Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1381: consecutive losses

The brief air raid was over, and the aliens lost dozens of bug machines, but thanks to Ceres' low gravity and strong carapace, most of the enemy soldiers who landed stood up, and only a few unlucky ones broke. Arms and legs were lost, and almost none of them died. Please search (pin% book ¥ ¥ network) to see the most complete! The fastest updated novel!

Perhaps they were worried about the next wave of human air raids, or because the number of worms was insufficient to take all the enemy soldiers away. The aliens simply gave up the idea of ​​low-altitude raids and let the worms put down all the enemy soldiers, and the enemy soldiers marched on foot. , the insect machine followed at a low altitude.

Well, if the armored bugs come again, the aliens' tactics are like armored rushing and air-ground coordination.

It's just that the armored worm was left far behind by the attacking vanguard, and the vanguard didn't mean to wait. He left the corpses of the bug machine on the ground and continued to move forward, which seemed to be a bit of a solution.

The Yuzhou was not used to aliens at all, and the fleet suddenly climbed at the right moment, bringing the advancing enemy into sight.

The next step was simple. All the laser cannons of the six warships fired at the same time. The lasers almost swept across the enemy, and the enemy forward who had just recovered was instantly thrown into the street. Countless enemy soldiers were quickly turned into coke by the laser, and then vanished into ashes.

Originally low-flying insects flew like headless flies, but they also couldn't escape the laser's pursuit, and most of them were killed and injured in a short while.

After the enemy was defeated, the Yuzhou fleet immediately lowered its height, and the ground artillery array supported the base.

Of course, the heights here are only relative. When the fleet is at its lowest, the actual distance from the ground is also 100 to tens of kilometers.

Ceres has a diameter of nearly 1,000 kilometers. Hovering in a low-altitude orbit of only more than 100 kilometers, Ceres directly fills the viewing angle on the side of the fleet. It is almost one hundred and sixty-seven degrees, which is close to half of the circumference. It looks unusually huge. , full of oppression.

But after the fleet is raised, it will be different. If the height of the fleet is increased to 1,000 kilometers, the viewing angle occupied by Ceres will only be fifty degrees, and only one-seventh of the circumferential viewing angle will be left, which is much smaller when seen in low orbit.

Therefore, the firing angle of the fleet at different altitudes is completely different. The altitude can be increased by 180 kilometers, and the firing angle can be expanded a lot. Yuzhou took advantage of this and launched a short surprise attack on the enemy, which was successful. Destroyed the vanguard of the alien ground force.

The successive defeats have made the aliens realize that it is not so easy to knock down the artillery array. In order to avoid greater losses, all the alien troops that landed stopped advancing.

Not long after, the alien fleet that had been parked in the space of the landing area finally had a new movement. The fleet was divided into two parts, one half of which moved towards the artillery array, and the other half raised its altitude and gradually moved away from Ceres.

The movement of the alien fleet attracted the attention of Ye Han and others, because there was too little information. Although everyone had all kinds of guesses, there was no tone to indicate the enemy's purpose.

The enemy ships that were far away were temporarily unattended, and everyone's attention was focused on the enemy ships moving towards the artillery array.

This enemy force, however, did not cross the safety line, stopping before entering the range of the super cannons, taking care of the ground forces with the firepower of the fleet.

After this enemy force moved, the ground security line moved a certain distance in the direction of the artillery array, but this distance was not long. If the enemy army wanted to rush to the vicinity of the artillery array, they still had to pass through a dangerous area of ​​hundreds of kilometers.

However, Ye Han believes that the purpose of the enemy is not to cover the ground troops, but to deter the Yuzhou fleet! Because the current position of the alien fleet can control the high-altitude orbit of the Yuzhou fleet, once the Yuzhou fleet rises, it will face the firepower of the alien fleet.

Of course, no one is worried about this, because the straight-line distance between the two sides is too far, far beyond the effective range of the thin light, and it is greatly exceeded. Unless the Yuzhou actively approaches the enemy, the alien fleet is difficult to threaten. The safety of the Yuzhou battle group.

The enemy's ground troops finally had a new move.

Yuzhou really did not intend to fight with the enemy, and there was a way not to fight.

The fleet waited patiently for a while, and after the enemy entered an appropriate distance, the naval guns of all the remaining battleships stood up high, and bombarded the enemy with artillery fire.

All the warships that returned to Beiyuezhou have undergone a major transformation. The replacement of naval guns with laser cannons is one of the key points of the transformation. The remaining naval guns of each ship are only equipped with nuclear artillery shells.

It's just that there is no absolute, Nanzhou happened to leave the two battleships that failed to return to Beiyuezhou at Ceres. These two battleships are still mainly guns, and the ships have a large number of shells, which are just used to bombard the enemy.

So the two warships fired at full speed, and the shells smashed at the enemy without money, and a few nuclear shells were mixed with the ordinary shells.

Shortly after, the shells fell.

Because the distance is too far, there is a big error in the placement of the As a result, five or six hundred shells were hit, and the real life was less than one tenth.

It wasn't until the nuclear shells landed that the situation changed completely, and another round of alien attacks failed.

The aliens finally stopped attacking, and it lasted for several days, but no one felt that the aliens gave up, because their ground forces were still gathering near the security line, and the fleet did not withdraw to the landing area.

At this time, the departing fleet turned around and returned without warning, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

At the beginning, no one noticed this abnormality, and it was not until the enemy army flew close to Ceres that it did not slow down, and everyone realized that the situation was wrong.

According to the current direction and speed of this enemy army, when these enemy ships flew close to Ceres, the closest distance to the ground was also several kilometers, and the position was on the side of the artillery array.

Ye Han immediately remembered the scene when he attacked the enemy ship on Ceres, and Ma realized the enemy's intention-they wanted to learn from the original Thunder Mountain and use the battleship to make an ultra-low-altitude assault!

Everything is clear, the enemy did not give up the attack, but changed to a more effective way.

Ye Han wanted to remind Yuzhou, but gave up after thinking about it.

What he can think of, Yuzhou can also think of it, because every battleship's control system has previous battles, and people can't think of it, and the computer can also find a clue through the pair to provide reference for the commander.

Sure enough, after only ten minutes, the six warships headed by the Yuzhou turned collectively, all facing the direction of the incoming enemy. If the enemy wanted to fight, they had to pass the fleet first.

Ye Han can completely imagine that at this time, every gun chamber of the Yuzhou battle group is equipped with nuclear artillery shells or artillery-launched missiles with nuclear warheads, just waiting for the enemy ship to fly close, giving the enemy an unforgettable painful lesson.

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