Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1444: Use the rest

The strong light illuminated the deep sea, dispelling the darkness that had been deposited for millions of years, but the strong light lasted only a short moment and disappeared quickly, as if it had never appeared.


Although the light disappeared, the high temperature left by the nuclear explosion fermented in the dark deep sea. After a very short period of time, the water vapor formed a violently expanding air mass, and the high temperature steam was expelled at a very high speed. Seawater, the seawater starts from the air mass and turns into a torrent that spreads in all directions, which is simply a shock wave sweeping across the water.


Not long after this powerful undercurrent dissipated, the high temperature and high pressure steam mass spread to the limit, the sea water poured into the underwater cavity under the action of strong water pressure, the water currents collided with each other, and finally flowed down countless turbulent currents.


All of this happened in a very short period of time, and there were no creatures visible to the naked eye within the explosion range. However, although the nuclear explosion was over, a series of chain reactions caused by the explosion had just begun.


After only a few tens of seconds, the undercurrent rushed to more than ten kilometers away. The two alien warships could not escape, and were immediately overturned by the violent undercurrent. The hull of the ship could no longer withstand the huge water pressure. One hull was deformed and ruptured, like a piece of tofu smashed by a giant hammer;


A huge amount of sea water poured into the battleship, and it was filled with battleships in a blink of an eye. All the aliens were not spared. They were all squeezed into meat patties by the powerful water pressure. Even their carapaces were crushed by the huge water pressure.


This is not the end, the rapids are still spreading unswervingly, and after a while, the downward rapids rushed to the bottom of the sea, setting off countless sediments, breaking the silence that had been there for countless years.


The upward torrent rushed all the way to the sea surface, and when it reached the shallow sea, it still contained great energy, and swept away the flatworms in the shallow sea. Either it was beaten to death by the huge pressure in the rapid current, or it was slapped on the ice wall by the rapid current.


The torrent rushed into the space under the ice, and immediately set off a huge wave.


At this time, Europa had almost reached the perigee point, the sea surface was close to the lowest point, and the height difference between the water surface and the ice bottom was about a few hundred meters. This drop is too small. The high tide floods the space under the ice in an instant, and the violent rapids have nowhere to vent. Under the action of water pressure, they all squeeze into the ice cave leading to the ice surface.


The rapids rushed from the deep sea to the water surface, and the journey of more than 20 kilometers consumed a huge amount of energy, but the energy contained in the rapids was still violent, and there were only dozens of ice holes with a diameter of about five meters on the ice sheet. In other words, this gap is not enough to plug the gap between the teeth.


At this moment, Ye Han and all the comrades of the human fleet are all like ants on a hot pan, staring at Europa and waiting anxiously.


Several minutes have passed since the detonation time, but Europa has not changed at all. Various speculations involuntarily emerged in Ye Han's mind, inferring the reason why the nuclear bomb failed to explode on time.


At this moment, dozens of water columns rushed out of the ice surface at the same time, like an invisible giant hand squeezing Europa, and like dozens of super giant whales hiding underwater, spraying water into the air together.


Anxious waiting suddenly turned into boundless joy, and countless voices were transmitted in the data link: "Come's started..."


Ye Han's eyes widened, staring at Europa without blinking, for fear of missing even the slightest detail.


The water column is rushing higher and higher, and it boils while rising. After rushing to an altitude of tens of kilometers, the water column has become an air column, but the water column has turned into an air column, and it still cannot stop the upward momentum, and it has jumped to more than 100. The kilometers of outer space gradually dissipated.


Judging from the battleship, the back of Europa looks like a pot has been boiled, steam is bubbling, and the air column is still rising!


Luo Qi was amazed: "Why do I think the water column is getting thicker?"


"That's right, I saw it too!"


Ye Han said: "The pressure under the ice is huge. With such a strong water flow, the ice cave can be brushed down by the mechanical impact alone, and the temperature of the water is even higher than that of the ice..."


Before the words fell, the mutation resumed. The ice surface near the ice cave suddenly cracked and extended from the ice cave to the distance. Water rushed out of the cracked ice crevice. Wherever the ice layer cracked, the gushing water flow followed where to go.


Because the ice gap shares some of the pressure, the tall water column begins to fall back, but the rate of fall is very slow.


"My God!" He Lu's eyes straightened, "Two hundred kilometers, captain, the cracks are distributed over a range of more than two hundred kilometers!"


"That's great!" Luo Qi's eyes lit up, "Boss, those enemy ships in the water should be finished, right?"


"This..." Ye Han hesitated for a moment, then shook his head honestly, "It depends on the distance between the enemy ship and the bombing point... The water pressure is so strong, the enemy ship should not run away."


He also thought that the nuclear bomb exploded at a predetermined depth, but he did not know that the nuclear bomb exploded at a depth of six kilometers higher.


"Even the ice layer is cracked, and the aliens can't escape even if they hide in the ice... Captain, is 50 million tons so powerful? Did I make a mistake and hit a 100 million tons? "He Lu fell into deep self-doubt and always felt that something was wrong.


"You shot the missile, don't you know it yourself?" Luo Qi questioned, "The system can't go wrong. Think about it, did you choose the wrong one?"


He Lu thought back carefully: "It should be 50 million tons..."


"It's not surprising that it's more powerful." Ye Han said, "Europa is covered with ice shells, this thing... um, it's like setting off a cannonball in a pressure cooker. When the lid is opened, the water will collapse at most. If you put the lid on, the whole pot will fry."


Ye Han's description was not so accurate, but when everyone understood the meaning of the words, they all nodded violently.


At the same time, the headquarters were also discussing the issue of After the ice cap broke, Zhuang Bo was the first to stand up and admit his mistake: "Commander, I took it for granted and underestimated the power of the nuclear bomb. ."


He never imagined that the power radius of a 50 million-ton nuclear bomb could reach 200 kilometers. This is still the data on the ice, and the actual power under the ice must be even greater.


Huo Qiang waved his hand: "Let's not talk about that, how many nuclear bombs are enough for this power?"


Zhuang Bomo did some calculations: "More than 200 of 50 million tons is enough!"


"Great!" Wu Han was overjoyed, "There are more than 200 pieces of 50 million tons, absolutely enough!"


Zhuang Bo shook his head: "More than 200 pieces are just an ideal situation. The power range of the explosion is spherical. It is impossible for the ball to fit perfectly between the balls. The blasting position must be adjusted. I think it's safer to use all the remaining nuclear bombs."


"Then use the rest!" Huo Qiang's response was domineering, "Chief of Staff, contact the Enterprise, I'll speak to Halsey in person!"

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