Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1294: No need to keep 1

Until this moment, Ye Han still had lingering fears.

This time is different from any previous time. Not only did he kill the enemy ship, but he also saved the Thunder Mountain. No matter what, the praise cannot be overemphasized.

He Lu was frightened and responded subconsciously: "Instinct, instinctive reaction!"

"This instinct is good, I will continue in the future." Ye Han boasted, and wanted to say something, but Luo Qi interjected at this time: "Master, Nanzhou number communication!"

"Received from me." After Ye Han said, he looked at the small screen in front of him, but found that the screen was still the control interface of the battleship.

He quickly returned the control to the helmsman, and it was not until he exited the control interface that Gao Kai's figure appeared on the screen.

Gao Kai breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Ye Han: "How are you? Are you all right?"

Ye Han looked around: "The people are okay, the battleship is okay."

Gao Kai's expression was solemn: "Is it serious?"

When the enemy ship collided with the Thunder Mountain, he realized that the situation was not good, but the fire could not be dissolved from a distance, and the only thing he could do was to contact the Thunder Mountain immediately.

Ye Han looked at the tube damage interface: "It is not particularly serious, that is, the ship's bow armor is peeled off, the electromagnetic gun muzzle is deformed, the port armor is deformed, the starboard armor is broken down in many places, three turrets are damaged, seven are damaged, and three ammunition are consumed. One-fifth of the nuclear bomb, four-fifths of the nuclear bomb, the power system overloaded, the thrusters overheated…”

Gao Kai's eyes straightened: "Is this not too serious?"

"It can still fly, except for the damaged turret, the rest can still be used..."

"Hurry up and bring it down." Gao Kai looked surprised, "You almost lost your life, and you still have the heart to play tricks with me? I can see it. You must have burned Gao Xiang in your last life if you can live until now."

Ye Han was not angry when he heard it, but hehe smiled: "Actually, I think so too. This time is too daunting. If you are not lucky, you have to go to the King of Hell to find me."

Gao Kai laughed when he heard it: "Okay, I still have the mind to joke, so I didn't scare anything wrong."

Ye Han looked at Gao Kai with strange eyes: "Am I that vulnerable?"

Gao Kai put away his smile: "Okay, no kidding, the four enemy ships are heading for you, you must withdraw from the battle immediately, understand?"

Ye Han pursed his lips. Although he was very unwilling, he knew better in his heart that the heavily damaged Leishan had lost the ability to continue fighting, and it was the best choice to withdraw from the battle now.

But he didn't answer right away, but instead asked, "What about you?"

Gao Kai said: "I have no problem here. You can withdraw when you want. The key is you. Not only is the power overloaded, but the thrusters are overheating. The enemy ship will be there when you see it. Do you still have the mind to tease me?"

"Understood, I'll get out of here immediately... what way!"


"All the naval guns and missiles that can be used are aimed at the four enemy ships. You don't need to save artillery shells. You can shoot as many as you can."


Ye Han looked at Gao Kai again: "I can only do so much now, I hope the enemy ships can't catch up with me."

"Where's the smoke bomb?" Gao Kai reminded.

"Light up.".

Gao Kai almost spit out a mouthful of old blood: "I really like you, what are you doing so hard?"

Ye Han reluctantly twitched the corners of his mouth: "I don't want to, isn't it impossible?"

Gao Kai rubbed his temples in distress: "Can you speed up now?"

"Yes, yes, but the power system and thrusters need to be overhauled, and now accelerate..."

Ye Han didn't say the following, but Gao Kai could guess without saying it explicitly. The power output must be limited, and the propeller may be scrapped.

Gao Kai felt even more headache: "What about the reactor? Is there a problem with the reactor?"

"There is no problem with the reactor, there is no problem at all." Ye Han quickly replied.

"Okay, I'll buy you a little more time." Gao Kai made a decisive decision, "You will leave the battle immediately, and you don't need to go back to any base. In your situation, the remaining two bases will definitely not be repaired, and there is no hope of not returning to the factory. .You just speed up and fly forward, then turn to go directly back to Beiyuezhou."

"Okay." Ye Han agreed neatly and turned his head slightly, "He Lu, do you hear me?"

"Understood, I'll arrange it right away."

Ye Han nodded and looked back at Gao Kai with a wry smile: "I'm really off the hook this time."

"Okay, okay, if you can save your life, just go laughing, what else do you need a bike for?"

"I want a motorcycle too!" Ye Han couldn't help laughing, "Is there any problem with you? You patronize and talk to me."

"Don't worry, I look like I'm going step by step, and I don't need me for the time being. Besides, I'm not as impulsive as you, and at most it's a small loss." Having said this, Gao Kai sighed, "But I won't stay for long. I have to go back to Beiyuezhou when I turn back.”

"What's wrong?" Ye Han was curious.

"There's not much fuel, not enough to go back to Base 2." Gao Kai sighed.

"Oh, I see!" Ye Han suddenly said, "Then I'll take a step first, and I'll make arrangements when I get back to Beiyuezhou!"

"It's what you've been waiting for, that's it."

After the two chatted a few more words, Leishan finally flew out of the smoke screen and saw the four menacing enemy ships.

The enemy ship is still some distance away from Leishan, and their artillery, missiles and fighter jets are constantly blocking the harassment. According to the current speed of the enemy ship, the possibility of intercepting Leishan is very small.

The situation of the Nanzhou is also good. Gao Kai has been reluctant to approach the enemy ship, and his cautiousness has finally paid off.

Ye Han was very satisfied with the result, and commanded Leishan to stay away with peace of mind.

Speaking of which, it was a coincidence. When Leishan caught up, it was in the direction of star number 7. Later, it was baiting the enemy and fighting recklessly. It turned several times in a row, but now it turned in the direction of star number 7.

It's not right, but the direction is pretty much the same, and it doesn't go anywhere.

Because the fourth enemy ship was located on the right side of Leishan, which happened to be the direction of the sun, and also the direction of Leishan returning to Beiyuezhou, so Ye Han did not rush to turn, but continued to fly to the seventh ~ I plan to throw off the enemy ship first.

At the current speed, even if the four enemy ships are desperately chasing, the maximum distance is about 2,000 kilometers, and Ye Han doesn't need to worry about being overtaken by the enemy ships.

But at this time, the four enemy ships that were originally guarding near the seventh star were dispatched together to face the Leishan... If depression can be converted into energy, Ye Han's depression is at least a super nuclear bomb!

Fortunately, there is still a distance between the two sides, enough for Leishan to throw off the fourth enemy ship, and then turn to avoid the enemy ship in the direction of the seventh star. But he was really unwilling to be forced away by the aliens, and when he thought of the cheerful faces of the aliens, Ye Han couldn't help but get angry.

So he looked at He Lu: "Do we have a missile that can hit the seventh star?"

He Lu slowly shook his head: "No more."

"What about the shells? How many are left?"

"Not much."

"Aim at the transport ship, you don't need to keep a single shell!" To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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