Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1388: Transport ships are also warships

The situation is urgent, and it will be too late if you think about it. The defenders could no longer care about the hidden transport ships. With an order, all the transport ships on Phobos started at the same time, but these battleships did not fly away from Phobos. Spin up.

Transport ships only have the most basic armor. They are far from being as strong as capital ships, and the long diameter of Mars One is no less than 20 kilometers. How can such a large celestial body be pushed?

In order to keep Mars, and to push Phobos, the transport ships also fought hard, and all the transport ships had full power output. Some of the ship's bows were deformed against the hard rock formation; some were against a soft position, and most of the hull burrowed into the ground; some were against a seemingly solid hill, and the thing turned out to be silvery wax. The head of the gun, the base of the mountain is soft, just as the power of the transport ship is raised, the hill will fly straight away... fly!

Fortunately, Phobos' method is not limited to super cannons. The missile positions on the other side of the artillery array opened fire immediately, and all the missiles on the launcher were shot out in one go, and thousands of missiles were released from the fire in just a few seconds. Wei Yi, various flight trajectories are intertwined, and the scene is spectacular.

As soon as the missile here flew out, the alien fleet over there flew out from behind the asteroid and fired at the incoming missile.

Humans and aliens have fought so many times, and they all know each other's combat routines well. Humans open the door with three axes: missiles, lasers, and electromagnetic cannons; when they fly close, they rely on nuclear bombs to decide the outcome. Aliens know these things. ready.

In other words, the Mars task force left, otherwise the alien fleet might not dare to stand up so swaggeringly... Is it a useless display to be an electromagnetic gun?

The next confrontation can be described as tedious. It is nothing more than Phobos constantly launching missiles, and the alien fleet is pressing on with the asteroid, and all the strength is used to intercept the missiles.

The missiles on Phobos were originally not that many, but the transport ships were all on Phobos, and the gravitational force of Phobos was similar to that. A nuclear bomb more than one meter thick could be carried by a marine. There's nothing wrong with running around, except that it has to be slower.

Seventeen minutes later, Phobos turned a small half circle, and the artillery array was barely able to accommodate the most marginal asteroid into the incident angle.

The defenders couldn't wait to manipulate the artillery array to lock on the asteroid, and a giant beam suddenly pierced through the void, hitting the asteroid.

I don't know what the composition of the asteroid is. After being hit by the laser, it intensified at a speed visible to the naked eye, and several alien warships hiding behind it were not spared.

The alien fleet immediately moved sideways in groups, avoiding the firing angle of the artillery array, not even caring for the asteroid ahead.

At this time, the defenders were very helpless. According to the current rotation speed of Io, the enemy army could reach Mars before the artillery array turned over.

The two artillery formations on Mars had long been ready to shoot, but the alien fleet did not approach the poles at all, giving the defenders no chance to fire at all.

The situation is not good for the defenders, but the asteroid cannot fail to intercept it, and the super artillery cannot cease fire. Even if there is only one percent hope, one must do one hundred percent efforts!

However, without battleships, the unfavorable situation could not be reversed only by the unremitting efforts of the defenders. Although the defenders did their best, the enemy was still approaching Mars step by step. The only consolation was that the asteroids were killed by super cannons one by one. There are very few below.

Seeing that the enemy army was about to pass Phobos, a transport ship suddenly flew away from Phobos and rushed towards the enemy army more than a thousand kilometers away at full speed.

Transport ships are also warships. Although they don’t have the firepower of a battleship, they still have the most basic naval guns and missile launchers. Even if they are not the enemy’s opponent, even if they can only cause a little trouble to the enemy, it is better than watching the enemy. Capture Mars, right?

Everyone knows that this is a moth to a flame, but everyone has no hesitation.

In order to strengthen the firepower, the transport ship also thought of a stupid way-a group of crew members in power armor fixed themselves on the surface of the battleship, and were nervously welding the launch pad to the surface of the transport ship.

Inside the transport ship, another wave of crew members has already prepared missiles, and as long as the launcher is completed, the missiles can be loaded immediately.

The other ships were stunned when they saw this scene, but they understood right away, and the other transport ships immediately followed.

The power of an example is endless. Several transport ships rush towards the enemy, just like a flag waving at the enemy, where will the remaining battleships hesitate? Where can you hesitate? Where do you dare to hesitate?

Nearly a hundred transport ships left Phobos in just ten seconds. They were from the Beiyuezhou Fleet and the International Fleet, but at this moment, they were no longer the battleships of a certain country, but Human, belongs to human warship!

Everyone knows that hitting the alien fleet with a transport ship is almost equal to death, but they have to do it.

When Xuzhou received the news, the transport fleet had left Phobos, and Xuzhou immediately ordered all transport ships to withdraw.

Just a few seconds later Discovery gave the same order.

If it was just a transport ship, Xuzhou and Discovery might not be so anxious. Anyway, transport ships are not so precious. If they can hold the enemy to buy time, the loss will be worth it.

However, many transport ships are still full of materials until now. If this is lost, it is a triple loss of transport ships, skilled crew and four materials.

The order was fairly timely, but Xuzhou only received one sentence: The transport ship is also a battleship!

At this time, the transport ships flying in the front had already started the attack mode, and all the missiles on the ships were emptied in one go.

There are not many launch pads on the transport ship, several transport ships fire at the same time, and the missile density is not comparable to that of a capital ship.

The alien fleet noticed the anomaly in this direction, and some of the alien warships quickly turned around and fired at the rushing transport ships.

The transport ship flying in the front was immediately hit by the thin light... The armor of the transport ship was too thin, and it was directly hit by the thin light. sound.

At this point, the transport ship that rushed up could no longer be withdrawn, and could only continue to charge forward.

Fortunately, a fully loaded transport ship has a relatively high load. Even if it is fully accelerated, the speed cannot be raised. The more materials loaded, the slower the speed. Therefore, the current losses are basically empty ships, and there is still a chance to withdraw the transport ships that fall behind. down.

Just when Xuzhou reiterated the retreat order, a dazzling beam of light suddenly appeared in the direction of Phobos, piercing the alien fleet thousands of miles away in one fell swoop, and at least two enemy ships were destroyed by this powerful beam. , in addition to two or three enemy ships wounded.

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