Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1439: failed action

Huo Qiang shook his head and sighed: "What we need is full marks, 50 points and 80 points are both failing!"

Wu Han suddenly said: "Commander, the movie you just mentioned reminded me that if we can find the leylines of Europa and directly detonate the underwater volcano, can we achieve our goal?"

Huo Qiang rubbed his temples: "It's a solution, but how can we find the earth veins?"

After thinking about it, I couldn't think of a way. The low air pressure enveloped the entire headquarters, and everyone felt like a stone was pressing down on their hearts, and they didn't dare to breathe casually.

Ye Han, who was under the ice, was unaware of what was happening in the headquarters. After the withdrawal order was issued, each group successively retreated to the starting point.

Before the personnel were withdrawn, Ye Han suddenly received a report from a group leader: "Captain, the situation is not right, the bugs in the water are coming over to us!"

Ye Han frowned: "Flatworm?"


Ye Han said categorically: "Bring your sonar and withdraw people immediately."

He originally wanted to leave the sonar to monitor the aliens, but remembering how the flatworms were disturbed by the noise, he suddenly felt that the flatworms were probably running to trouble the sonar.

Now that there is such a sonar underwater, Ye Han can't afford to lose it at all.

No one saw it. As soon as the sonar stopped here, a few shadows jumped out of the alien spaceship under the water. They were so fast that they rushed to the water surface almost vertically.

At the same time, the underwater insect swarms also received ultrasonic signals from the bottom of the water. The flatworms that were in a mess just now returned to order and floated up in groups. After a while, the swarms surfaced, but they deliberately avoided Open ice caves and hide under water to quietly spy on humans.

Half an hour later, the shadow approached the surface of the water, and the floating speed suddenly decreased, and finally stopped at a place more than ten meters underwater, and began to dive horizontally.

After a while, several shadows sailed to the bottom of several ice walls, and moved up slowly against the ice wall. After a while, the tip of the shadows poked out of the water, and a group of monsters with servants on the upper body and spiders on the lower body climbed out. Shadow, six long legs buckled the vines, the body clings to the ice surface, and climbs up at a very fast speed.

When the half-human, half-spider monster climbed to the top of the ice wall, it jumped to the top of the ice in a few steps, and continued to move forward while hanging upside down under the popsicle, and the speed basically did not change.

Everything happened in the extreme darkness, and none of the spider people made any unnecessary noise. They were like groups of ghosts walking in the dark night, quietly approaching the ice cave.

At the same time as the Spider-Man started to move, the shadows under the water sent out waves of ultrasonic waves, and the flatworms who heard these sounds immediately swam to the ice cave and swam quietly around the ice cave.

Everything is hidden in the darkness, and the stealthy spider man is like a poisonous snake in the dark, and it may attack the unaware humans at any time.

However, it was wrong. Although the team members withdrew, the drones monitoring the ice cave came down, and they were all hidden in inconspicuous corners.

The night vision lens penetrated the darkness and happened to photograph a group of spider men. The drone immediately sounded the alarm, and just a few seconds later, the news reached Ye Han's ears.

Ye Han, who received the news, was not nervous at all, but quietly relieved: "God. Japanese, there is finally a movement!"

He always felt that aliens would not ignore human actions, so he was always careful. But he didn't expect the aliens to be so tolerant, and he didn't act until now.

Luo Qi rubbed his hands: "Boss, what should we do?"

Ye Han looked Luo Qi up and down a few times: "What's the matter? Are you going to fight the enemy to the death?"

As soon as Luo Qi heard Ye Han's yin and yang tone, he immediately made a clever call: "How can you do it? Isn't it what you said? I'm just asking."

Ye Han smiled and pulled the corners of his mouth: "Well, you know it's alright, alright, don't talk useless, let me know, all groups will immediately withdraw into the ice cave, at least 500 meters high, and aliens can't attack it. prevail."

"You really don't fight?" Luo Qi was surprised.

Ye Han glared at Luo Qi: "Fuck, what are we here for? Re-emphasize to me that our mission is to reconnaissance, not to fight the enemy!"

Luo Qi muttered in a voice that Ye Han could just hear: "That can't be beaten, can it?"

Ye Han thought about it and said, "That's it..."

After Ye Han's explanation, Luo Qi smiled and hurriedly arranged according to Ye Han's plan.

Each group acted immediately, and everyone quickly retreated to the depths of the ice cave, leaving only two people at the exit of each ice cave.

In order to paralyze the enemy, the evacuated soldiers did not dig side holes, but temporarily hung on the cave walls for shelter.

While the enemy was still on the road, Ye Han reported the situation to the flagship and explained his plan.

Huo Qiang highly affirmed Ye Han's arrangement, reiterated the principle of focusing on reconnaissance and ignoring fire, and finally told Ye Han to command flexibly and withdraw when necessary, without having to fight the enemy.

Spider-Man is still on the way, all groups are ready, just waiting for the enemy to arrive.

In order to determine the enemy's situation, each group placed the drone at the entrance of the and used the drone's lens to monitor the surroundings.

More than 20 minutes later, groups of spider men appeared near the ice cave, but the five ice caves, including the Thunder Mountain, were surrounded by enemies, and the other groups did not find anything.

Ye Han thought the Spider-Man would attack immediately, but he didn't expect the enemy to have no such idea at all. Instead, he stopped on the top of the ice a few hundred meters away, curled up his insect legs and lay motionless on the ice.

Ye Han couldn't understand what the aliens were doing, so he simply came to stop.

How did he know that the shadow sent out another ultrasonic wave at this time, and the floating flatworm rushed to the ice cave immediately after hearing it.

Their swimming speed is extremely fast, sometimes they surface, and sometimes they sink underwater, and their waving insect legs create a large splash of water.

The drone faithfully recorded this scene, and when Ye Han saw this scene, he immediately understood the thoughts of the aliens.

"Is this trying to lead us out?" Although it was a serious matter, Ye Han had the urge to laugh.

Luo Qi said with a smile: "This method is too inferior... How about we have a plan?"

"What will be, pass my order, each group is ready, and start action in thirty seconds!"

"Yes!" Luo Qi agreed and immediately conveyed the order. The soldiers in each group who stayed at the entrance of the cave immediately clenched their laser guns and quietly opened the insurance.

Luo Qi counted down on the radio, and after the last count, all the soldiers sent the laser guns out of the hole at the same time, pulled the trigger and turned their wrists, and the lasers swept close to the top of the ice, instantly sweeping hundreds of meters away. The spidermen burnt the spidermen's worm legs that fastened to the vines, and cut their belly against the top of the ice.

The accident was too sudden. The Spider-Man, who had planned to attack humans, was attacked, and the Spider-Man immediately fell into chaos.

The sneak attack failed, and the aliens hiding in the dark became furious and ordered the spidermen to attack without hesitation.

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