Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1335: 2 concepts

The remaining fleet has only six battleships, and its strength is seriously insufficient. If it were not for the annihilation of a large number of enemy ships in the battle at Base No. 3, these six battleships would not be able to defend the asteroid belt at all.

To this end, Beiyuezhou and the International Fleet successively dispatched some warships to the asteroid belt. It was not until Leishan arrived at the port that the strength of the remaining fleet was increased to about 20 ships, which stabilized the actual control line of mankind.

At present, the remaining fleet is divided into two groups. The battleships belonging to Beiyuezhou are all on Ceres, and the battleships from the international fleet are on Vesta.

Ye Han hadn't heard of Vesta's situation, but the battleships in front of him were more or less with some scars, and some of the battleships had a few wreckages nailed to them, obviously fighting against enemy ships a lot.

A little further away is a group of alien warships. There are about twenty-seven or eight ships in total. In terms of the number, it is twice that of the left-behind fleet and has a turn. However, in terms of strength, it is slightly higher than the left-behind fleet. Let's start, who will kill the deer or two.

No way, the strength of the alien warships is too bad, if not for the numerical advantage, the left-behind fleet would have been cooked by a spoonful.

The two fleets confronted each other in the air, and the alien fleet was pressing step by step, but the remaining fleet retreated step by step, obviously not wanting to catch fire with the enemy.

Ye Han is not surprised at all, the Nanzhou fleet will arrive in two days, and it is a fleet with the same strength as the Mars fleet, and there are four light-air carrier ships. If the enemy cannot annihilate the left-behind fleet before the arrival of the Nanzhou fleet, it will be difficult to find similar opportunities, which is why they are so impatient.

The left-behind fleet is different. As long as they come to the Nanzhou Fleet, they will hold the victory in their hands and take a few steps back to win the victory. Their brains are not wrong, how can they be willing to fight the enemy at this time?

However, the enemy ship in the shot is only a part of the enemy army, and the main force of the alien fleet on Ceres has not moved.

Thinking of this, Ye Han immediately ordered He Lu to move the camera, and the screen turned to focus on the only bright spot in the darkness - Ceres, which is a million kilometers away!

The screen zoomed in and quickly brought Ceres closer. After a while, Ye Han seemed to be outside Ceres.

He hadn't seen Ceres for several months. From a distance, the dwarf planet did not change much, but when he saw it up close, he could immediately see that there were many more craters on its surface.

The surface of Ceres was originally covered with craters, but these extra craters are new at first glance, and you don't need to ask to know that they must be traces left by the nuclear bombs thrown here in the past few months.

Ye Han kept muttering in his heart, how many times did the aliens land on Ceres and use so many nuclear bombs to stop them.

However, the aliens seem to have no memory, because the aliens in the camera are organizing a landing, and a group of aliens have already set foot on Ceres.

Ye Han couldn't help but be a little puzzled, knowing that the human fleet was approaching, but chose to land on Ceres at this time, is there something wrong with the alien's brain?

However, although the alien battleship is weak, the aliens have a strong will to fight, and they have never heard of aliens with brains. In other words, it is impossible for aliens to not know the risks of landing.

In this case, Ye Han is almost certain that the aliens must have some unknown conspiracy.

At this moment, he really wanted to bring Leishan to Ceres and destroy the enemy ships there, but Leishan was incorporated into the Mars task force, so he just thought about it and sent a message to Nanzhou at most. , ask Gao Kai to do it for you.

Ye Han is no longer young, and these thoughts are just spinning in his mind. It is definitely impossible to do such a second thing, but he is very much looking forward to the next development, waiting to see how the Nanzhou fleet will give the aliens Fleet hit hard!

There are no aliens near Mars. Since the fleet arrived on Mars, they have been honestly staying in their respective positions. Except for some bridge officers, the rest of the crew are hibernating in their respective dormitories. .

The arrival of the Nanzhou bridge was like giving the Mars fleet a booster. All sober people turned their attention to Ceres, even the international fleet.

Maybe the reasons for concern are different, but everyone sincerely hopes that the Nanzhou Fleet Group will succeed in capturing Ceres.

In the blink of an eye, two days have passed, and the sky train has already climbed more than half.

The Nanzhou fleet was getting closer and closer, which put great psychological pressure on the alien fleet. Seeing that the two fleets would meet in an hour or so, the alien fleet finally could not withstand the pressure and retreated ahead of schedule, giving up the annihilation of the left-behind fleet. intention of.

Everyone felt that this was a good start, and as long as it continued, annihilating the enemy army was not a dream.

After the Nanzhou fleet merged with the left-behind fleet, they continued to move forward without rushing, and formed a formation as they advanced, with their soldiers pointing directly at Ceres.

Ye Han counted them carefully, and there were only 180 alien warships entrenched in Ceres. In terms of number, it was still twice as many as the Nanzhou fleet, but in terms of strength, it was a line lower than the Nanzhou fleet.

The aliens probably knew this, so they evacuated Ceres without waiting for the Nanzhou fleet to arrive, and did not give Gao Kai a chance to fight.

Seeing this, everyone's heart sank involuntarily.

The purpose of seizing Ceres is to hold back the aliens. If the aliens do not grab Ceres, could it be that they discovered anomalies on Mars and guessed the strategic intention of the combined fleet?

The entire fleet immediately became tense, and even Huo Qiang couldn't calm down, nervously waiting for the development of the situation.

Not long after, the Nanzhou fleet arrived at Ceres. At this time, there were no ghosts near Ceres, and the nearest alien battleship was hundreds of thousands of kilometers away.

The aliens on Ceres also drilled into the ground ahead of time, and no traces could be found on the surface.

The Nanzhou Fleet did not dare to be careless, and immediately assumed a posture of guarding Ceres. At the same time, the transport ship that arrived with the fleet flew close to Ceres, and several cables hung down from the belly of the and then the fully armed servants The army made his debut, slid down the cable to Ceres.

Ye Han's whole person is not well. He always thought that the transport ship was loaded with various materials, and he almost cried out on the spot when he saw this scene.

But in retrospect, it seems that all the transport ships flew back from the direction of Io Zero. He also heard that the assembly line for cloning the servants was running normally, and the technicians who stayed on Io had already mastered the clone technology of servants.

Continuing to think about it according to this line of thinking, the people who landed on Ceres may not necessarily be servants, but may also be cloned servants who are controlled by their own hands!

This is interesting. The military and the resistance organizations cooperate to seize Ceres, and the servants under the control of the military seize Ceres, which are absolutely two completely different concepts!

crack metal theory

Today is April 1st, and the first thing that many people think of is April Fool's Day. They think of tricks, pranks, and how to trick other people.

But I would like to remind you that 17 years ago today, there was an 81192 over the South China Sea. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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