Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1369: crowned by insects

After receiving the order, the Thunder Mountain did not stop and immediately turned to set off.

The Yuzhou battle group was divided into two. The five battleships that were in good condition set off to catch up with the main force, while the heavily damaged Yuzhou was left alone, while maintaining the battleships and checking the situation of the enemy ships.

Soon after, Leishan received a set of photos and several videos from Yuzhou. The photos showed roasted aliens, **** aliens with seven orifices, and solidified smoke like amber. alien.

The aliens in the solid smoke are the most interesting. When the photo was taken, they were still alive!

This is too surprising. Ye Han specially contacted the Yuzhou number to ask about the situation of the aliens. The result was that the Yuzhou number moved too quickly. Soon after the photo was taken, the servants in the solid smoke died of suffocation. .

Ye Han couldn't help laughing after learning about the situation. These servants were slaves of aliens by birth, but now they are suffocating to death, reminding him of the old saying "Life is humble, death is suffocating!"

It’s interesting to think about it. The servants were originally slaves of aliens. Now Beidu has mastered the cloning technology of servants, and they have become slaves of humans. If this continues to develop, will servants under human control become slaves. The cornerstone of society, while humanity becomes a privileged class akin to an alien aristocracy?

The inferiority of human beings is so serious. If he really becomes a superior man, the entire human society will be degenerate and corrupt. When he thinks of this, Ye Han does not think that it is any good for human beings to enslave servants.

Of course, except for war, using servants as cannon fodder is definitely an affordable choice.

Ye Han believes that, except for a very small number of fools, the vast majority of people have the same idea.

After leaving the battlefield, Ye Han has been paying attention to the movements of the alien main force, more precisely, worried about the situation of the Nanzhou fleet.

After the main force of the alien fleet withdrew from the battle, it flew all the way to Ceres, and the Nanzhou fleet, which was one step behind, persevered in pursuit.

The aliens don't know the situation of the Nanzhou fleet, but their own family knows it all too well. If the two sides make it clear that the chariots and horses will fight again, it is hard to say who will die.

Just when everyone was worried about the Nanzhou fleet, the situation suddenly turned around. The alien fleet that was flying to Ceres actually turned, turned, turned!

Ye Han, who received the news, couldn't believe his eyes. Not long ago, the alien fleet rushed towards Ceres in an aggressive manner, with an appearance of never giving up if it didn't achieve its goal. Why did it change in a blink of an eye?

After hearing the news, the soldiers also talked a lot, and they all felt that the aliens changed their minds because they were afraid of super cannons.

This statement does make sense, but Ye Han feels that it is not so accurate.

The super cannon is arranged on the surface of the star, and the shooting range is limited by the shape of the star surface. At least four super cannon arrays are required to roughly cover all directions of the star, and six to eight arrays can ensure that there are no dead ends.

Ceres currently has only two arrays, so there should not be too many dead spots for shooting. As long as the alien fleet finds the right direction, avoiding the super cannon is definitely not a problem.

Ye Han quickly thought of another possibility: the enemy ships that failed to reach the rendezvous point in time were gathering in the direction of Mars. Is this enemy army planning to divert to Mars?

Now there is only one battle group on Mars. If all the enemy ships in the asteroid belt are concentrated in the past, the Mars base that has just built a foundation will be dangerous.

Ceres was snatched, but if Mars was lost for Ceres... Wouldn't it be like losing watermelon to pick up sesame seeds?

Everyone thought that Huo Qiang would order the fleet to return, either to intercept the alien fleet midway, or to rush back to Mars in advance to wait for the arrival of the enemy. However, Huo Qiang remained silent. He only said that it was not the time, and he had to observe and observe again.

No one thought it was wrong to be cautious, but Huo Qiang was too cautious. Even if he returned immediately, he would arrive at Mars two days later than the aliens. If he continued to wait, the consequences would be hard to say.

Even if you command the fleet to make a gesture, is it better than keeping the troops inactive?

Just when this heart was floating, Ye Han received a batch of photos and many videos from Gao Kai, all of which were packed in a folder, which Gao Kai named "Ceres Underground Battle".

Seeing the name, Ye Han immediately became interested, and immediately opened the file folder to look at it.

Look at the photos first. The photos are all images of servants fighting against the enemy. Some are charging, some are defending, and some are piles of corpses.

Although the main force of both the enemy and the enemy are servants, it is very simple to distinguish the enemy from the enemy - the enemy's servants have a monster on their arms, while their own servants have a classic combination of tactical vests and rifles. The bag looks full of alternative joy.

Ye Han felt that even if a monkey wore this suit, it would be more tidy than wearing a servant... In the past, he was called Mu Monkey and crowned, but now he can be called Mu Zong and crowned?

Having said that is, a servant who can survive in a vacuum, can be matched with this suit, otherwise at least it must be a power armor base, in that case, the equipment cost will go up... Build a set of power The cost of armor, at least it can be equipped with a platoon of servants, right?

The military is so eager to use servants, and must have considered the cost of equipment.

The content on the photo is too simple, Ye Han just swiped it a few times and skipped it, and just chose a video and clicked it.

At the beginning of the video, there is a narrow and winding hole in the ground. In front of the shaking camera, there are several servants running with rifles. Their figures are extremely flexible, like ghosts in the dark night.

There was another turn ahead, and the servant who was running at the front suddenly stopped, took off the grenade on his waist and threw it.

The grenade slammed **** the wall of the cave and bounced into the corner, and then a strong light burst out behind the corner, and the light looked as bright as a nuclear explosion.

Although the grenade used by the servants is an enlarged version, it has absolutely nothing to do with the nuclear prefix. The reason for this effect is that the cave is too dark, and the camera device on the servant has a night vision lens.

Probably the protection mechanism of the camera device played a role. The strong light lasted for a short time. After the light dissipated, Ye Han just saw an involuntary servant floating out of the corner.

The first few human servants immediately shot their guns, and dozens of bullets were fired together, killing the enemy soldier on the spot... The flashes of the shots were also very dazzling, and they shot in a row, just like a group of reporters turned on the flashlights at Ye Han. .

After killing the enemy soldiers, this team of servants rushed into the corner immediately, and more intensive gunshots and mercerized lights came from behind the corner. The two servants who had just rushed out of the corner were cut into several pieces by the mercerized lights before they had time to shoot. Segments, corpses and broken rifles fell as lightly as feathers.

Ceres' gravity is too low.

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