Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1367: sandwich chocolate

Perhaps Leishan's actions were too clean and agile. The aliens who didn't pay much attention to Leishan immediately realized that this human battleship was not easy to deal with, and even had a strong sense of crisis.

The Yuzhou Battle Group is behind the former enemy ship, and there is no longer any obstacle between the Leishan and the alien fleet after the break, but there is still some distance between the two sides, so it is big, the Leishan is behind, this is obviously a sign of the attack from both sides, the aliens People who have no tactical awareness know that it is not easy to be attacked by the enemy.

They have the heart to send more warships to intercept Leishan, but after the fleet there are only so many warships, it is not easy to squeeze out two ships. Sending two more ships will not help. If there are too many, the Yuzhou Battle Group will Impossible to watch.

Just now, the rear fleet was still pressing on the Yuzhou battle group, but the addition of such a human battleship directly reversed the situation on the battlefield, making the aliens commanding the rear fleet in a dilemma.

However, the time was limited, and the battle situation did not allow him to continue to hesitate. The alien commander immediately ordered the fleet to launch a decisive attack on the Yuzhou battle group.

The Yuzhou Battle Group has six human warships including the Yuzhou, no matter how you look at it, it is not a good choice for breaking through.

But the alien commander also has his own considerations. The Leishan single-ship assault is indeed better to deal with, but turning around and attacking the Leishan is bound to leave the buttocks to the Yuzhou battle group, and let the six human battleships slam the buttocks hard, The result is definitely not good.

On the other hand, no matter how powerful the Leishan is, the output of the Yuzhou battle group is not as high.

There is a more important point, behind the Yuzhou battle group is a starry sky, as long as you rush over, you will survive.

What about Mount Crayon? Te Mo was followed by a whole fleet of human beings. Even if the alien commander had a bug kicked in his head, he would not be stupid enough to attack the Jizhou battle group.

The enemy suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the Yuzhou battle group, changing the previous dogfight tactics and taking on a stance of fighting to the death.

The Yuzhou battle group really didn't expect the aliens to fight recklessly, but they have always been prepared to block the enemy ships, and found that the signs were wrong. Smash on the ship.

The reinforcements were behind the enemy's buttocks. Although there was only one battleship, it was the Leishan, the fleet's top ace battleship. The Yuzhou believed that as long as it held its own, the Leishan would definitely give the enemy an unforgettable memory. painful lessons.

Ye Han also saw the enemy's movement, he couldn't help but shouted: "No, the enemy wants to run, what way, hurry up, the electromagnetic gun fires, I don't believe it, the warship can't catch up, and the missile can't catch up. !"

Of course he didn't want the enemy to run away like this, but there was still some distance between the Thunder Mountain and the enemy, and it was too late to rush over.

"Yes!" He Lu loudly agreed, and immediately launched a wave of missiles at the enemy.

At this time, he didn't care about the old and new styles, and he simply launched whichever he saw.

Anyway, black cat and white cat, catch the mouse is a good cat, as long as it can destroy the enemy ship, it is no problem to let He Lu spit on the alien warship.

After the first wave of missiles left the ship, He Lu couldn't let it go, and couldn't help but say, "Captain, one wave of missiles is too few, is there another wave?"

The alien warships are not vegetarian either. There is a fine light at a long distance and a silk light at a close range. If there is no silk light to intercept the missiles, the two enemy ships just now would have to hit at least three or five missiles.

Ye Han wanted to nod his head immediately after hearing this. Although he didn't want to waste missiles, his primary goal now was to destroy enemy ships, not to be diligent and thrifty.

Just as he didn't want to lower his head, Luo Qi suddenly shouted: "Boss, the Yuzhou number called and said they could withstand it, let's fight steadily!"

Ye Han frowned and quickly analyzed the situation in front of him.

The charge of the aliens was very tenacious. There were quite a few warships on the Yuzhou side, but they had already fought against the alien fleet, and each ship was damaged to some extent, and the appearance of the Yuzhou was even more appalling.

Ye Han believed in the determination of the comrades on the ship, but determination alone was useless. Only a warship could block the enemy. He could even imagine how much pressure the Jizhou battle group was under at this moment.

In order to save a few missiles, watching Yuzhou fight desperately with the enemy group?

Thinking of this, Ye Han immediately made up his mind and nodded at He Lu: "Hit me hard, I don't care how many missiles you use, I only sink enemy ships!"

"You arrive!" He Lu agreed, as if he had got the sword of Shang Fang, and poked his fingers frantically. The missile nests on Leishan opened one by one, and various missiles flew away from the nests, from the electromagnetic guns, and from the naval guns. Battleships, flying towards enemy ships in various trajectories.

Seeing this scene, the Yuzhou was not doomed, and the commander shouted: "I can't do it!" After that, he ordered all the battleships to turn on their After receiving the order, the six battleships immediately rushed to the maximum. Strong firepower fired at the enemy ship, and the remaining missiles smashed past without money. For a time, the entire battlefield was full of thin laser beams, and there were missiles from a sailfish ship that shuttled between the beams.

These six battleships did lose some firepower, but they were the five best-performing battleships in the Yuzhou and Nanzhou fleet. The combined firepower of the six battleships was also a force that should not be underestimated.

In the face of all this, the alien commander almost lost his mind. He desperately intercepted from the front, and there was a large group of missiles behind his butt. Isn't this a standard two-sided attack?

He couldn't think of any tactics in his mind, and he ordered several warships to turn around by instinct, trying to expand the rear of the fleet.

After turning around, the alien warships did not retreat, but charged forward to face the missiles while firing, intending to lure all the missiles over. Even if these warships were all destroyed, at least they could protect the main force of the rear fleet.

Ye Han couldn't help sneering when he saw this scene, and commented: "Thinking beautiful!"

The data link can not only be used between warships, various weapons on the ship, and even various weapons in the fleet are also the terminal nodes of the data link. Through data sharing, naval guns and missiles are under the unified management of the fire control system. Equal distribution of targets is the foundation of the foundation. If a few enemy ships fly out at random, all the missiles can be directed to it. Isn't the data link a joke?

The enemy ships that were trying to block the missiles quickly found out that something was wrong. There were still so many missiles flying towards them. The aliens on the ship panicked. Apart from trying to intercept the missiles, they didn't know what else they could do.

At this moment, the missile from the Yuzhou fleet collided with the main force of the rear fleet, and a series of dazzling lights burst into the virtual space.

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