Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1373: 1 hand good abacus

At the end of the meeting, Jizhou officially issued the order to march to Jupiter. Where, after receiving the order, the ships turned their direction as soon as possible and flew towards Jupiter at full speed.

At the same time, the international fleet with the Enterprise at its core also launched operations. Two powerful human fleets rushed to Mars from two directions. Such a conspicuous action immediately aroused the strong vigilance of the aliens.

Space could not conceal their whereabouts, and the actions of both the enemy and the enemy were in each other's eyes. The aliens immediately judged that the goal of human beings was Jupiter.

The news immediately shocked the high-level aliens, and the aliens immediately mobilized the troops in the asteroid belt to encircle and suppress the invading human fleet.

After receiving the order, the originally scattered enemy ships quickly assembled, and even flew directly in front of the human fleet, blocking Jupiter behind.

Alien battleships are like moths to the flames, and the upper echelons of the human fleet can't wait to raise their hands in approval, and can't wait to give the aliens a breath and tell them that the more they come, the better.

But the aliens are not stupid. After discovering this situation, they immediately ordered the alien fleet in the way to move out of the way, and repeatedly emphasized that they were not allowed to intercept the human fleet.

It's not that I don't want to intercept it, but that one and a half ships can't be stopped at all, but it's a waste of warships.

The purpose of forbearance for the time being is to kill with one blow. The aliens set up several assembly points around the route of the human fleet, and ordered the scattered alien warships to rush to the assembly points at the fastest speed.

The actions of the aliens could not be concealed from humans, but Huo Qiang, who received the news, was surprised.

He thought that the aliens would withdraw the fleet sent to Mars, but the aliens seemed to have forgotten the fleet, and did not mean to withdraw at all.

Faced with this situation, Huo Qiang immediately ordered the fleet to launch a counterattack—although the enemy forces gave way, they only gave way to the route in front of the main force, and the enemy ships in other directions did not withdraw.

Although there were many human battleships heading for Jupiter, only the three battle groups of Jizhou, Youzhou and Taizhou were united together, and the Qingzhou and Yangzhou battle groups had never been able to regroup.

Don't look at the fact that there are only 22 battleships in the two battle groups, but the distribution of these battleships is very large, and it is impossible to assemble them in a short time, so they can only start from the current positions of each ship.

The assembled fleet is not easy to deal with, and the scattered battleships are different. The aliens did not hesitate to hit these battleships and ordered the alien fleet to intercept them with all their strength. Every single human battleship can be found in front of them. The enemy ships, with three or two less and five or six more, were in a stance that they would never give up until their goals were achieved.

This is just the beginning. A few days later, Jizhou found that the situation was more serious than expected. The enemy had completely abandoned the idea of ​​blocking the battle group. Human battleship.

"It's a good abacus!" Huo Qiang commented lightly after reading the report.

That being said, Huo Qiang didn't mean to underestimate the enemy at all. He immediately called for Zhuang Bo and Wu Han, and the trio got together to carefully study the current situation and discuss ways to break the situation.

Next, the captains were also called in. Everyone gathered at the virtual headquarters to conduct war games. Through the game, it was found that the situation of their own side was not optimistic. If no preparatory measures were taken, the warships that acted alone would be intercepted by the enemy. Seventy percent.

There were only fifty-five battleships in the five battle groups, and a quarter of the total was lost at once. There is no need to continue the next action. It is better to withdraw directly to Earth.

The previous problem has not been solved, and another problem occurs later. Huo Qiang received a report from Gao Kai that the enemy ships near Ceres are gathering, and the target is likely to be Ceres!

Gao Kai couldn't help sighing that the previous predictions were broken one after another by aliens, and these **** really didn't play cards according to the rules.

The voyage between the main force of the fleet and Jupiter was more than two months, but the enemy ships were not that far from Ceres. Half a month after the fleet set off, a group of enemy ships assembled.

However, the enemy did not attack Ceres, but just stayed near Ceres, waiting for more alien warships to arrive.

Gao Kai can guess the alien's thoughts without analysis. It is nothing more than being afraid of super cannons. He wants to assemble a little more troops, have a greater confidence, and then attack with all his strength to solve the Ceres problem once and for all.

Gao Kai really wanted to disrupt the aliens' intentions. The most direct way was to lead the fleet to take the initiative to attack, taking advantage of the opportunity when the number of enemy ships was still small, to annihilate this enemy army in one fell swoop.

However, the two battle groups that Huo Qiang left to him were too miserable. Even after repairing for half a month, only 60% of their combat effectiveness was restored. With the cover of super cannons, they would definitely be able to deal with the enemy for a while. If they left the range of super cannons, It is hard to say whether it is the opponent of this enemy army.

In desperation, Gao Kai could only stay at Ceres depressingly, watching the enemy troops slowly gather.

At this time, he finally understood why Huo Qiang didn't vaccinate others, but specially reminded him at the meeting that he obviously expected that he might reach this point and didn't want to lose the two remaining battle groups.

Thinking of this, Huo Qiang simply ordered all the soldiers who landed to evacuate, leaving only the servants on Ceres. In this way, even if Ceres was occupied by aliens, the losses could be minimized.

Of course, Gao Kai didn't forget to leave some souvenirs for the Before the troops evacuated, enough nuclear bombs were buried under the ground base, underground space and super cannons, once the aliens landed On Ceres, Gao Kai will detonate the nuclear bomb at the right time. On the one hand, it will destroy ground facilities and cause some trouble for the aliens who landed. On the other hand, it will increase the difficulty of aliens occupying Ceres, so that they must start over.

In a blink of an eye, it was another ten days, and the aliens near Ceres finally gathered enough warships, and more than 70 enemy ships approached Ceres.

The Nanzhou fleet has not been idle these days. The entire fleet has been rushing to repair the battleships day and night, which literally restored the fleet's combat effectiveness by 80%.

Seeing that the enemy was approaching, Gao Kai immediately ordered all ships to prepare for battle. At the same time, he ordered all transport ships to evacuate Ceres. Regardless of whether they were empty or fully loaded, all transport ships must stay away from Ceres and stay away from dangerous airspace.

As for the safety of transport ships, you don't have to worry about it. Don't look at these big guys looking clumsy, but a fully loaded transport ship can keep up with the pace of a battleship, and an empty transport ship is even less of a problem. The speed of full power forward is called a fast. , to break the alien's hips, and don't even try to catch up.

At this point, the preparations for both sides have been completed, and the war is about to break out.

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