Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1330: Inheritance from generation to generation

After the meeting was over, the captains rushed to their respective battleships immediately after leaving, and mobilized while conveying the mission content.

After the brief mobilization, the ships immediately entered into intense combat readiness.

Because of the advance arrangement of Beiyuezhou, all the warships parked in the space city and the orbital factory were ready for sailing in advance. All the ships were fully loaded and the supplies were abundant, and they could set off with just one command.

But the new mission has new requirements, and each ship has made certain adjustments to the material reserve... In short, it is to find ways to apply for materials, and then stuff as much as possible into the battleship.

The warehouse is full of corridors, and the corridors are full of dormitories. In short, all the space that can be used is used. Even the outer maintenance channel has to pack a few boxes of spare parts. It seems that if you don't do this, you will lose something.

Objectively speaking, this can indeed play a role in the long-distance warships, but the extra materials increase the load of the warships, and the most direct consequence is to slow down the acceleration.

"It's just nonsense, playing the piano indiscriminately!" Huo Qiang criticized mercilessly in the face of this evil spirit, demanding that all ships put things in order, put materials where they should be loaded, and return the space that should be given to the soldiers to the soldiers, no matter what. No warship is allowed to load materials beyond the standard.

Moreover, Huo Qiang also said publicly that if any warship slowed down the fleet, the captain would be dismissed, and the military court would lead to serious consequences.

Beiyuezhou used a two-pronged approach to finally contain this unhealthy trend, and all the additional supplies from the ship were moved down.

Many captains deliberately slowed down the handling speed, intending to drag the fleet to sail, a fait accompli.

But after waiting for three days in a row, the order to set sail was not reached, and everyone speculated whether there was another accident.

At this time, a transport fleet arrived at Beiyuezhou, and the headquarters immediately issued a sailing order. The asteroid belt task force headed by Nanzhou set off immediately, joined the transport ships and flew to Ceres.

The captains suddenly realized that this time the lease actually brought so many transport ships, and all kinds of materials are available. How can I use my own ideas?

Ye Han is a little strange, isn't there too many transport ships taken away in the direction of the asteroid?

But within a few days, another batch of transport ships arrived at Beiyuezhou, and the Mars task force was ordered to set sail.

The first to leave the port were the four spaceships. Their huge figures passed over the Beiyuezhou sky and flew into the distance.

After that, sixteen destroyers, including the Thunder Mountain, were divided into four groups to follow behind the buttocks of the air carrier. As a meritorious battleship of Beiyuezhou, Leishan was ordered to follow the flagship Jizhou and defend the flagship with three other destroyers.

Next were twenty-four frigates, also divided into four formations to continue to follow.

In the end, it was a huge transport team composed of more than 60 transport ships. The number of bases was so large that all the battleships together took turns.

All warships take the air carrier as the core and form four aircraft carrier battle groups. The four battle groups are arranged in a sloping straight line and advance in formation at the same speed.

In front of the Leishan is the Jizhou, and there is only one Jizhou. Ye Han can only see the tail of the Jizhou when he looks up, but as long as he turns his head, he can see a neat formation of a hundred battleships!

His heart is majestic, majestic and other words, and his eyes were almost bewildered by the powerful fleet.

There have been larger fleets in the past, but at that time he could only see the fleet from the screen, and his vision was limited to the lens.

But it's different now. The military has made meticulous and thorough improvements to the Thunder Mountain, removing the large and small screens on the bridge, and the Thunder Mountain has bid farewell to the screen era and replaced it with a panoramic helmet!

As the name suggests, the panoramic helmet is a screen that can be displayed in the helmet in all directions, not only front and rear, left and right, but also the top and bottom of the head.

After this thing is buckled on the head, it can sense the user's movements, which direction the head turns, and which direction is displayed on the screen in front of you.

For the convenience of command, the bridge officers and various data can also be displayed on the screen one by one. Whenever this time, everyone seems to be floating in space. It is better if there are no stars nearby. The horror of falling.

It was this unprecedented sense of presence that made Ye Han and all the bridge officers witness the most shocking sailing scene.

When everyone was immersed in the scene in front of them, Luo Qi suddenly exclaimed: "Look, the international fleet!"

Everyone instinctively turned their heads to look in the direction he pointed, and immediately saw a group of blurred shadows.

Ye Han saw the air carrier at the head at a glance, and with a glance, he saw a full six ships!

He Lu said in surprise: "I'm going, there are so many motherships? How many warships did they send?"

Ye Han shook his head: "He didn't say anything, just look at this posture, there are only more or less!"

Luo Qi zoomed in on the picture, and many details that were not clear before showed in front of him: "The one at the head is the flagship, right? It looks very mighty... CVN-86?"

The ship's bow was painted with a black-gray hull number Because the color is similar to the hull painting, it is impossible to see it if you are not careful.

"It's nuclear power, meaning the 86th ship." He Lu said.

"I'm rubbing it!" Luo Qi was shocked. "There are 86 ships? Do they have so many air carriers?"

Ye Han said: "They also count the Navy's aircraft carriers, the ones on the water."

Luo Qi suddenly realized: "What do I say, if they have so many motherships, what's the deal with the alien mushroom, and it's not over to push A directly?"

Everyone made Luo Qi's words amused, and the atmosphere in the bridge seemed to be much more relaxed.

He Lu smiled and said, "Don't you know? The key is not the port number, but the name of the ship. This battleship is called the Enterprise, have you heard of it?"

Luo Qi nodded: "Of course I've heard of it. It's the spaceship in the American movie. It's the one that was particularly miserable every time. Does this have anything to do with that?"

"Of course there is!" He Lu said, "Let's put it this way, the Yankees liked the name Enterprise very much. There used to be several aircraft carriers called the Enterprise, but now there are aircraft carriers, how could they not use them?"

"Is there still such a thing?" Luo Qi was stunned, "Can the name of the ship be used over and over again?"

"They're used to it." He Lu said, "Look back, CVN-87, that's the Discovery; 88, the Intrepid; 89, the Lexington; 91, the Yorktown... Most of them are the first generation. inherited from generation to generation.”

He Lu counted seven or eight names in a row, and Luo Qi's eyes widened as he listened: "I've heard all of them... Damn it, what is that?"

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