Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1492: see tricks

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The military has always had a phobia of insufficient firepower. This problem has been for decades, and it has not been cured until today. As far as Fang Xiaoqiang's situation is concerned, it is definitely a late stage.

Yun Bo couldn't help but complain: "You shouldn't be in the navy, let alone be a special forces member, I think you should just apply and transfer the army to be an artilleryman!"

Fang Xiaoqiang felt a grievance: "Captain, brother, I can't do anything about it. The gun is not easy to use. If you don't give me a sniper cannon, I can't stop it!"

Yun Bo didn't believe this set, and said angrily: "Just two, love or not!"

As soon as Fang Xiaoqiang heard this tone, he knew that this matter was definitely not going to work: "Two only two, and I can't be without ammunition!"

"Fart!" Yun Bo jumped on the bridge again, "At most two bases, not one more!"

This time Fang Xiaoqiang didn't do it: "My captain, if you don't give me a cannon, you won't even give me a grenade? Do you want me to fight a bayonet with a bug?"

Yun Bo didn't get angry again this time, he thought about it calmly and said, "Four bases, I'll send someone to give you some support!"

Fang Xiaoqiang accepted it when he saw it: "Okay, okay, then come to the four bases first!"

At the end of the call, Yun Bo heard Fang Xiaoqiang's tone and felt that he had given too much. But the words have already been said, and they can't come out and go the other way.

He immediately ordered the ammunition depot to send the grenade over, and then arranged for the problem of support.

Upon receiving the order, a group of standby sailors immediately took action. They loaded the depth bomb launcher on the electric trolley that transported ammunition and quickly drove to the elevator that led to the deck.

The elevators on the Yuzhou are far more than the two on the port side. There are many corners and corners. For example, the ammunition depot, which is specially designed to transport ammunition, can go straight to the deck.

After the electric car drove on the deck, it immediately drove to the port side at a flying speed. It braked suddenly at a position more than ten meters away from the edge, and almost didn't throw the transmitter on the car.

After the electric car stopped, the sailors quickly deployed the launcher, stuffed a depth bomb into the cannon, and the two wires were connected, and the depth charge in the cannon jumped out with a bang.

This projectile depth bomb launcher is, to put it bluntly, an oversized mortar, except that it fires a special depth charge.

The combat target of this thing is torpedoes, so the volume and weight are not large, which is very suitable for DIY modification.

The depth bomb drew a high arc in the air, and fell into the sea more than 20 meters away with a tom. The depth bomb exploded immediately after entering the sea, causing a high water column.

The tide aroused by the explosion slapped the battleship fiercely, and instantly smashed the giant shrimp that were stacked like Arhats.

Depth charges are no joke, and the Yuzhou is a second-hand knife. If the depth charges land too close, the giant shrimp might not be affected, and the hull will be damaged first.

Therefore, the placement of the depth bomb is very particular, not only to kill the giant shrimp, but also not to blow up the Yuzhou.

Yuzhou was originally equipped with depth bomb launchers, but the positions of those launchers were not very good. They could be launched, but the landing point could not be near the battleship. In that case, the purpose of killing giant shrimp would not be achieved. .

In fact, it doesn't matter if the landing point is close, anyway, both sides were hit by the alien submarine, and it doesn't matter if it takes a few deep bombs. The most important thing is to be able to clean up the giant shrimp.

The soldiers all thought so, and they didn't pay much attention to the landing point. The deep bullets were thrown one by one. The giant shrimp on the side of the ship were all stunned by the loud noise and high pressure in the water, and the pressure in the hangar was reduced by 90%. In the round of confrontation, the victory came to an end.

Fang Xiaoqiang breathed a sigh of relief with lingering fears, and involuntarily let out a secret cry of danger.

The confrontation in the hangar is actually not very dangerous, and it has nothing to do with the giant shrimp. The real danger comes from the fuel leaking on the starboard side!

The reality is always more coincidental than the story. When the Yuzhou sank, it happened to be the current on the port side, and the leaked fuel was washed away directly by the sea instead of being attached to the ship.

It is for this reason that the giant shrimp that entered the hangar from the port side did not have a drop of fuel on them. If it was the giant shrimp that were covered with oil on the starboard side, the hangar might have been a sea of ​​fire.

However, the situation on the Yuzhou was not so safe. The deep bomb not only blew up the giant shrimp, but also the undercurrent caused by the explosion penetrated into the ship from the damaged part. , submerged everything on the underwater line. If everyone hadn't evacuated ahead of time, I don't know how many people would have to be sacrificed.

Some giant shrimps also entered the ship with the current. These giant shrimps were still washed away by the water. Most of the giant shrimps entered the ship smoothly, but a few watertight doors were blocked by giant shrimps.

Fortunately, the watertight compartment of the Yuzhou is still strong and has withstood the severe test. Otherwise, the front and rear compartments will also enter the water, and the ammunition depot and the engine room will be finished together, and the Yuzhou will no longer have to insist. , it is more pleasant to directly blow up the ship.

And all this happened in the middle of the empty battleship, and no one knew what happened here.

Soon after, the giant shrimp gradually recovered. Although the middle section of the Yuzhou had been powered off, the giant shrimp was still groping forward in the dark.

At the same time, the aliens, unwilling to fail, launched a second round of attacks.

The main force of this round of attack was still the giant shrimp, but the defenders on the deck found some bugmen among the giant shrimp.

Before the soldiers reported the situation to the bridge, an alien submarine suddenly surfaced on the left side of the Yuzhou, and the sharp corners exposed to the surface immediately A group of servants were like bullets fired from a machine gun. Lined up into the sky, and after flying high, they immediately shot at the Yuzhou flight deck.

One after another silk light swept toward the depth bomb launcher like a thunderbolt, and the unsuspecting sailors fell into the pool of blood. All the sailors were sacrificed, and the deck was red with blood.

The transmitter was also shredded by successive mercerizing, and can no longer be used.

Yuzhou is not a vegetarian either. Just as the servants flew up, the 1020 close-in anti-aircraft guns in the corner of the deck found the target in the air, and then started on their own. The ten gun barrels turned frantically, at a speed of ten thousand rounds per second. Dumping cannonballs at the servants in the air.

The countless shells were like a pouring rain, and like a red-hot whip, volleyed at the servants, smashed the servants' carapaces, smashed the livers of the servants, and ripped the servants. Soldier's bones.

All in all, as long as they are targeted by the close-up guns, no servant can escape in the violent rain of bullets.

However, although the servants were annihilated by the close-in defense artillery, the personnel on the deck and the depth bombs were also destroyed by the silk light, losing the deterrence of the depth bombs, and the giant shrimp flooded into the hangar again. (Carapace frenzy..6868629)--(Carapace frenzy)

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