Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1325: grandfather mighty

Ye Han also knows that compared with vibration propulsion, nuclear power is simply a typical example of simplicity and rudeness, but human beings have not yet mastered such a high-level technology as vibration propulsion. The military cannot give up nuclear power, even if the laboratory overcomes vibration propulsion. All technical bottlenecks, it is impossible to equip the ship in a short time.

He really wanted to ask the last question, when will the laboratory be able to study the vibration advancement, but it is not the way to kill it. Since it can't be provoked, I can only follow the old man's meaning and keep talking about the vibration advancement. Well, until the old man is satisfied, he carefully diverts the topic and asks if there are other results.

Professor Qin shook his head immediately after hearing this: "There's not enough time, so many bug machines have been researched!"

In fact, it's not that there is not enough time, but that everyone is addicted to the elytra of the insect machine and cannot use it, otherwise it will definitely be more than that.

Ye Han reluctantly asked: "What about that cavity? Didn't you look at it?"

"That!" Professor Qin seemed to remember something, "I did, but I didn't look carefully, and I haven't studied the cavity yet."

"Then what do you think of that cavity? Did the snake lizard grow in the bug machine originally, or did it get into it later?"

Professor Qin frowned: "Is this important?"

"It's more important," Ye Han said.

"What is more important?"

Ye Han said: "It doesn't matter if the bug machine doesn't hit the battleship, it's very important to hit it!"

Professor Qin understood a little, and recalled carefully for a moment: "I have seen the cavity. Judging from the degree of hardening of the cavity, it should have been drilled in afterward, but you came back so late, with a gap of several months..."

"Grandpa, Grandpa, I've seen fresh cavities!" Ye Han suddenly remembered what happened back then.

The professor's eyes lit up: "That's easy to do. The hardened cavity is the same color as the outer shell. What color do you see when you look at it?"

"Pink and white!" Ye Han replied without hesitation, "I remember it clearly!"

"That's right, the snake lizard must be growing in the insect machine!"

Ye Han's eyes narrowed: "So, when the snake and lizard first came out, it wasn't that hard, right?"

Co-authoring made the snake lizard trouble for so long, all because of his own slow response?

"Then I don't know... No, even if the snake lizard just came out, it can't be too fragile. After all, it is a vacuum. If the carapace is not strong, it will hang up immediately, and it will be able to deal with you for so long?" Professor Qin quickly asked. Make correct judgments and nip mistakes in the bud in time.

Ye Han nodded sharply: "Yes, why didn't I think of it?"

"There's more that you didn't expect!" Professor Qin taught a lesson unceremoniously.

Ye Han laughed: "Grandpa, why are snakes and lizards not afraid of vacuum? Since they don't need to breathe, where does the energy of activity come from? Chemical energy synthesis?"

Professor Qin smiled bitterly: "You really stumped me about this. We have studied a lot of terrestrial giant insects here, but we have never encountered space giant insects... Let's put it this way, from my personal point of view, snake lizards Either you don't need to breathe, or you have an air sac in your body, or you store some kind of energy in your body... But don't worry, we're working on it, I'll add it later."

Ye Han is called a sweat, co-author, no one has thought about researching this matter?

But Professor Qin had already said that he would add this matter. Naturally, he could no longer be confused, and immediately changed his words: "Grandpa, have you studied the snake lizard?"

"Researched, but the time is too short..."

"I understand, I understand, you can say whatever you know." Ye Han quickly added.

Professor Qin said: "The eyes of this thing are very special, the pupils are very large, this is a bit like a lizard, and based on the reports you submitted, the eyes of the snake lizard should be a little more powerful than the night vision device, as long as there is a little light, the snake lizard can See what's around you."

"Anything else?" Ye Han asked.

"And its feet are also very special." The professor said, "We found that the fins of the snake lizard are a bit similar to the suction cup. Of course, there is no air in space, it is just like, the adsorption principle has nothing to do with the air pressure."

Ye Han couldn't help laughing: "Grandpa, I know what the sucker is!"

"Do you still want to listen to me!"

"I listen to me, you say yours, can't I stop talking?"

Professor Qin said: "It has glands on its fins, which secrete a kind of mucus. Once it touches the hull, it will be frozen by low temperature, so that their feet can stick to the battleship, um... I understand. Bar?"

Ye Han's expression was wonderful: "So that's what happened, I thought they had magnets on their feet!"

Professor Qin laughed again: "How dare you think about it, why don't you just say that they have magnets on their feet?"

"It's not impossible, right?" Ye Han said weakly, "Even a laser can grow, what is a magnet?"

Professor Qin was startled and nodded slightly: "It makes sense, this matter should also be studied!"

Ye Han shrank his neck and changed the subject wisely: "Grandpa, I heard Xiaoting say that you used to leave early and come back late, and you never came home. You are so old, you can't fight anymore. ."

"Nonsense, how old am I? Tell you, I'm fine, do you think Cell Fusion is just kidding you?"

"Of course I know, but Xiaoting doesn't know. Isn't she worried about you? Besides, the child also misses you."

Speaking of the child, Professor Qin couldn't help sighing: "Do you think I don't want to rest more? I just don't have that life... Do you know what we were studying a while ago?"

Ye Han shook his head honestly: "I don't know."

"We study the effect of various weapons on the servants!"

"Isn't it?" Ye Han was startled, "How did you study it?"

Professor Qin spread out his hands: "How else can I get a group of servants to come over, and use whatever to target for the experiment!"

Ye Han immediately remembered Mi Wei Ling: "Where did so many come from... um, the production line of servants?"

"Yes, that's the one!" said the professor. "In short, there are as many as you want, and we never experiment with ordinary weapons. They are all sound, light, electricity, magnetism, microwave infrasound and so on."

Ye Han immediately became interested: "Grandpa, what results have you researched? Has it been practical?"

"The result is definitely there, but I don't know if it's not practical... You can rest assured. If there are new things, you must give priority to equipping your Thunder Mountain. Why are you in a hurry?"

"Alien warships are all driven by servants. Do you think I can be in a hurry?"

"That's it!" Professor Qin thought for a while. "Infrasound doesn't seem to work, but I remember hearing it somewhere, saying that there is a thermobaric bomb that has a particularly good effect. It's been a long time. It should be equipped with troops, right?"

Ye Han couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I hope so."

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