Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1383: storm

After repeated defeats and battles, the aliens finally captured the artillery array, but the artillery array was sent to the sky by nuclear bombs in a blink of an eye, and all the giant insects and servants near the artillery array went to the sky, which was a heavy loss.

Ordinarily, the aliens should stop for a while, but they did not, and immediately organized another ground force to set off for another artillery formation.

"I just don't know how to live or die!" Ye Han, who was far away on the Thunder Mountain, commented.

Don't look at the aliens' success once, but that was the result of Yuzhou's unwillingness to fight recklessly. Now two full days have passed, and Nanzhou will be able to return to Ceres in two more days, but no matter how small Ceres is, it has a diameter of one More than a thousand kilometers, from the No. 1 artillery array to the No. 2 artillery array, the straight-line distance is no less than 1,000 kilometers, and the actual distance is 1,400 kilometers.

No matter how fast the giant worms crawl, they won't be able to climb anywhere in two days. Besides, the Yuzhou battle group can't make them crawl so comfortably. They have already made preparations on the road, waiting for the enemy to drill into the cover.

Aliens are not stupid, they just don't understand the methods of human beings, but after so many battles, they should know something if they don't understand. As long as their IQ is normal, they should not continue to attack.

However, the aliens' will to monopolize Ceres is very strong, and they would rather suffer huge losses for this.

The aliens knew very well that the human fleet was about to return. In order to buy time for the ground troops, the alien fleet was divided into two parts. One half stayed on Ceres to continue supporting the ground troops, and the other half left Ceres. Human battleship.

The battle developed from space to the ground, and then from the ground to space, and the military operations of the two sides around Ceres became more and more complicated.

Also in order to buy time, the aliens left all the bug machines to the ground troops to speed up the transition of the ground troops.

The aliens left behind did not dare to neglect, and immediately organized troops to attack. Thousands of worms were covered with enemy soldiers, while car worms and armored worms huddled together and hung under the worm machine.

Maybe the giant insect is too heavy, maybe it is to reduce the burden, the insect machine is not hanging the giant insect one-on-one, but three or more insect machines cooperate, I don't know what to use to catch the giant insect and fly at a low altitude. It's not very fast, even if there is an accident on the way, it won't kill the giant insect.

Ye Han originally thought that the enemy did this to prevent the Yuzhou battle group from attacking, but before the Yuzhou number shot, the insect machine that was transferred had an accident first. Fall down the same.

The other two insect machines immediately tightened the insect net, and several nearby insect machines rushed up and pulled the insect net.

This situation is a bit weird, why is it self-destructing? And as soon as there is a problem here, the place will be filled immediately, this must have been prepared!

The fallen bug machine fell to the ground and bounced a few times, but it didn't seem to have any problems, but it just couldn't fly again. I don't know what went wrong.

At first, Ye Han thought it was a recurrence of the old injury, but soon found out that this was not the case, because other bug machines also had similar problems, and they fell one after another. Can fly again.

This is interesting, Ye Han immediately found out the information about the insect machine, let alone let him find out some clues.

The matter has to start from the flight principle of the insect machine. This thing relies on vibration to throw away gas molecules to fly. In other words, the gas molecules are the fuel of the insect machine.

As for whether these fuels were filled by aliens or accumulated by the bug machine, no one knows.

According to Beiyuezhou's research, the flying method of the insect plane is relatively primitive, and its efficiency is far less than that of a jet engine using chemical fuel. It can only fly in a weightless or microgravity environment.

Seeing this, Ye Han will understand. Don't look at the low gravity of Ceres, but it is also a big burden for the insect machine, and the insect machine does not fly by itself, but also brings so many enemy soldiers and giant insects. Further aggravating the burden of the insect machine.

It's like carrying a few dozen kilograms on the flat ground, but at most, the burden is a little heavier, but if you do this on the plateau, it's not much different from courting death.

That is to say, those bug machines that fell down either ran out of fuel, or were overburdened and overwhelmed their spines.

Ye Han had a new understanding of alien determination.

It is said that there is a problem with the insect machine, and it is the best time to solve this enemy, but the Yuzhou ship still did not move, and always remained silent.

Ye Han knew that Yuzhou must be waiting for the best time.

As the enemy continued to advance, more and more worms fell, and more and more enemy soldiers remained on the road. Yuzhou finally felt that the time was ripe and raised its altitude to fire at the enemy.

The enemy's ground troops didn't care, neither fighting back nor stopping, the only response was to speed up and charge forward.

On the contrary, the fleet left by the aliens moved, and quickly flew over the ground troops, and came to a bombardment with the Yuzhou battle group.

The distance is still far away, beyond the range of the naval guns of both sides, there is no problem in fighting the enemy's giant But the battleship is not the case, even if it hits the enemy ship, it will not cause much. The damage is not like the battleship confrontation of life and death, but it is a bit like a lame performance in a third-rate sci-fi movie.

The Yuzhou simply ignored the alien fleet and focused on firing at the ground, giving priority to destroying the enemy's living forces.

The alien fleet is also unequivocal. All firepower is aimed at the Yuzhou battle group, trying to contain the Yuzhou battle group.

In this case, the alien ground forces still did not give up and continued to advance despite huge losses.

The aliens soon found out that this was not possible, and if they persisted in this way, the ground troops would die first before advancing to the designated position.

In desperation, the aliens ordered the ground troops to stop advancing, relying on favorable terrain to resist the attack of humans, and then the giant worm dug a hole on the spot, planning to dig all the way under the artillery array, and then rush out of the ground in one fell swoop to completely occupy the artillery array.

This move is indeed very effective. At least it does not have to face human air raids. The only disadvantage is that the speed is too slow. The straight-line distance is six to seven hundred kilometers, let alone three days or two days, even ten days and half a month.

Soon after, all the alien ground troops went underground, and the follow-up troops also drilled into the burrows. Only the alien fleet remained in low-altitude orbit.

Two days later, the first human warship to return returned to Ceres, but a few hours later, the Nanzhou returned, and other warships returned one after another in the next few days.

For the sake of safety, the alien fleet, which originally wanted to hold on, had to withdraw from Ceres, leaving behind all the ground troops that had drilled into the hole.

Fortunately, the ground troops are all hidden underground, so there is no need to worry about the air strikes of the human fleet.

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