Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1340: Make 2 things clear

Mars, North Pole.

The ground end was firmly fixed in the center of the platform, and the thick cable was pulled straight by centrifugal force, extending from the platform to the distance until it broke off the ground, and finally reached the sky.

Near the platform, countless engineers waited anxiously, looking at the far end of the cable from time to time.

"Come here, the car is here!" A voice echoed in the public channel, and everyone was immediately excited, and they all turned their attention to the sky.

"I saw, I saw, there—"

Many voices said the same thing, many arms pointed in the same direction, many saw the silently moving black dot on the cable.

The black spot attached to the cable was so heavy that wherever it went, the cable would sink noticeably.

The speed of the black spot was extremely fast, and after a while, the blurred black spot had turned into a train attached to the cable.

The distance is getting closer and closer, the train that was traveling in the air is getting closer and closer to the ground, and gradually parallel to the ground. When the cable is close to the ground, the wheels under the train are accurately stuck on the rails, slowing down like a normal train, and finally slowing down. Pause on the platform.

The soldiers rushed up and rushed to their respective posts according to the pre-arrangement. Hundreds of engineers counted a group of hard-working worker ants and moved the materials in the carriage out of the car at the fastest speed. It was sent to the warehouse for storage, and after a while, the materials on the car were moved to seventy-eighty-eight.

Before the No. 1 train was evacuated, the second train had already entered the station. After a while, the No. 3 train also entered the platform.

Three trains in a row entering the station, this scene is absolutely impossible to appear on the earth, but the rail elevator placed here was originally designed for the earth, and the strength of the cable is designed according to the gravity of the earth, so it can withstand the pressure of the three trains running at the same time.

However, three cars are also the limit of this cable, and any more will exceed the limit of the cable and cause permanent damage.

The engineers on the platform were even busier. After a while, all the materials on the first train were emptied, and the soldiers immediately rushed to the second train and continued to carry the materials.

At this time, the empty train had already embarked on its way home.

Since the completion of the orbital elevator, these three trains have been running several times a day, sending a large amount of materials to the north pole of Mars. The speed and efficiency are far beyond everyone's expectations.

In other words, the transportation speed is faster than the construction speed of the base. The base has just taken shape, and the materials sent to the ground have already piled up.

This period of time happened to be the time when Nanzhou took the initiative to provoke. Just when everyone thought that the construction of the Mars base was about to go on the right track, Jizhou suddenly revised the construction sequence, suspended the construction of the base, concentrated all construction forces, and built it with all its strength. Super cannon.

In this way, the first super cannon on Mars settled in the North Pole, and that day happened to be the time when Gao Kai sank the transport ship into Ceres.

History is always an amazing coincidence, and reality is always more dramatic than story.

Jizhou's decision was unexpected, but reasonable. Many people realized that there was unusual information behind this change.

Ye Han believes that the direct reason for this result is the unfavorable situation in the asteroid belt battle. Although the fleets in the two directions of Ceres and Vesta have tried their best, they are far from the goal of containing the enemy. Aliens can always Throw away the human fleet, and use Mars to draw the bottom line.

Destruction is always easier than construction. At that time, even if the fleet blocks the enemy, the Mars base may be greatly damaged, so it is very necessary to build super cannons in advance.

In a blink of an eye, the No. 1 cannon at the North Pole gradually took shape, and everything was so logical.

But at this time, the international fleet suddenly moved, and the gathered personnel returned to the Antarctic and airdropped supplies to the Antarctic.

This unusual move caught Ye Han's attention. After Leishan flew three times around Mars, he could already confirm that the group of foreigners were building the ground platform of the orbital elevator at the south pole of Mars.

Ye Han was very surprised. Could it be that the rail elevator made for the international fleet was sent here? But the direction of the earth is obviously nothing!

Just as everyone was talking, the sky train returned to the low-orbit terminal, and then the space station started the engine and began to move directly above the North Pole.

Now everyone understands, what sent the orbital elevator, especially to send the orbital elevator to the South Pole!

The elevator is used by the international fleet, what about the North Pole?

The conflict between Beidu and Washington is not a day or two, and the militaries of the two countries have a lot of filth in private. Even if it is the honeymoon period of ability cooperation, everyone is not willing to harm themselves and others for no reason.

The captains called Jizhou one after another. In view of the indignation of the crowd, Huo Qiang immediately gave the order to hold a meeting. The captains took only a few minutes to sit in the virtual conference room through the panoramic helmets.

After everyone arrived, light and shadow flickered on the chair at the end of the conference table, and Huo Qiang sat on the chair in the blink of an eye.

His sharp eyes swept across the venue, and Huo Qiang said straight to the point: "I called everyone here today, mainly to talk about the rail elevator. I have probably understood the situation, and I can also guess what you think. The elevator is ours, we shouldn't harm ourselves and others, right?"

No one spoke, but everyone's faces were somewhat unnatural.

Of course, there are also those who don't care. If it wasn't for the fact that it wasn't easy to talk about it in public, it would be necessary to express the dissatisfaction on the spot.

Huo Qiang stretched out **** and said, "I have two things clear One is the problem of the rail elevator, and the other is the next battle plan."

"Before we talk about the orbital elevator, we must first talk about the project of the Mars base. The construction of the Mars base is imperative, and not only the North Pole, but also the South Pole must be put on the agenda. Now that the materials needed in the North Pole are in place, the next step is to deliver to the South Pole. Materials, we not only have to build a Mars base, but also build a super cannon. If the materials are not in place, how can a super cannon be built?"

Huo Qiang's eyes swept across the venue again, and everyone was honest and silent.

He continued: "Let's just order the fleet. Now the asteroids bring a group, and the Mars group has almost emptied the battleship. We can't stay here forever, and the earth can't be protected by a fleet. Wait for the north and south two sets. With the completion of the super cannon, and the two super cannons on the satellite, even if the fleet is withdrawn, Mars will have a certain self-defense ability, and there will be no need to tie so many warships here. Therefore, the super cannon must be given priority, and the orbital elevator will also Gotta move to the South Pole, understand?"

When it came to the end, Huo Qiang was already fierce.

"Understood!" Everyone stood up at the same time. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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