Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1289: That's a good chance

I didn't fight back sooner rather than later, but I happened to fight back at this time... But Ye Han was not surprised at all, but took it for granted.

The Nanzhou has followed the alien fleet for so long like a ghost. He is a long-brained person who knows what the Nanzhou wants to do. If Ye Han was an alien, he couldn't help but think of a way to drive people away. .

But he never thought that the aliens could be so tolerant, and he didn't start until the seventh star... Is it a ninja turtle?

But having said that, the aliens also value Nanzhou. If they don't make a move, it will be a dozen warships. This is not a high-speed hedging by surprise. No matter how strong the Nanzhou is, it is not the opponent of so many enemy ships. As long as Zhou Hao is not careful, it will be doomed.

Ye Han immediately turned his attention to Nanzhou, and found that Nanzhou had no intention of engaging in combat at all. As soon as the enemy ship made a move, Nanzhou began to retreat synchronously... Yes, it is synchronization, the speed of the enemy's advance. How much is the speed of Nanzhou's retreat, always keep a safe distance from the enemy ship!

Ye Han suddenly laughed.

Ever since the Nanzhou was hoisted into the alien fleet, he has always kept a safe distance from the enemy, and now he is taking the initiative to retreat. You don’t need to ask to know that Gao Kai intends to use the essence of the enemy’s advance and our retreat, and the enemy’s retreat and our advance, like cowhide candy. Stick to the enemy as well.

He didn't know how aliens felt, but put himself in his shoes and thought about it. If he encountered such a situation, he would definitely feel very aggrieved.

Just as Ye Han thought, the aliens who were fighting against the Nanzhou were very excited, but they didn't even touch the side of the Nanzhou. They were really aggrieved. In the end, they were cruel, and the twelve battleships were fully pressed. , directly push the power level.

Gao Kai didn't intend to fight the enemy to the death. Seeing this, he immediately patted his **** and left, without the slightest nostalgia.

If there is no star No. 7, Gao Kai may still consider the distance problem, but it is different now. Star No. 7 is two days away, unless the asteroid is not the target of aliens, as long as the aliens Once people are stationed on the seventh star, everything will be easy to do next - the alien fleet is difficult to deal with, but the asteroid is an excellent target!

Ye Han guessed that the aliens also thought of this, and then shot the Nanzhou number in advance.

But when he thought about it, he felt that something was wrong. The aliens had no strategic mind, and they could be so stupid that they were about to reach their goal and only remembered to expel the enemy?

Unless this asteroid is not the real target of aliens!

Thinking of this, Ye Han couldn't sit still anymore, so he immediately ordered Luo Qi to contact Nanzhou, and told Gao Kai his concerns word for word.

More than a minute later, Leishan received a reply from Nanzhou, Ye Han opened the file, and Gao Kai appeared on the screen with a smile: "I know what you think, don't worry, I didn't plan to fight the enemy recklessly. , our goal is a transport ship, it doesn't matter if the asteroid is the seventh star, understand what I mean?"

The meaning of the words is so simple, how can Ye Han not hear it? He immediately replied: "That's not what I'm worried about. I don't care whether this asteroid is star 7 or not. The key point is that we have thought about all the ways we can think of. If we drag on like this, when will we be able to complete the task?"

Not long after, Gao Kai replied: "It's really troublesome, you don't have to think too much about it, anyway, the above didn't make it clear, let's do our best to obey the destiny, what we can do is what we can do... If it doesn't work, we can attack it, no matter what. skinned the enemy."

Ye Han replied: "What do you think? To tell you the truth, my mind is blank now, and I can't think of any useful ideas..."

"I do have an idea, but it's just a preliminary idea, just in time for the two of us to discuss..."

In this way, the two discussed over thirty light seconds apart, carefully scrutinized Gao Kai's plan, and overturned it when they found that it didn't work.

The discussion between the two continued for a whole week, until the Leishan arrived at the seventh star, and the two did not discuss a practical and effective plan.

During this period, the Nanzhou number retreated again and again, and the alien fleet had already reached the seventh star, probably because they were worried that the station on the seventh star would become the target of the Nanzhou number, the alien fleet had been lingering near the seventh star, But none of the ships landed.

"It's to prevent us!" Gao Kai said to Ye Han.

Ye Han was amused by this sentence: "Aren't you talking nonsense? Who are they not guarding against us? Don't say it if it's useless, and quickly think of a way, you can't be so stiff all the time, right?"

Gao Kai sighed: "The tall one is taller than the short one."

Ye Han nodded without hesitation: "Okay, I have to try it if it works well..."

"Report!" A voice interrupted the conversation, "Commander, the enemy ships are evacuated, the number is four, and the direction should be towards Leishan."

At the same time, Luo Qi also received a warning from Nanzhou, but he already knew the content, so he didn't say anything interesting.

At this time, He Lu said: "Report, Captain, the number seven is changing direction to the enemy number two, it should be coming to us." Leishan and Nanzhou are not in the same direction, look at The bow of the ship knows who the enemy ship is targeting.

Ye Han and Gao Kai looked at each other across the screen and smiled at the same time.

Ye Han said jokingly: "How do you say this, I want to meet you first!"

"Hurry up and join me. Are you afraid that there aren't enough enemy ships on my side? So, think of a way to see if you can bring in a few more enemy ships to reduce the pressure on me. "

Ye Han thought about it and said, "Unless I can kill a few enemy ships!"

Gao Kai instigated: "Isn't it an opportunity now? I'm close to you, star No. 7 is far away, I'll go further and take away the enemy's large army, don't you have a chance?"

Ye Han immediately had a black line on his face: "A chance for shit, you tell me it's an opportunity for a pair of four? Do you think I'm also an aircraft carrier here?"

Gao Kai blinked his eyes vigorously: "Let's not say one-to-four with others, even one-to-two I have to think about it, but what's the point of leaving you here?"

Ye Han almost vomited blood: "What are you talking about? I'm also struggling with a pair of two, okay? A pair of four... I might as well just wipe my neck!"

"No, you can't play out of the ordinary again?" What Gao Kai said was a matter of course.

Ye Han has a black line: "Can I control my extraordinary performance? If I don't perform well, who will pay for the Thunder Mountain?"

"Then what do you say? Such a good opportunity, if you pass this village, you won't have this store!"

"Just kidding with me, what a good opportunity this is, there is a good opportunity there!" Ye Han pointed to the seventh star.

Gao Kai raised his brows slightly: "How sure is it?"

"One to two, I'm 70% sure... Well, 60%." Ye Han said.

Gao Kai gritted his teeth: "Okay, let's do it like this!"

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