Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1344: assembly number

The fleet went faster and faster, gradually leaving Mars behind, eventually turning into an inconspicuous little dot, slowly submerged in the dark space. *WwW.suimeng.lā

The fleet's voyage this time is different from the past. Each ship no longer has only one or two people on duty, but all the commanding layers are in place. Huo Qiang personally leads the commanders to observe the asteroid every day, and then gathers the captains together. To discuss the enemy's situation, every captain is required to know the situation of the asteroid belt like the back of his hand.

It is easy to let the captains hibernate, but when the fleet arrives, everyone must re-understand the changes in the situation during hibernation. Huo Qiang believes that no matter whether he reads the data or listens to the report, the impression left by his own observation and analysis is not reliable, so he directly breaks the previous practice.

The actions of the aliens could not be concealed from humans, and the movements of the human fleet could not be concealed from the aliens either. Two days after the fleet set off, the fleet found that the assembled alien fleet suddenly experienced abnormal activities such as large-scale changes in direction and acceleration. The analysis found that the enemy Adjusted staging coordinates again.

The earliest rendezvous coordinates of aliens were near Ceres. After the first adjustment, the distance between the rendezvous point and Ceres was almost one million kilometers. This time, the adjustment was more thorough, and the rendezvous point was directly moved to 5 million kilometers away. .

In the daily analysis meeting, everyone expressed their opinions and had a lot of ideas, but no one knew what the aliens were trying to do when they moved the assembly point.

After listening to everyone's opinions, Huo Qiang concluded: "The aliens have indeed retreated again and again, but they have never given up to assemble the fleet. What does this mean? It means that the enemy has never planned to give up Ceres, and it means that they still want to take Ceres. Go back, so, if I encounter this situation in the future, I don't need to discuss it at the meeting..."

As the days passed, it was probably because the fleet of Ceres brought too much pressure to Gao Kai, and the actions of the Nanzhou fleet became more and more radical. Originally, they were only active near Ceres, but as time passed, the Nanzhou fleet became more and more aggressive. When the Jizhou fleet flew halfway, the Nanzhou fleet's range of activities was already half an astronomical unit, and dozens of human warships galloped across the vast battlefield, blocking everywhere. Alien battleship.

The aliens did not show weakness. In order to successfully complete the assembly, they deliberately separated a part of the warships and carried out counter-blocking **** for tat. The fleets of the two sides sometimes converged and sometimes dispersed; today they interspersed and tomorrow detoured.

The enemy and us took turns showing various tactics, but they rarely fought hard. As a result, both sides exhausted a lot of brain cells, but the real hard battles were not fought a few times, and the losses were all within the tolerance range.

If you don't know that the two sides are the real mortal enemies, the offensive and defensive battle staged by the asteroid belt is like a pre-arranged performance.

In contrast, there is nothing to say about Vesta's direction. The number of enemy ships confronting the International Fleet is pitiful.

Time always slips away inadvertently. In a blink of an eye, more than a month has passed. The Jizhou fleet is halfway through the voyage, and the scope of activities of the Nanzhou fleet is still expanding.

Huo Qiang thought this was not a good phenomenon. He raised the issue at the daily discussion meeting, and after discussing it with everyone, he issued an order to the Nanzhou to shrink the fleet.

The order made it clear that the mission of the Nanzhou fleet was not to confront the enemy, but to defend Ceres.

The aliens have done a good job of fighting and blocking, successfully dragging the pace of the Nanzhou fleet, creating favorable conditions for the smooth assembly of the alien fleet. Now that the enemy troops are assembled, if they continue to spread the Nanzhou fleet outside, Once the enemy attacks Ceres, the consequences are unimaginable.

However, Jizhou's order also affirmed Nanzhou's achievements. If it wasn't for the Nanzhou fleet attacking everywhere, the alien fleet should have been assembled at this time, but it is different now. The enemy ships near the assembly point are only 100%. About fifty or so, other enemy ships were still scattered in a vast area of ​​half an astronomical unit. Objectively speaking, the Nanzhou really dragged the enemy and bought a lot of time for its own fleet.

Gao Kai, who received the order, sighed helplessly. In fact, he also discovered the problem that the fleet was too scattered. Even if Jizhou did not say anything, he was ready to take over the fleet.

But Jizhou's order was one step earlier, and now this situation is equivalent to Jizhou's deprivation of Nanzhou's command right in advance!

But now that the matter is over, he has nothing to say. He directly conveys the order and asks all ships to return as soon as possible.

The reason why they didn't return immediately was because many of their own warships were entangled with enemy ships, and they had to get rid of the enemy ships first, and then they could return after it was safe.

The warships belonging to the Nanzhou Fleet Group returned one after another, and the aliens immediately noticed this phenomenon. Instead of blocking them, they took the initiative to leave the battle and let the human warships leave.

Of course, this is not how kind-hearted the aliens are, and they have to rush to the rendezvous point, so there is a very strange scene in the asteroid belt. Not long ago, the fleets of both sides were killed like Mars hit the earth, but in a blink of an eye They ceased fire and ceased fighting, even if they saw the other's battleships, they ignored them, and immersed themselves on their way.

It's not that I really don't want to pay attention, but the direction of the warships on both sides is different, and the relative speed is very fast. A face-to-face encounter is an instant thing, and the distance is long and the time is short. A few cannons were fired, and it was another matter whether they could fight, so the two sides ceased fire very tacitly, and neither of them wasted that time and affection.

After Gao Kai learned of the aliens' movements, he immediately alerted the Jizhou ship. He believed that the aliens should not continue to gather at this This situation is very abnormal.

War is a process in which commanders of both sides guess the intention of the other side, but in many cases, this guess is very vague, so there is a simpler response: whatever the enemy wants to do, it must be destroyed!

For this reason, Gao Kai believes that the fleet should continue to block enemy ships.

Jizhou ruthlessly rejected Gao Kai's proposal, ordered Gao Kai not to interfere with the assembly of the enemy army, and reiterated that Gao Kai was required to assemble the fleet as soon as possible.

The order didn't say what to do with the assembled fleet, but as long as he had eyes, he knew that Huo Qiang meant to guard Ceres and wait for the assembled alien fleet to attack.

Gao Kai really couldn't understand what Huo Qiang meant.

Soldiers have no constant shape and water has no constant situation, and now is not the Spring and Autumn Period when the battle formations are clearly stated. Since it is a war, it should be used for everything.

There are super cannons on Ceres, and if they are used well, they can indeed hit the aliens a lot, but Huo Qiang's tactics are still too conservative. At the very least, he must keep a mobile fleet, right?

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