Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1282: Ruthless Duan Zhiyang

The nuclear explosion caused great damage to the swarm, but the power of the nuclear bomb was too limited in space, and there were more than half of the remaining worms.

There are a lot of nuclear bombs left on each ship, but they are all nuclear artillery shells, and there is not a single missile, but it doesn't matter, there are also radio proximity bombs on the shells, as long as you throw them at the position where there are the most worms.

However, the aliens just suffered such a big loss and immediately realized that the density of the swarm was too high. The remaining worms dispersed immediately, and the overall density decreased rapidly.

The next few waves of shells exploded one after another, but the results were few. At most, they destroyed more than a dozen or 20 worm machines, and the scene of killing hundreds of worm machines in one explosion could never be reproduced again.

Ye Han on the Thunder Mountain saw this scene, and only felt a cold air rushing from his head to his heels, and the whole person fought a cold war.

He couldn't see the situation in the smokescreen, he could only see that his own firepower was getting weaker and weaker, and he couldn't help but feel more and more anxious.

But at such a long distance, he couldn't do anything but worry, and couldn't even say a word.

The situation with the human fleet is actually not as passive as it seems.

Under the circumstance that the shells cannot fight against the swarms, the nuclear bombs are already the last resort of the fleet. No one dares to save ammunition at this time. As long as the nuclear weapons can be shot, there will be no reservations.

However, nuclear bombs are limited in the end. Even if the warships dispatched to the asteroid belt have sufficient supplies, they will not be fully nuclearized. The warning snowflakes that the nuclear bombs are about to run out will fly to the Beihai.

Duan Zhiyang, who had just arrived at the bridge, had an expressionless face and said lightly, "Order each ship to fire smoke bombs, and after the smoke screen opens, slowly evacuate Base No. 3."

Everyone was amazed and inexplicable. The personnel have been withdrawn from Base No. 3, and now the fleet is also withdrawing. Is this the rhythm of completely abandoning Base No. 3?

This is a space base that has just been built. Is it really appropriate to throw it to aliens before it is used much?

Several temporary staff members hesitated to speak. One of them was just about to speak when Duan Zhiyang waved his hand to stop it in advance: "No need to say anything, execute the order."

At this point, the staff members can't say anything, they can only pass on the order.

The ships immediately executed the orders, and the smoke bombs had not yet flowed out of the existing smoke screens, and they had already exhaled smoke, and the smoke screen areas rapidly expanded outward.

At the same time, the eight warships hidden in the smoke screen retreated in turn and slowly left Base No. 3.

In order to prevent the position from being exposed, Duan Zhiyang even ordered the ships not to shoot sideways, all the warships must fire forward, and even if the artillery fire was blocked by the No. 3 base, no ceasefire was allowed.

Duan Zhiyang said that every ship lacked radar, and even if they were in a thick smokescreen, they knew exactly where the No. 3 base was, and the possibility of hitting the No. 3 base was almost zero.

However, as the fleet retreated, the swirling rain of bullets gradually concentrated forward. Except for the front, there were fewer and fewer shells in other directions, and the possibility of exposing the fleet's position was very high.

In desperation, Duan Zhiyang could only order each ship to reduce the rate of fire. As a result, the barrage that constantly flew out of the smoke screen became weaker and weaker. Only the nuclear bombs that exploded from time to time were still showing that human resistance has not stopped.

However, the nuclear bomb could not stop the swarm at all, or in other words, their simple brains did not know what fear and death were at all, so a group of swarms crashed into the smoke screen with a posture of not hitting the south wall and not turning back.

Each ship has been using radar to monitor the movement of the insect aircraft, and the monitoring results are shared by all warships.

Duan Zhiyang found that most of the bug planes flew to the No. 3 base, but about a quarter of them crossed the No. 3 base and flew to the retreating fleet.

Thinking of Ye Han's report, Duan Zhiyang's mouth turned up slightly: "Notify all ships, speed up the evacuation, and focus fire on the bug machine ahead. Be careful, don't use nuclear bombs!"

The firepower of each ship was originally concentrated in the front, but this time it was pointed directly forward, and the top, bottom, left, and right were completely discarded.

The firepower on the human side was highly concentrated. Although it was all conventional firepower, it also killed the chasing bug machine.

Through the radar, it was found that a large number of insect planes flew near the No. 3 base and disappeared. After switching the signal from the No. 3 base, I saw a large group of insect planes pounced on the base and waved their forelimbs. body embedded in the ground.


Duan Zhiyang said this in his heart, raised his head and commanded loudly: "Detonate Base No. 3."

There was an uproar in the bridge, and everyone looked at Duan Zhiyang with horror.

Duan Zhiyang was furious: "What a daze!"

The relevant personnel immediately returned to their senses, executed the order without hesitation, and issued a detonation signal.

The signal flew to the No. 3 base through radio waves, and when it encountered the antenna, it turned into an electrical signal. After drilling into the base, it finally activated the super nuclear bomb placed inside the No. 3 base.

A gleam of light suddenly appeared in the heavy smoke screen, and then the smoke screen The light suddenly intensified and turned into a dazzling bright light!

It is so bright that even if the sun is a bit inferior, it comes and goes quickly, and disappears in a blink of an eye.

Although the explosion was short-lived, the first half of the smoke screen had already disappeared, and the second half had also dissipated quickly.

The good No. 3 base disappeared completely in the explosion. Neither the bug machine attached to the base nor the bug machine close to the base could escape. The bug machines that were a little further away were also severely burned by the intense light radiation, and only a few escaped. The bug machine in the distance survived, but also burned its eyes from looking directly at the nuclear explosion.

They couldn't see their target anymore, didn't know where to fly at all, and the swarm suddenly became a mess.

With alien technology, it is not difficult to cure their eyes at all. The problem is that the No. 3 base did not intensify on the spot. The debris from the No. 3 base flew around, and many fragments went straight to the bug machine. The sightless bug machine did not know it at all. Dodging, the unlucky ones smashed to death on the spot, and the lucky ones smashed their heads, blood, bones, and tendons.

Not only was the bug machine downed with blood mold, but even the dozen or so alien warships were not spared. They all suffered some rocks. Several alien warships that were relatively close to the No. 3 base were also affected by the aftermath of the nuclear explosion. Two ships disintegrated on the spot, and the other ships were also severely damaged.

This is also because the relative speed of the two sides is not fast. If the speed is faster, the result will only be more serious. ,

However, there are not no lucky bugs unscathed, but the number is pitifully small, and there are only a few hundred when they are full.

This change not only shocked the aliens, but also shocked Ye Han, who was more than a dozen light minutes away.

Even though everything happened more than ten minutes ago, Ye Han couldn't help holding his breath, and he secretly praised Duan Zhiyang for being a good kid who actually blew up Base No. 3 in order to deal with the aliens.

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