Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1351: crossfire

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"It's over, 200 kilometers!" Luo Qi stared at the battlefield and shouted, "The Nanzhou ordered the anti-aircraft guns to fire freely!"

He Lu immediately rolled his eyes: "Please, you don't say we saw it..."

Before he finished speaking, the friendly ship in front suddenly burst into countless rays of light. Those beams of light were like peacocks opening their screens, sweeping towards the incoming insect swarm at a very high speed.

Light Cannon!

These three words popped up in everyone's mind at the same time.

"Fantastic!" exclaimed a bridge officer.

Ye Han said: "Zoom in a little bit, yes, give me a close-up of the swarm!"

The camera zoomed in quickly, and quickly pulled the swarm of worms rushing towards the Nanzhou fleet to the eyes of everyone. They saw that beams of light penetrated the swarm accurately, and often several beams hit a worm machine at the same time. They were killed one by one.

At a glance, the dense beam of light on the screen is like a forest of rain, the beam swept across, and the insect machine rushing in front was killed and injured, and it was impossible to count how many were killed.

It is very simple to distinguish the life and death of the insect machine. Those who keep emitting fine light must be alive, and there is no movement at all.

The dead and wounded bug machines no longer accelerated, and those behind them that were still speeding up quickly caught up and surpassed their dead companions.

It happened that another round of laser swept across, and the beam of the forest was like a lawn mower driving over the grass, cutting away another wave of life swiftly.

It may be that the swarm is aware of the danger, or it may be that the aliens find that the uncontrolled death charge consumes too much, and the insect machine behind suddenly stops accelerating, and even hides behind the corpse of the companion, relying on the cover of the corpse to continue flying. Xiang Nanzhou fleet.

The power of the light defense gun is limited, and it is the limit to penetrate one insect machine. It is impossible to penetrate two stacked insect machines, and the corpse in front of the insect group is either two or three layers. The number of kills plummeted.

The initiative seems to have returned to the hands of the aliens, but the Nanzhou fleet did not intend to give the enemy a chance at all. The corpses in the front suddenly shifted collectively without warning, and they were collectively shifted piece by piece. The direction of each piece of corpse is exactly the same!

He Lu immediately set off and exclaimed: "The shotgun is definitely a super shotgun!"

He is not a baseless guess. The reason for saying this is because the deviation of the corpse is not large, and the speed is also fast or slow. The former is because the steel **** are too small, and the latter is because the number of steel **** that hit the corpse is not large. Same.

The insect machine's response speed is extremely fast. As soon as there is a problem with the corpse in front, they will immediately move away, and always hide behind the corpse of their partner.

Although the exposure time of the bug machines was short, some bug machines were still killed by the laser jungle and turned into new shields in front of them.

When everyone saw this scene, their hearts were a little depressed, why are these bugs so difficult to deal with?

Looking at the screen, Luo Qi couldn't help muttering: "It's quite like that!" The corpse was in front, and the bug machine was hiding behind, one after another, one next to the other, like a worm The chains that are strung together by the machine look pretty neat.

At this moment, the chains on the flanks of the insect swarm suddenly broke collectively, and the out-of-control insect machines swayed like drunk, and some were spinning like windmills in a gust of wind, and the originally neat team instantly became a mess.

"I'll go, handsome!" Luo Qi gave the most heartfelt praise.

"The camera lens, zoom out a little bit!" Ye Han shouted excitedly for a while, and the camera zoomed out immediately as he meant, it happened that the swarm was on one side of the screen, and the Nanzhou fleet was on the other side.

Not long ago, the Nanzhou fleet was still together, but now it is different. Only the Nanzhou, Yuzhou and a dozen destroyers are left in a pile. The small and fast frigates all flew away from the formation.

The changes in the Nanzhou fleet made many people feel strange, because the previous formation was indeed a good tactic.

As we all know, the frontal armor of the battleship is the thickest and the most powerful, the side is slightly worse, and the back is simply the weak spot.

With all the ships together back-to-back, the fragile tail and broadsides can be covered by friendly forces, so that the ships can use all their firepower on the front.

To put it more vividly, the formation of the Nanzhou Fleet can be called a hedgehog and turtle formation, and it is very practical to deal with insect swarms.

The swarm rushing towards such a group of warships is equivalent to actively colliding with the muzzle, and the loss is not ordinary.

If it weren't for this, the swarm would not have resorted to pushing the corpse.

But it is different now. All the frigates have left the turtle formation and are flying away in an extremely awkward posture.

It feels awkward because their bows are not pointed straight ahead, but the hull is laid sideways, exposing the relatively fragile broadsides to the swarm.

Due to the effect of speed and inertia, this flight method is very common in small-scale battles of warships, but it is a very dangerous action in large-scale battles, especially when there are enemy ships in front of them. The enemy penetrated the broadside.

But whether it's dangerous or not is one thing, and whether it's worth the risk is another.

The only reason why these frigates turn their hulls over is for combat needs!

It seems very unreasonable to say that, exposing one's own weaknesses in front of the enemy, can it be called a combat need? That's what it means to die, isn't it?

In fact, it's not really killing. First of all, the insect swarms put the corpse in front of them, and there are very few insect machines that can fire, unless the insect swarms would rather suffer losses and fight human battleships to death.

Another, after the warships came across, each ship no longer shot the swarms in the front, but collectively cooperated to cover each other, and fired at the swarms in other directions with cross fire.

In this way, the super shotgun will not hit the corpse on the front of the, but directly hit the bug machine on the flank of the swarm.

This is why the flanks of the swarm are suddenly out of control!

The benefits of this are not the same. Anyone who knows a little about the war knows that the machine guns are arranged on both sides of the position, and no one puts the machine gun in the middle of the position.

This is because the charging skirmish line is thin and long, and the hit rate of frontal fire is very low, but from the side, the skirmish line is much thicker, and the hit rate will also increase.

This tactic has a proper name in the military: cross fire!

The frigate's inclined shooting and cross-fire are similar in effect, both of which are based on the enemy's most painful place.

Although you can only see the laser sweeping across the swarm over and over again on the screen, the swarm is actually suffering a double blow from the laser and the super shotgun, and each swarm suffers heavy losses.

However, the loss of this worm machine is nothing to the aliens at all. Even if the first wave of worm machines is completely wiped out, there will be a second wave and a third wave. Even if all the worm machines are killed, there are still nearly a hundred aliens behind. Battleships, the situation facing the Nanzhou fleet is definitely not as stable as it seems.

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