Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1499: To gain time

Yun Bo called all the remaining officers on the ship in front of him, and everyone thought of a way together, but everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and no one spoke for a while.

It's not that I don't want to say it, it's that I really don't know what to say.

Time waits for no one, and Yun Bo's patience is also limited. After being silent for more than ten seconds, he finally couldn't help it: "You have nothing to say?"

Xu Zhongxi frowned: "Captain, when it comes to naval warfare, we are all experts, but we haven't encountered such a situation for many years now, we are not familiar with this at all, and it is already super level to be able to fight this. performed."

Everyone's eyes fell on Fang Xiaoqiang's face invariably, even Yun Bo was no exception.

Fang Xiaoqiang was seen by them all over his body, and his eyes turned to the left and the right: "Why are you staring at me?"

Xu Zhongxi stared: "See what else you can do, here you are engaged in special warfare. If you don't ask about this, who else can you ask?"

Fang Xiaoqiang's mouth twitched: "CQ we have trained, but there are only a few of us..."

Yun Bo interrupted: "I didn't let you fight the bugs, I asked you how to stop the bugs!"

Fang Xiaoqiang said with a bitter face, "I don't have any training in this area... or... let's put a bomb? If the passage is blown up, it will be able to block it for a while."

Yun Bo turned his head and asked, "Lao Xu, what do you think?"

"You can try." Xu Zhongxi said, "It's better to be a living horse doctor than a dead horse."

"Okay, let's do it like this." Yun Bo made up his mind, "The key passages must be blown up, and the non-critical places must be placed with mines, grenades, or whatever. It's up to you."

Fang Xiaoqiang immediately said, "Captain, I have another request."

"you say."

"We have too few people, can we arrange for someone to help?"

"Okay, give as much as you want, arrange it immediately!"

Xu Zhongxi said, "Our sailors don't understand this business!"

Fang Xiaoqiang immediately explained: "Let's come to Bray, mainly to help deliver supplies or something. This is more efficient."

Yun Bo said: "That's no problem, arrange more people, the sooner the better!"

Fang Xiaoqiang said again: "We don't have many mines and grenades. It's better to bring some artillery shells, and those close to the cannons will do."

Aircraft carriers do not have main guns, but they have depth bombs and various missiles for aircraft. These big guys are so powerful that they can kill half of a small aircraft carrier with just one, so it must be clear what kind of shells are needed.

The ammunition depot is still under the control of the sailors. After the plan is finalized, the soldiers act immediately to send the corresponding ammunition to the designated location, which will be received and deployed by the special forces.

This is not an easy job. It is important to mine where to mine, which cabin, and which passage. If it is too far from the giant shrimp, it will compress its own activity space, and if it is too close to the enemy, it may be attacked. Not an ordinary hassle.

Fortunately, the special forces are equipped with new types of landmines, which can be plugged into inconspicuous corners after opening the insurance. It doesn't take much time. After a while, the special forces team laid a large number of landmines on the enemy's only path.

Two minutes after the first mine was laid, the giant shrimp from the bilge struck the mine for the first time.

The passage is narrow, and thousands of steel **** ploughed the passage tens of meters long, killing and injuring seven giant shrimps, and inadvertently harvested a bug man.

However, there are only giant insects in the passage, and no one on the Yuzhou saw this scene, and they didn't even know that the insect people had boarded the battleship.

The situation in other directions is similar. Anyone who enters the power range of the mine will not die or be seriously injured.

The aliens quickly learned of the situation and ordered the swarm to suspend the attack. After confining the swarm to a safe area, the aliens ordered the worms to clear the explosives.

As we all know, bomb disposal is an extremely dangerous business. Even after the most rigorous and systematic training, there is no guarantee of success rate. Every demolition is a gamble at the cost of life.

It is relatively easy to dismantle the mines, but it is not that simple. Few worms know how to remove mines. Coupled with the double insurance of the booby traps specially arranged by the special forces, the first worms to detonate the mines, and the explosion will His upper body was blown to pieces, and his lower body, which belonged to bugs, was full of holes, and after a few strokes, it stopped moving.

Although the brain of the worm is controlled by aliens, it should have a lot of intelligence. After witnessing this scene, they all hesitated, and no one is willing to be the second cannon fodder.

However, demining must have flexible fingers, and the most suitable candidate for aliens is the worm.

However, it is also a way to directly stab the mines. The worms who don't want to die gather together, and they don't make any mines at all, and send the giant insects to the mines directly.

The aliens don't care about the life and death of the giant insects at all, and the insect people naturally don't care, so the giant shrimp no longer go everywhere as a group as before, but they are separated one by one, at least 30 meters apart, or at least 30 meters apart. Take a turn or something.

In this way, even if the giant shrimp in front detonated a mine or anything else, it wouldn't hurt the swarm in the back, let alone the cautious worm.

What's more, the speed of sprinting mines is much faster than mine clearing. A stream of giant shrimps lined up to rush up. The insect man put his head behind and counted how many noises it made. When there was no movement, he sent another group over. If there is movement, continue to go. Fill in the giant insects, no movement means safety, and you can direct the insect swarm to move forward.

The change is only a small point, but the change brought about is a substantial increase in the speed of travel.

Fang Xiaoqiang knew about the situation very quickly, and his response was very simple. Before, he immediately evacuated after laying mines. This time, after changing mines, he placed a machine gun or a grenade launcher at the end of the passage. When he found the giant shrimp, he immediately kill.

Tang Lei is acting alone, it is simply a perfect target.

The encounter with the giant shrimp was quickly reported to the The worms quickly improved their tactics. It was no longer a single shrimp action, but a small group of three or five. When they encountered a human, they rushed forward together. If they don't meet, one is in front, and the rest follow behind.

The improved tactics were indeed very effective. After a while, several channels were opened up, forcing the special forces to withdraw.

But the laying and blocking did not stop because the enemy had an advantage. The soldiers continued to persevere and did everything possible to slow the enemy's pace.

The aliens did have certain advantages, but the Special Forces also managed to hold back the enemy's advance, buying a lot of time for the evacuation.

When the helicopter swarm landed again, the swarm had captured two-thirds of Yuzhou.


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