Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1433: space under ice

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Taking a general look at the surrounding situation, a group of leaders had a preliminary understanding of the environment under the ice. He did not rush to expand the scope of the reconnaissance, but found a place near the ice cave and nailed the fixed cable to the top of the head. On the ice, turn off the individual aircraft and hang yourself under the ice.

The flight time of a single soldier aircraft is limited by fuel, and it is necessary to save as much as possible.

A group of leaders had just fixed themselves, and the warriors behind him fell out of the hole, and after swept around curiously, they also learned to hang under the ice like a group of leaders.

In this way, the soldiers came down one by one and hanged under the ice one by one, even Ye Han and Luo Qi were no exception.

After a few minutes, everyone was there, a group of people hanging together like a juggler, out of tune with their surroundings.

Luo Qi curiously poked the dry vines: "This thing should have nothing to do with aliens."

"Why do you say that?" the group leader asked curiously.

Luo Qi said: "Is there any need to ask? It's too fragile. Look at alien things, which one is afraid of vacuum?"

"Not necessarily?" said the group leader, "Isn't the worm tree afraid of vacuum?"

Luo Qi was immediately annoyed: "That's on Earth, this is Europa, and the environment is different!"

"Okay, don't talk useless." Ye Han adjusted the light beam of the tactical light to make the light more concentrated, and the beam shot into the deep darkness, and he couldn't see the edge at a glance.

Luo Qi asked softly, "Boss, what should we do?"

Ye Han asked: "Group leader, you came down the first, did you find any danger?"

"Nothing was found except these vines on the top of the head," said the group leader.

Ye Han said: "According to this, this place is still safe for the time being. In this way, everyone will work in groups of two, spread out with the ice cave as the center, expand the scope of reconnaissance, and report immediately if there is any discovery. Return here to gather, do you understand?"

"Understood!" The soldiers said in unison.

"Set off!"

The soldiers immediately grouped freely. After determining their respective search directions, they first activated the individual aircraft, then retracted the fixed cable, and then flew into the abyss-like darkness. In a blink of an eye, the figures of the soldiers were engulfed by the darkness. Qi stayed where he was.

Luo Qi swept his eyes uneasily, but in addition to the light of the stars, there was only death and darkness in this place, and it was the kind of silence and darkness that made people murmur from the bottom of my heart. A bit of anxiety and unease is inevitable.

After a while, Luo Qi couldn't stand the atmosphere of this ghost place, so he took the initiative to break the silence: "Boss, can we find enemies in this place? Do you want to look in the water?"

"We'll talk about it later." Ye Han was not in a hurry at all, "First find out the surrounding environment."

"Then how do we see the water? Jump directly?" Luo Qi asked again.

Power armor is not afraid of water, but the water depth in this ghost place should be thicker than the ice layer. Power armor is most active in the shallow layer, and it can't go to the deep layer. .

Ye Han doesn't know this, but orders are made, so he has to figure out the situation in the space under the ice before saying: "Take a step and see..."

Halfway through the words, a voice suddenly came from the radio: "Captain, the fourth group report, we have come to an end, and the front is the ice wall that has been falling into the water, and there is no way."

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After opening it, the picture is an almost vertical ice wall. The ice wall is covered with overhanging vines. The closer it is to the water surface, the thicker the vines. The vines on the water surface are several times thicker than people.

Ye Han always felt that this scene seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he saw it: "So fast? What is the straight-line distance?"

"Less than three kilometers."

"What about the left and right? Are these ice walls?"

"I don't know, all you can see are ice walls!"

"Okay, I see." Ye Han said, "You two can choose a direction, either left or right, keep walking along the ice wall, and report immediately if you find anything!"


"Six groups of reports, I also encountered an ice wall here!"

"It's the same as the fourth group... In this way, the fourth group, the sixth group, you all go to the right, and the other groups, after encountering the ice wall, all go to the right, and see if you can encounter something different."

The soldiers continued to investigate the situation of the space under the ice, and Ye Han slowly drew a general image of the space under the ice according to the data returned by the soldiers. After a while, he got a incomplete map.

Although it is still missing half, but from the known parts, it can be roughly inferred that there is an irregular space with a diameter of about three kilometers under the ice.

Ye Han vaguely felt that something was wrong. If it was a normal space under the ice, the edge of the space should be gradually submerged into the water, not a wall of ice that went straight in and out like it is now.

Messages were sent back from all directions, and the map of the space under the ice became more and more perfect. Then Ye Han found that the corner of the map gradually extended outwards, and there was an extra gap in the outer edge of the space that should have been closed!

Ye Han immediately contacted the second group in this direction and asked what the second group had found, but the second group replied that everything was normal.

The second group continued to move forward, and after crossing the narrow gap, the space outside the gap became wider and wider, and it seemed to be larger than the space inside the gap.

Ye Han immediately ordered each group to move closer to the gap, and even he himself rushed over with Luo Qi, and the plan to gather in Shifen became a dead letter.

Soon after, Ye Han rushed to the gap and carefully inspected the situation here, and found that there was no difference except that the distance between the top of the ice and the water surface was a little bit closer.

Ye Han suddenly thought of Summarized the distance between the ice cave and the gap, as well as the distance between the ice top and the water surface, and calculated it carefully, and found that the difference between the water surface and the ice top Judging from the changes in time, the diameter of this subglacial space should be no less than 70 kilometers, that is to say, the ice walls discovered by each group are not the edge of the subglacial space at all.

Ye Han has the intention to check the entire sub-ice space, but the single-soldier aircraft really doesn't have that long of battery life.

Ye Han made a decisive decision and ordered each group to return.

As for the reconnaissance of the space under the ice, it is better to leave it to Jizhou to find a way. He has done his best to bring people into the space under the ice.

However, at this time, Ye Han suddenly saw a faint light from the nearby ice wall. Looking closely, it turned out that a beam of light was cutting through the ice wall.

Ye Han was very happy, and said that this warship really knows where to go. After the laser penetrated the ice, the exit was just above the water surface, and the height was no more than ten meters.

No, ten meters?

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