Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1375: broken

"Boss, the enemy has stopped!" Luo Qi's exclamation interrupted Ye Han's thoughts. He immediately looked forward and saw the symbol representing slowing down.

"It stopped so far?" Ye Han said to himself in surprise.

He Lu was startled and said, "Is there another 60,000 to 70,000 kilometers? What do they mean by stopping at this time?"

The propulsion speed of the alien fleet is not slow, but the distance between the fleet and Ceres is not close, and after dawdling for more than an hour, I haven't touched the range of the super cannon.

Luo Qi said: "What else could it mean, I'm afraid of super cannons! I'd like to know what the Yuzhou number means, it's been so long, what does it mean to hide behind Ceres? The enemy can't see them? Look at them from the front. No, isn't there another way?"

"Yeah, what are they hiding?" He Lu agreed with Luo Qi's point of view.

Ye Han shook his head: "I can't understand it either. Let's observe again... Eh, it seems that the asteroid has also slowed down, right?"

He Lu called out the remote sensing data, nodded and said, "It's really reduced."

Ye Han touched his chin: "How do aliens control asteroids?"

The guidance satellite is not a space telescope, and the distance between the satellite and the enemy ship is so far that it is hard to see how the enemy can carry asteroids.

Luo Qi said: "It's not pushing with a spaceship, but dragging with a spaceship. It's definitely not possible to run both."

Ye Han waved his hand: "I'm talking casually, there's no need to study this... Strange, isn't it smashing Ceres with an asteroid? What do aliens slow down the asteroid? Don't they know that the faster the speed, the stronger the impact?"

Luo Qi said: "Impossible? This is common sense, and the universe knows it. How can you not even know this?"

He Lu interfaced and said, "I didn't know it at first. After dealing with us for so long, I should have known!"

Ye Han glanced at them both helplessly: "Don't talk useless, let's see what's going on?"

He was referring to an asteroid in the alien fleet. Other asteroids were marked with deceleration symbols, but this asteroid not only did not decelerate, the original uniform speed symbol had become an acceleration symbol.

He Luma checked the remote sensing data and quickly raised his head: "Captain, there is no problem with the data, it is indeed accelerating... Bringing so many asteroids, what does it mean to smash one?"

Ye Han said: "Calculate its orbit, do you want to smash the artillery array?"

On Ceres, only the super cannons are a threat to the enemy. It is normal to use some means to get rid of the super cannons before the war.

"No." He Lu shook his head very simply, "I've seen it before. The landing spot of this asteroid is a wasteland, and it can't even rely on the side of the artillery array."

Ye Han said again: "What about after hitting Ceres? Can it affect the artillery formation?"

"Probably not." He Lu said uncertainly.

Ye Han couldn't think of anything, and frowned: "Then wait."

The aliens didn't let Ye Han wait long. Not long after the first asteroid flew out, the second asteroid began to accelerate again. According to He Lu's calculations, the asteroid's landing point also had no military value.

Now Ye Han is completely confused, what the **** are the aliens doing? Why don't you give priority to smashing the artillery array?

People are often like this, full of identification with things that conform to their own cognition, but once the situation goes beyond the familiar common sense, they can't help but be suspicious.

Ye Han was not immune to the vulgarity, and kept thinking about what the **** the aliens were up to.

It didn't take long for other asteroids to set off one after another, and each asteroid's landing point was different, and none of them were near the artillery array.

Luo Qi was extremely surprised: "Fuck, they did it on purpose?"

Luo Qi was just complaining casually, but the speaker was unintentional and the listener was intentional, Ye Han suddenly shouted: "Fake attack, they are fake attack!"

Everyone looked at Ye Han, Ye Han quickly explained: "The purpose of the aliens is to attack Ceres, no matter what they do, their ultimate purpose is to serve the capture of Ceres. As long as you think about it from this perspective, their actions are easy to understand. !"

Luo Qi muttered in his heart: I know all this, but feints have to have a goal, right? What does throwing in the wasteland mean?

He Lu was stunned for a while, then suddenly slapped his forehead, and slapped his helmet: "Understood, I understand, the enemy is fire reconnaissance!"

Luo Qi was stunned: "They didn't smash anything, scout a bird?"

Ye Han said solemnly: "Reconnaissance the firepower range of the super cannon!"

Now everyone understands that Ceres has a total of two artillery formations, covering only 68% of the world, and the remaining 30% are all shooting dead spots.

These data are not secrets within the fleet, but few people know about it outside the fleet. Aliens cannot get the detailed data of the artillery array, so it is normal to use asteroids to test.

The bridge was unbelievably quiet. After a while, Luo Qi broke the silence softly: "Can the artillery formation be stopped?"

The bridge continued to be quiet, and after a while, Ye Han spit out two words: "No."

Gao Kai has withdrawn all the humans from leaving only the chip-controlled servants.

In order to ensure the normal operation of the artillery array, the artillery array was set to operate automatically before the technicians evacuated. As long as the satellite finds the target and the identification of friend or foe is not answered, the artillery array will definitely fire.

Luo Qi still didn't give up: "What about the remote control? Can't the remote control work?"

Ye Han said: "Yes, but the Nanzhou is not here."

The key is a good thing, only the flagship can master it, other warships of the same level are not qualified to master the key at all.

"Then hurry up and contact Nanzhou, it's too late!" Luo Qi said anxiously.

Ye Han looked at the asteroid flying towards Ceres, his eyes were very complicated: "It's too late for us to contact, now we're looking at Yuzhou."

The Jizhou fleet is currently more than one sky unit away from Ceres. The picture received by Leishan is about ten minutes ago. When Leishan contacts Nanzhou, the round trip will take twenty minutes. By that time, the artillery formation will be early. I don't know how many rounds have been fired.

He Ludao: "Isn't the Yuzhou number unexpected?"

Everyone didn't fight, everyone's eyes were fixed on the screen, some looked at the incoming asteroid, and some looked at the artillery array on the ground.

One minute, two minutes... After more than four minutes, Luo Qi broke the silence again: "Look, the artillery has moved!"

Everyone looked at Ceres, and saw that the artillery array occupying a piece of the ground was turning, and all the launchers were aimed at the sky.

The transmitter fixed its direction under everyone's attention. After a short fine-tuning, a dazzling laser suddenly pierced the sky. The beam would cover the incoming asteroid, and the asteroid vaporized and disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Everyone's heart suddenly raised: broken!

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