Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1292: come

The Nanzhou and the enemy were farther away, and Ye Han couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The current situation was basically in line with his expectations, as long as there were no accidents...

"Report!" He Lu's voice interrupted his thinking, "The ship behind the enemy changed direction!"

"Change direction?" Ye Han's voice changed, "Where did they change?"

This accident was completely out of his expectations. Aren't these two enemy ships flying to the battlefield? Why don't you just keep flying?

He Lu immediately replied: "Looking at the direction, it should be to intercept the missile..."

Ye Han was stunned for a moment, feeling like he was shooting himself in the foot, but he immediately realized that this was an opportunity: "He Lu, closely monitor the enemy ships, do the math, when is the most reasonable time for us to act!"

"Yes!" He Lu agreed, and immediately invested in a tense calculation.

Ye Han's request seems simple, but the actual calculation is very complicated. Not only the position, direction and speed of Leishan, but also the position, direction and speed of Nanzhou, the fourth enemy ship and the second enemy ship must be considered. All factors After all the consideration, it is necessary to monitor the situation of each node at all times. If there is any change, the existing results must be overturned.

The second enemy ship also flew to the battlefield before. Taking the battlefield where Nanzhou and the enemy ship confronted the top angle, there was a big obtuse angle between Leishan and the second enemy ship. Ye Han had to control the speed of the battleship and try to match the second enemy ship as much as possible. Arrive at the battlefield synchronously, and when you are about to reach the place, you can launch an impact on the two enemy ships.

The most important factor in this plan is when and at what distance the impact will be launched.

If the distance is too long, it will give the enemy enough time to prepare. If the two enemy ships turn around and run away, the Thunder Mountain will have nowhere to chase.

Even if the distance is too close, although the success rate of close-range raids is relatively high, and the possibility of enemy ships escaping is relatively low, Ye Han is not confident enough to kill two enemy ships in three or two strokes. One direction rushed frantically, and the Thunder Mountain was attacked by six alien warships on both sides, so it was completely passive.

It wasn't a particularly sure option, but it was the best he could think of.

It's different now. The second enemy ship will definitely take a while to intercept the missile. With this time buffer, the angle between Leishan and the enemy ship will be reduced from 160 or 70 degrees to about 110 degrees. , For Ye Han's plan, this is definitely a major positive news.

After a while, He Lu raised his head: "Captain, the result is out, but the second enemy ship has to continue to observe, when will it turn back to get the exact result."

Ye Han nodded: "Continue to observe, the speed will drop again."

This observation lasted for more than 40 minutes, and the missile headed for Nanzhou took the lead in approaching the fourth enemy ship.

The four enemy ships released more than 100 bug planes ahead of time to face off against the incoming missiles.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han already understood the fate of these missiles.

Gao Kai understood as well as Ye Han, but he still launched an attack brazenly at this time, firing multiple shells and missiles at the four enemy ships and the worm aircraft group, interfering with the aliens' interception operations.

In Gao Kai's own words, what if there is a fish that slips through the net? This is something that is uncertain, so we have to fight it out, otherwise we will not be reconciled.

It is a pity that Leishan has too few long-range missiles left, and even if Nanzhou is mixed, it has not been able to break through the enemy's interception.

More than ten minutes later, the missile in the other direction came into contact with the second enemy ship.

Ye Han's heart jumped to his throat when he saw this scene, and he didn't let out a long sigh until the enemy ship turned around and continued to fly in the direction of Nanzhou.


He Lu quickly revised the data and quickly got the new calculation result, but everyone knew that this was not the final result, and they all continued to wait patiently.

After more than half an hour, the distance between Leishan and Nanzhou was not far away, and the second enemy ship was gradually approaching. Suddenly abandoning the Nanzhou number, he turned his head and rushed towards the Leishan number.

At the same time, the fourth enemy ship suddenly accelerated, intending to attack Leishan with the second enemy ship.

Ye Han's whole body was not well, and he ordered loudly without hesitation: "Turn, target the second enemy ship, fire immediately when it enters the range; target the fourth enemy ship, launch a missile combination; Luo Qi, immediately pick up the Nanzhou for me!"

"Nanzhou is connected!"

As soon as Gao Kai appeared on the screen, Ye Han immediately said, "Old Gao, I need you to hold back the fourth enemy ship and buy me some time!"

Gao Kai nodded without hesitation: "I do my best, but you must understand that with my current position, I can't buy much time, these two waves of enemy ships are about the same distance from you, and there is not much time left for you. "

Ye Han nodded: "I understand, I will deal with the enemy ship as soon as possible."

Gao Kai also nodded: "Pay attention to safety."

"I'll do things, don't worry!" Ye Han turned his head and commanded: "Target enemy two ships, speeding forward!"

He Lu repeated loudly: "Speeding forward, target the second enemy ship!"

Thunder Mountain's thrusters immediately exploded with unprecedented surging power, pushing the battleship toward the enemy ship.

Leishan hadn't flown very far when He Lu shouted unexpectedly, "Captain, the enemy ship slows down!"

"Slow down?" Ye Han sneered, "Is this trying to wait for the four enemy ships to approach? Dreaming of marrying a daughter-in-law is beautiful... How can you speed up?"

"It's already overspeeding, and the engine is over if you go any faster."

"How long does it take to get into range?"

"About seven minutes."

"What about the distance between the four enemy ships? How long do we have?"

"Ten minutes or so, the key depends on how long the Nanzhou ship can be dragged."

Ye Han looked to starboard subconsciously, the Nanzhou on the screen was ejecting the fighter, and the fighter that had been ejected was flying towards the fourth enemy ship.

The fourth and eighth ships of the enemy are all flying insects, and both the enemy and the enemy look like they are smashing their arms.

Ye Han said: "If the Nanzhou ship can't be held back, how long will we have?"

"Ten minutes." He Lu said.

"It's almost enough." There was a flash of determination in Ye Han's eyes, "Turn around, the target enemy four ships, nuclear magnetic artillery shells and nuclear shells, hit me to the death!"

With an order, the hull of Leishan spun, and after the bow of the ship was facing the four enemy ships, artillery fire on the Leishan roared, and all the naval guns and electromagnetic guns fired at the same time, and the shells slammed into the enemy ships without money.

Ye Han didn't expect these shells to destroy the enemy ship at all. After firing a large number of shells like a splash, he immediately corrected the angle of the battleship and rushed towards the second enemy ship that was looming.

The aliens immediately realized what the Leishan wanted to do.

Ye Han's eyes flashed a haze: "You want to hold me back, right? Dog. Japanese, come on!"

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