Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1404: there is waiting

After the communication ended, Wu Han couldn't help laughing and said, "Is this old guy crazy?"

On the surface, Huo Qiang's plan was to surround Wei and save Zhao, but it was actually the international fleet that attracted the swarm, creating an opportunity for the Jizhou fleet to destroy Callisto, which was equivalent to making a wedding dress for the Jizhou fleet.

It's no wonder that Halsey doesn't get angry if he eats the bones himself and gives the meat to others.

Zhuang Bo also laughed: "There's no way, that's the situation. If we fight the enemy first, I don't believe he can rush up with the international fleet!"

Huo Qiang said: "Don't say the rude words, Chief of Staff?"


"Organize the manpower immediately, and calculate the best time."

"Okay!" Wu Han agreed, and immediately assigned the task.

Although the plan is made, the implementation is not as easy as it is said. To put it simply, the tail of the insect swarm has just left Callisto. If the Jizhou fleet rushed over immediately, it would definitely attract the attention of the insect swarm. When the insect swarm returned to the carbine, the Jizhou fleet would have to retreat.

The fleet must continue to fly in the current direction until the tail of the swarm is far away from Callisto, and then suddenly turn to shake off the swarm. As long as it takes ten minutes to grab, it can throw hundreds of nuclear bombs down.

Therefore, the timing of the turn is very important, and you must be cautious and cautious, and never allow the slightest mistake.

After Wu Han arranged the task, he suggested: "Commander, if we turn off the engines... can we confuse the aliens?"

Human battleships are now all painted in black, which is very inconspicuous in the background of the universe. If the engine is turned off, it will be completely integrated with the starry sky, minimizing the fleet's sense of existence, which is very beneficial to the sneak attack on Callisto.

Huo Qiang pondered for a moment, then turned to look at Zhuang Bo: "What do you think?"

Zhuang Bo said: "I don't think it's necessary for us to be right about things and people."

Huo Qiang asked, "What's the reason?"

Zhuang Bo said: "If I remember correctly, aliens should search for targets with the naked eye, and their eyes are very special, and the visible spectrum is very wide, right?"

After being transferred into the fleet for more than half a year, Zhuang Bo has read all the information he has read. He has thoroughly read all the information related to aliens.

Huo Qiang nodded: "That's what happened."

Zhuang Bo said: "That's right. Although the aliens didn't send the swarms, our fleet must have been under surveillance by aliens. Not only will turning off the fire not reduce the sense of existence, it may even attract the attention of aliens... ...what do you say?"

"Your advice is to continue with the status quo?"

"Yes, I think no action is the best cover." Zhuang Bo said.

Huo Qiang's eyes moved to Wu Han: "What do you think?"

Wu Han said: "I agree!"

"Then keep the status quo." Huo Qiang said, "Order all ships to prepare."

On the screen, the Insect Swarm and the International Fleet are still indistinguishable, but everyone's focus is no longer on the battle between the two sides, but where the International Fleet has withdrawn, and where the Insect Swarm has gone... No one cares that the International Fleet arrives Where, the pitiful attention given to the international fleet is to determine the distance between the fleet and the swarm, and to calculate when the swarm can catch up with the fleet.

Time is always slow at the critical moment. After waiting anxiously for 20 minutes, the insect swarm in the direction of Lexington took the lead to bring the fleet into the range. The insect machine in this direction was like a stimulant. , full fire on the battle group headed by the Lexington.

The distance between the other battle groups and the swarm is not far. In the next few minutes, more battle groups were caught up by the swarm one after another. If there is still some reservations in the previous battle, then the current battle is really going all out. All the weapons that can be used are used by the international fleet. Cannonballs and missiles are thrown at no cost, and lasers are even more followed. Every human warship is like a hedgehog on fire, throwing all its firepower on the swarm.

The counterattack of the international fleet caused the swarm to suffer unprecedented losses. At least dozens of worms were killed by lasers every second, and the swarm suffered huge losses of thousands of worms every minute.

Huo Qiang, who witnessed this scene, looked at Wu Han: "How is it, is the time ripe?"

Wu Han said: "Now, at most we can grab a few minutes, the time is a little tight, it's better to wait."

Huo Qiang said: "Are minutes enough?" He also knew that the time would be more mature to wait, but the swarm had already exchanged fire with the international fleet at close range, and there was no movement at this time.

There are contradictions between the two fleets, but they are internal contradictions among human beings. It is nothing to sit and watch the other party's bad luck, but if you watch the other party and the aliens desperately, it is a matter of principle. Nor can it be tolerated.

Wu Han thought about it and said, "Hurry up, it's almost Then what are you waiting for? Pass my order, the fleet will turn to Callisto, speeding ahead!" Huo Qiang said.

"Understood!" Wu Han agreed, immediately conveying the order, and the mournful battle alarm immediately rang through every battleship.

A few seconds later, Jizhou took the lead to turn to Callisto, and the other battleships followed. The thrusters of all the battleships burst into a strong flash, and the speed of the fleet rose sharply.

Halsey on the Enterprise finally breathed a sigh of relief. The Jizhou fleet had already moved. As long as he persisted for a while, the Jizhou fleet would be able to rush to Callisto, and the worm swarm would destroy itself without attacking.

However, what happened next was beyond Halsey's expectations. Not only did the **** swarm not turn back, but instead launched an even more frantic attack. Looking at their movements, it seemed that they wanted to destroy the International Fleet first, and then turn around and destroy Jizhou. fleet.

Halsey almost broke his back molars, why the **** is he staring at his fleet? Why don't you come back now?

The matter has come to this point, complaining and cursing are useless, Halsey can only accept the reality and order the fleet to resist desperately.

There are too many worm machines. It has only been a few minutes since the worm swarm caught up with Lexington. However, more than a dozen warships in the international fleet have been severely damaged.

At this moment, Halsey no longer dared to count on the actions of the Jizhou battle group to share much pressure. He only hoped that the Jizhou battle group would be more powerful, forcing the aliens to quickly remove the **** bugs.

The battle continued, and the aggressive attack of the swarm regardless of losses put a lot of pressure on the international fleet. Although the international fleet killed many worms, the result of this battle was nothing to the huge swarm.

If the situation could not be reversed in time, the fleet would be in danger. Halsey had to order each ship to catapult carrier-based aircraft, hoping that the large number of fighters could share some pressure on the fleet.

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