Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1304: shot to death

1304 Shot to death

It is still the airlock leading to the bow, the inner 4 area is still closed, and the air is still drawn away. Everything is a copy of the previous one.

When the airlock slowly rose, everyone clenched their rifles in unison, and the soldiers in the front row raised their muzzles to aim at the airlock. No matter what was outside, don't even try to rush into the inner layer.

The airlock is fully opened, and there is only a narrow passage outside the lock, and there are no unknown creatures ready to rush into the inner layer at any time.

The lights in the passage are dim, and the vision without the night vision device is limited, and the night vision device is too bright to dazzle the eyes. Ye Han had to lower the sensitivity of the night vision device, which solved the vision problem.

At this time, he saw the end of the passage, that is, two soldiers standing more than 100 meters away.

It looks like there is no problem in the channel...

Just thinking of this, I suddenly heard He Lu's eager voice: "Captain, the enemy is on the port side!"

"In which district? The number of enemies... Well, forget it, just give me the picture."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Han immediately received the video signal from the bridge, thinking about opening it, and the video started playing immediately.

The video comes from a soldier on a mission. The beginning is a cautious search and forward, and the barrel at the bottom right of the screen always points in the most dangerous direction.

About three seconds after the video started, a hatch appeared on one side of the screen, and then the screen shifted to the left. It should be the soldier who turned his head and looked to the left.

A large hand entered the screen and made several gestures quickly.

The screen continued to advance, and soon stopped outside the hatch. Then the screen tilted to the right, and the gun barrel that was originally located at the lower right was lifted up. It was obvious that the soldier was aiming at the gun.

The next fighter opened the hatch, but this fighter was very careful, tearing only one crack, not all of it.

The soldier who provided the picture was facing the hatch, and the camera was just facing the crack of the door. Ye Han was surprised to find that there was half an ugly face behind the crack!

The face was covered under a dark brown carapace, with no mouth, no nostrils and no ears. The most conspicuous thing was the sunken eye sockets, and the fiercely gleaming eyes in the sockets.

Ye Han subconsciously paused the picture and carefully observed the eye in the crack of the door.

This eye is very strange. The eyeball is covered with layers of scales. The pupil cannot be seen in the center of the eyeball, but a black dot the size of a bean surrounded by six identical black dots, and then surrounded by twelve. The black dots look mysterious and eerie.

He felt that those scales were supposed to protect the eyeballs in a vacuum, but what were those nineteen black dots? Compound eye or monocular?

The video continues. Seeing this eye, the gun that was originally aimed at the crack of the door immediately raised. At the same time, the head in the door slammed into the crack of the door, as if trying to squeeze out of the crack.

There was a flash of fire at the muzzle, and Ye Han heard a clear and dull sound of gunfire. The bullet hit the forehead of the face in the crack of the door without error. A nail is inserted into the carapace like a nail, and it is set on it.

What the **** is going on here?

The gunshot exploded, and the others immediately realized that there was something inside. Several gun barrels were stuffed into the crack of the door at the same time, and then the gunshots were loud, regardless of whether they hit the target or not, in short, it was a random shot.

The sound of ping-ping-ping-ping-pong was constantly heard from the crack of the door, which was the sound of bullets hitting the bulkhead.

The soldiers fired all the bullets in their guns in a blink of an eye, but the hatch still hadn't been opened, and the screen moved away instead. Several other soldiers shot them up, and another burst of gunfire. After three rotations, the soldier who opened the door suddenly pulled. Open the hatch completely.

Several soldiers stood guard outside the cabin door with their guns pointing in different directions, and the security passwords were heard incessantly. Only when there were no problems in all directions did the on-site commander wave his hand violently into the cabin door.

The soldiers rushed into the cabin immediately, some charging in big strides, and some floating in forcefully. Even at the moment of entering the cabin door, a few guns still controlled all directions.

"Safe!" Several voices said in unison.

The screen moved to the cabin, and followed a few comrades into the cabin. ,

The space in this cabin is very small. The soldiers can reach out and touch the ceiling. At a glance, the floors, walls and ceilings are full of bullet marks, and many warheads are still embedded in it, reminding Ye Han of the one who got into the unknown Slug on the creature's forehead.

Turning the screen to the right, Ye Han saw that the soldiers pointed their guns at the right corner of the cabin, where there was a hole in the bulkhead, and there was a strange creature floating in the air and motionless near the hole.

Ye Han finally saw the whole picture of the unknown creature.

Its trunk is shaped like a Dalmatian, with a bald triangular head on its slender neck, and its limbs are slender and its four feet are disproportionately large. Thick fins.

This thing is covered with carapace from top to bottom, and it looks very solid-the whole body is full of warheads, and many warheads are deeply embedded in the carapace but fail to penetrate. Based on this alone, it can be judged that the strength of the carapace is not low. .

However, its abdomen should be a bullet point, where the carapace has broken down in many places, and the wound is constantly bubbling with blood... That is the boiling blood in its body.

Ye Han knew that the fact that this thing was shot so many times was not because of the superb marksmanship of the soldiers, but because the soldiers fired regardless of the cost, forming a dense barrage.

The distance was too close, a large number of warheads filled the narrow cabin, and there were ricocheting bullets everywhere.

At this time, a voice sounded in the picture: "Stay away, stay away, don't be so close-"

The soldiers stopped as they said, still pointing at the unknown creature.

The voice appeared again: "Hit me until it can no longer die!"

Ye Han couldn't help nodding at this order, this thing came from aliens, no matter what it looks like, it must still be like a bug in the bones. It's hard to say how strong life is.

The person who gave this order is definitely a senior veteran, or the kind of veteran who has been fighting on the front line of anti-insect for a long The first few soldiers immediately opened fire, the bullet hit the unknown creature, and the inertia acted on the unknown creature. It floated towards the opposite bulkhead.

Probably the power of close-range direct fire is relatively strong, and the number of bullets penetrating the carapace has increased significantly. Except for the thickest back of the carapace, no penetration was found. Rotten meat.

The picture freezes, the video ends, and the last picture is the specificity of the rotten meat.

It sounds complicated, but in fact, the length of the video is less than half a minute, Ye Han let out a sigh of relief: "The bridge, I have seen the video, I will inform all units to promote the firing tactics, we can afford to waste this bullet. ...Also, are there enemies in other directions?"

"Yes, still port side!"

crack metal theory

Calvin has been sleepy for a long time, and this chapter did not write the desired feeling. However, my original plan was to describe the battle from different angles. There was blood and passion in the plan, but I didn’t know if I could write it well. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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