Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1312: one more time

In the depths of the reaction chamber, which no one could see, the explosion gave the swarm a heavy blow. All the insects close to the blast were killed by the explosion, and all those farther away were stunned.

Violent air waves surged out from the depths of the reaction chamber, no matter how far away from the explosion point, as long as they were still in the reaction chamber, they would not be able to escape the fate of being overturned by the air waves.

Luo Qi saw a dazzling light suddenly burst out from the nozzle, and then a wave of air slapped him head-on, causing him to fly up, hanging like a flag flying in a gust of wind. The edge of the nozzle, involuntarily swayed to and fro.

There are many soldiers who are as helpless as Luo Qi, and the appearance of a group of people hanging on the nozzle is a rare sight.

Fortunately, everyone's safety ropes were hung up, otherwise the air waves would have to blow up a few.

The air waves came and went quickly, Luo Qi quickly stabilized his body, and was about to pull the safety rope to climb back to the nozzle, but unexpectedly saw a group of out-of-control snake lizards flying out of the nozzle!

They were either dancing, or motionless, slowly being thrown behind by the battleship.

Looking at the inside of the nozzle again, most of the snakes and lizards that just emerged have disappeared, and there are still snakes and lizards flying out of the reaction chamber.

Luo Qi smirked, and waved at the flying snake lizard: "It's for nothing!"

A gunshot made his smirk freeze on his face. He turned his head and saw that there were still some snakes and lizards stubbornly attached to the inner wall in the nozzle. There were also many snakes and ice dragons hitting the cavity wall, the claws of the stage. Immediately shoot it up and climb the cavity wall again.

The warriors who stabilized their bodies couldn't wait for his orders, and took the initiative to attack the remaining snake lizards. The bullets hit the target one after another. Although they could not penetrate the shell of the snake lizard, their strong impulse made it difficult for them to stand on the inner wall. Once it leaves the inner wall, it will be thrown away by the Thunder Mountain.

Luo Qi's eyes lit up: "Hit the claws, hit their claws!"

It doesn't matter whether you kill the snake lizard or not, the important thing is to drive these **** bugs away from the battleship!

Ye Han also heard Luo Qi's roar, and he immediately shouted: "Demoman, do it again!"

"Yes!" Several blasters hurriedly assembled the explosive box, and immediately threw it into the reaction chamber.


There was another explosion, and the air wave gushed out again. Luo Qi and others, who were fighting with the snake and lizard, were unprepared. They were overturned by the air wave on the spot, and once again turned into a swaying flag.

The remaining snake lizards in the reaction chamber were also thrown out by the air wave. One of the snake lizards' feet stuck to the cavity wall when it was thrown away from the nozzle. It actually changed its direction in mid-air and slammed into Luo Qi, who was floating in the air.

Luo Qi only felt that as soon as his eyes darkened, there was something in his arms, but he was blown around by the wind, and he did not take any further action except instinctively hugging the thing.

The snake lizard that crashed into his arms was not much better, and it failed to attack Luo Qi.

It wasn't until Luo Qi's figure stabilized that he saw that there was a dizzy snake lizard in his arms, and he was so frightened that he grabbed the snake lizard's neck.

Squeeze tightly.

Luo Qi's own strength is not small, coupled with the assistance of power armor, it is a steel bar... Well, he may not be able to do anything with the steel bar, but he can definitely crush any bone easily.

However, the strength of the snake lizard's carapace is beyond human cognition. Luo Qi's huge hand strength could not do anything to it. Instead, the snake lizard recovered from being caught by the neck and twisted wildly up and down. He opened his mouth to bite Luo Qi desperately, and his four big feet swung round and slapped Luo Qi hard.

At this moment, he heard Ye Han's voice: "Luo Qi Luo Qi, how are you doing?"

"No, it's fine..." A huge force came from Luo Qi's palm, and his fingers slipped, almost letting the snake lizard escape.

He hurriedly added the other hand, and both hands tightly clasped the belly of the snake lizard, and finally fixed it in his hand.

Even so, the basilisk's carapace kept slipping between his fingers.

It's a pity that the snake lizard itself can survive in a vacuum, and no matter how much you pinch it, it will not kill it, otherwise this time will be enough for Luo Qi to strangle this **** bug several times.

Ye Han keenly found that Luo Qi's tone was wrong: "Luo Qi, what's the matter with you?"

"It's okay...wait for me for a while, I don't believe that I can't cure you!" While speaking, the snake lizard started another wave of struggle, a few big feet swung away, and patted Luo Qi endlessly. Luo Qi He wished he could blow this thing's head off with a single shot, but he couldn't draw a gun at all.

Ye Han didn't know what happened to Luo Qi, so he turned around in a hurry: "He Lu, send me the spider... Forget it, I'll go over by myself!" After speaking, he drilled into the passage, and the soldiers nearby saw this. , and quickly followed.

At this moment, one person and one worm are still at a standstill. Luo Qi used all his strength and was about to crush the snake lizard's neck, but the head of the thing suddenly turned to the left, and then Luo Qi saw that there were many more on the side of the snake lizard's head. A warhead embedded in a carapace.

Turning his head Luo Qi was stunned to see that the soldiers had gathered, and several guns were aimed at the snake lizard.

Probably seeing that the snake lizard was not dead, the soldier who fired the shot fired a few more shots one after another, and there were a few more bullets on the snake lizard's head.

At this time, the others followed suit, and they pushed the muzzle against the snake lizard and pulled the trigger. The bullets kept inserting into the snake lizard, but they never penetrated the shell.

Luo Qi was furious: "You guys had a good time, right? Hit the belly, hit the eyes, hit the mouth!"

The soldiers quickly complied, with two guns pressed against the belly of the snake lizard; the other two guns were stuffed into the snake lizard's mouth, pinned to its head, and one gun was pressed against its eyeball.

There was no need for an order at all, several people fired at the same time, and the bullet instantly pierced through the belly of the snake lizard and smashed its mouth and eyes.

The snake lizard, which had been struggling for a long time, finally stopped moving like a dead fish. Luo Qi let out a long breath and let go of one hand, while the other hand was still choking the snake lizard's neck.

He wasn't really sure if this thing was really dead.

A soldier cleverly grabbed the snake lizard's neck: "battalion commander, I'm coming!"

"You kid has a future!" Luo Qi laughed and let go of his hand, flipped his arm, grabbed the insect's leg attached to his body and tugged it fiercely.

The worm's leg was immediately broken by the tremendous force, but the big webbed foot remained attached to the armor.

Luo Qi was immediately surprised: "How stubborn? Come, come and help!"

The soldiers came over immediately, a few people grabbed the snake lizard, and the other people held Luo Qi, and both sides moved together, only to hear a few clacks, the snake lizard's four legs were broken three and a half, but the four big ones slapped on the armor. Three of his feet were still on Luo Qi's body.

"What the **** is this? Why can't it be pulled down?"

"Is this too bullshit?"

"Try a knife..."

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