Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1285: Too capable

Right now, Leishan is still flying to the No. 3 base, but that's just because the inertia has not been offset, and the attitude of Leishan has been adjusted. From the angle of Beihai, only Leishan's radiant **** can be seen.

Duan Zhiyang became curious, and when he called up the star map and looked at it, he suddenly realized: Isn't the current direction of Leishan the direction of Jupiter? 80% of Ye Han's new mission is related to Jupiter!

But this matter was not notified to Beihai, which meant that Beihai had no need to know. If he guessed right or not, he would not ask Gao Kai for confirmation.

When Ye Han received the order, it happened to be during the most intense battle at Base No. 3. Because he was worried about the battle, he took a quick glance and threw the order aside. Only after the battle was over, did he order the battleship to turn around.

At that time, Ye Han and Duan Zhiyang were still in the communication, and they had to wait for more than ten minutes to receive a reply. When Duan Zhiyang found the Leishan, the Leishan had already turned its direction and offset the inertia at the standard speed. .

At this time, Ye Han had read the full text of the order in the communication gap. Its content was very simple: earlier today, the space telescope located near the moon discovered an alien fleet.

Judging from their direction and speed, this alien fleet has just left Jupiter and is flying into the asteroid belt.

Observation found that this alien fleet consisted of 18 alien warships and 26 alien spaceships. Beiyuezhou concluded based on this that this was a transport fleet escorted by the fleet, and its purpose was likely to The asteroid belt transports supplies.

As of the time the order was issued, Beiyuezhou did not know the exact destination of the fleet, but judging from the fleet's flight direction, their destination should be at the edge of the sixth star field.

Although Star Territory is just a name given by Beiyuezhou for convenience, it is an indisputable fact that aliens have placed a large number of warships in the asteroid belt. Before long, the aliens will open a few more star fields.

Human forces in the asteroid belt are already stretched thin. If the strength of aliens rises further, how can they compete with aliens in the asteroid belt?

To put it more seriously, if the asteroid belt is lost, there will be no human beings in the solar system.

This is by no means an alarmist. Since the giant ship of aliens flew to Saturn, the space telescope has been monitoring the situation in the direction of Saturn. Not long ago, signs of alien activity have been found near Saturn.

Although Saturn is not comparable to Jupiter, it also has more than 30 satellites, including Titan, the second person in the solar system satellite family.

In terms of environment alone, Titan may be more suitable for alien development than Ganymede, and the space telescope is to discover alien spacecraft near Titan, which has attracted great attention from various countries.

But Saturn is too far away. Humans can't even solve Jupiter's problems right now, let alone Saturn. Even if they know that aliens occupy Saturn, they can only watch it.

Aliens first occupied Jupiter and then Saturn, and now they have entered the asteroid belt. If they completely and thoroughly control the asteroid belt, then the solar system will be divided into two by the asteroid belt. The inner part of the asteroid belt belongs to human beings, while the outer part belongs to human beings. belong to aliens.

At first glance, this hand seems to be nothing, but think about it carefully.

There is a saying in Go that the corners and sides occupy a larger area, and this principle is also applicable to the solar system.

If all the asteroids are occupied by aliens, then the space of the solar system controlled by aliens will be more than 2,500 times that of the human-controlled area-human beings still do not know where the boundaries of the solar system are, nor do they know The specific conditions of the outer solar system, so this is a very conservative data, the actual situation will only be more serious than expected.

War is not only a battle of armies, but also a competition of comprehensive national strength and resources. Although the material in the middle and outer layers of the solar system is not so rich, it cannot be expected to have a huge range and a large number of celestial bodies of various sizes. Taken together, these areas contain The total amount of matter will be an extremely terrifying number,

At that time, the aliens will not need humans to fight to the death at all, they only need to fight for resources, and sooner or later they will be able to grind humans to death.

This is not counting the large number of aliens who have sneaked into the earth. If the aliens come to cooperate with the inside and the outside, the human beings will really be called Tian Tian not, and the Earth will not work.

Aliens already occupy large areas of the asteroid belt, and there is no way they can continue to occupy asteroids.

So Beiyuezhou immediately called Nanzhou and ordered Nanzhou to join Leishan, and the two went to the sixth star field together, waiting for an opportunity to block the enemy fleet.

It's not that Beiyuezhou doesn't want to transfer a few more battleships, but the order was issued on the eve of the war on Base No. 3. Not to mention that the warships concentrated on Base No. 3 could not move around, even if they could be transferred out, they would have to fly for a month to arrive at No. 5. star field.

When Duan Zhiyang flew to the place with the fleet, the aliens had already settled down.

Therefore, Beiyuezhou's orders must and can only be given to Nanzhou and Leishan in the fifth star and Leishan is closer than Nanzhou.

Since Ye Han received the order, he has been in endless pain.

There are only two warships on our side who have received orders. The ideal situation is to act together after meeting with the Nanzhou. No matter if you come to the light or play the dark, in short, you must find a way to cause some trouble for the alien fleet, and the more the better.

But the order clearly stated that Leishan was required to set off immediately after receiving the order, and there was no mention of the rendezvous. Obviously, he did not intend to leave Ye Han with time for the rendezvous.

You don't need to ask to know that Beiyuezhou did this because Leishan's location was more ideal. If you stopped and waited for Nanzhou, you would have wasted a week at least.

The more Ye Han thought about it, the more painful it was. He thought that Beiyuezhou really looked down on me. No matter how powerful the Leishan was, could it still fight for 18 alien warships?

Isn't that the old birthday star who eats arsenic and twists it?

Even if the Nanzhou number is added, it will still be unable to fight the enemy.

Fortunately, Beiyuezhou only mentioned blocking, but did not mention how to type a word, and the order did not specify how many enemy ships must be sunk, leaving Ye Han with a lot of room for manipulation.

If it weren't for this, Ye Han definitely didn't want to give up his son directly. Whoever can single out a group of enemy ships to be the captain, he Ye Han willingly abdicated to become a wise man.

Can't afford it, can't I hide?

Ye Han wasn't the only one who was hurting. Luo Qi was always confused after reading the order. After thinking about it for a long time, he said something very reasonable: "It's all because of our ability to do it!"

When everyone heard it, they nodded their heads like garlic.

Isn't that what happened? If there are not so many records, how dare Beiyuezhou make such a mess?

Certainly not!

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