanzhou for support? Drag some of the enemy or attack important targets... can't you?"

"Yes, yes, but with so many enemy ships, two-front warfare is definitely no problem." He Lu said.

Luo Qi immediately retorted: "We will not, they dare to hedge against us."

He Lu didn't speak, and turned to look at Ye Han.

Ye Han said: "What about the second way?"

He Lu said: "Continue to move forward and go around the back of the airspace No. 5 and No. 6... The flight is a bit farther, but it is safer."

"How long will this program take?"

"Twenty days or so, if you detour a bit more for safety... Twenty-five days."

Ye Han frowned, pursed his lips, took a deep breath, and then spit it out from his nostrils: "If we have dozens of enemy ships behind us, no matter where we go, it makes sense, but now there is only one left. It’s a bit unreasonable to go around so far under such a few ships...Let’s lean on the No. 5 airspace first, and then try the enemy’s movements.

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