Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1512: no matter the cost (3)

Knowing where the swarms are, the artillerymen can hit the cannonballs into the swarms with their eyes closed, and the cannons go off one after the other, and each cannonball hits the road with precision.

When Beidu decided to place the rail elevator here, the whole of Kalidan was empty for a long time. Everything at the equatorial base was built bit by bit by the engineering troops, and this road was no exception.

Although it is the only connection channel between the port and the base, the underground engineering is the top priority of the whole base. This road is just repaired casually, the roadbed is only rammed soil, and the road surface is only a layer of rammed three-compound soil. Not as good as the country road in the country.

The strength of such a road can be imagined. Every time a shell falls, it is a large crater. After a while, the road is as bumpy as the moon, and there are craters of different depths everywhere.

Everyone knows that this road is completely abolished, but no one is worried about this, because there are still engineers in the base, and it is just such a broken road, and it can be used if you repair it.

Moreover, it is uncertain whether it will be used or not in the end.

The artillery bombardment was very effective, and the shells blocked the insect swarm three kilometers away, and could not advance an inch.

But the swarm just didn't mean to retreat, and stalked its neck and rushed forward.

Liu Huaidong felt that it was not the way to fight like this, he hesitated for a while and said, "Let the artillery stop first and try the laser cannon.

That's right, it's laser cannons. There are only six sets of laser cannons in the entire base, and they are placed in six directions on average. Only two can shoot the road.

Zhang Chen wanted to say that it was long overdue to change the laser cannon, but the words turned around and swallowed back into his stomach.

Liu Huaidong is the kind of more traditional soldier. Although his ability to accept new equipment is not weak at all, his tactical thinking is a bit out of step with the times. No matter what kind of situation he encounters, the first thing that comes to his mind will always be those Traditional machine gun cannon.

Not only weapons and equipment, but also tactical ideas. If Zhang Chen was commanding, he would have ordered the artillery to stop shooting and bring the swarm closer to attack - the new equipment in the base is not only laser cannons, but also two. A set of infrasonic cannons and two sets of directional microwave cannons are all powerful tools for dealing with insects, but the range is relatively short, and the insect swarm must be brought close to work.

It is precisely because of this that these new weapons have not received much attention from Liu Huaidong, and have not been able to play their due role... Well, I can't say that, because since the base was built, there has been no precedent for a large group of giant insects attacking, sporadic The giant worm can't even get over the minefield, let alone get close to the base.

Liu Huaidong's order has been conveyed, and the sound of cannons that have been ringing abruptly stopped. Many unknown soldiers thought the battle was over, but they did not expect that the swarm was rapidly approaching the base.

Liu Huaidong always believed that it was not a good thing for the swarm to get close to the base, so he did not give the swarm a chance to continue approaching, but ordered the laser cannon to fire immediately.

At this time, the distance between the swarm and the base was still two kilometers, and two lasers with the thickness of fingers, invisible to the naked eye, swept across the ground close to the ground.

The running swarm seemed to have pressed the stop button, and the giant worms rushing in front were cut open from the front by the laser, and fell to the ground one after another.

The giant insects behind continued to move forward, and the crossed lasers swept back, so another group of giant insects fell to the ground.

After sweeping several times, the alien finally realized that something was wrong and ordered the swarm to stop advancing.

Liu Huaidong couldn't help sneering, is this the place where you can come and leave when you want?

The laser continued to sweep, and none of the giant insects that rushed into the range of the laser cannon survived.

This is not how powerful the laser cannon is, but the giant worm has no concept of escaping orders at all. The alien ordered the swarm to stop, but did not order the swarm to evacuate, so the worm was tragic, not so much that the swarm was guarded. The annihilation of the army is not as good as letting the aliens die.

At this time, the aliens have realized that it is impossible for the swarm to break through the base from the front, but they still have no intention of stopping the attack, but continue to send the swarm to attack.

This time, it is no longer a single-point breakthrough, but a full-scale assault in all directions.

It was not until the aliens fully attacked that Liu Huaidong realized that the base was not as strong as he thought, because the attack not only came from the ground, but also from the ground and the sky, a real all-round three-dimensional attack.

This is a busy time. The swarms on the ground, the servants in the air, and various weapons in the base are firing frantically. The ammunition consumed per minute is calculated in tons.

As for the underground, hehe, Liu Huaidong didn't care at all, and only arranged for a part of the troops to be vigilant.

The tactics of aliens are indeed very three-dimensional, but they are also a bit too taken for granted. Their idea should be to use the ground and sky to attract the attention of the defenders, then open the gap from the ground, and finally attack the base.

But the aliens did not expect that when Beidu built the equatorial base, they thought of this. They not only built a reinforced concrete protective layer with a thickness of more than ten meters underground, but also set up a buffer zone in the protected area. After the worm dug through the concrete and rushed into the base, it had to face layers of iron railings and a thirty-meter buffer zone.

You must know that the equatorial base was not built casually. Thinking of the first batch of dungeons, they were simply hollowing out the underground, and it was enough to arrange people in it, and nothing else was considered.

However, with the gradual deepening of human understanding of giant insects, the structure of dungeons has also been improved. The military has used all the experience of building dungeons for more than ten years on the equatorial base. All kinds of insect control measures are available. Do you want to break the base? How can it be so easy?

However, the determination of the aliens is very The insect swarms participating in the attack do not count their lives and deaths, and it is clear that they want to accumulate insect lives to win.

After this war, all the officers and soldiers in the base had a new understanding of the madness of aliens.

Liu Huaidong learned later that it was not that the aliens were too crazy, but that the human bases in the entire tropics were attacked by aliens, and only the equatorial base was still standing in the onslaught of the swarm, almost becoming an alien. The star's eyes are thorns in the flesh.

So many human bases have been taken down, and the aliens don't believe it. In the end, this place can't be captured, so the aliens mobilized the army and launched round after round of crazy attacks on the equatorial base.

The minefield was leveled, but the swarm did not stop; the laser cannon was overheated, but the swarm did not stop; the infrasonic cannon and the directional microwave cannon swept across the battlefield, shaking and roasting all the giant insects close to the base, and the swarm was still fighting to the death. not back.

Liu Huaidong was well aware of the strength of the base. He never thought that aliens could break through the base, but the attack of the swarm never stopped, and the sound of gunfire in the base never stopped. Speed ​​consumption, according to the current consumption rate, the base can only last up to three days!

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