Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1566: super plant

Duan Zhiyang's shoulders collapsed: "Don't dare!"

"That's it!" Ye Han slapped Duan Zhiyang's thigh with a slap, "I dare you if you don't dare?"

Duan Zhiyang slapped Ye Han's hand away: "Slap your own!"

Ye Han laughed, causing Duan Zhiyang to stare in surprise: "Hey, you can laugh at this? Is that a super battleship?"

Ye Han put away his smile: "What about the super battleship? What should be mine is mine, it shouldn't be mine, and you can't grab it, just let it be."

Duan Zhiyang said curiously, "You don't want to know, how are you going to be arranged?"

"Of course I do!" Ye Han said naturally, "You know?"

Duan Zhiyang nodded: "If I guessed correctly, they plan to arrange for you to return to Earth and command the orbital airborne troops."

"Ah?" Ye Han's eyes widened, "Isn't it? Are there people transferred from the fleet?"

It is difficult to be transferred into the fleet, and it is even more difficult to be transferred from the fleet. This is an iron rule that the entire army knows... It is not how domineering the space fleet is, but the space fleet is always fighting on the front line of fighting against aliens. The sinking of a battleship means the sacrifice of hundreds of people.

In this case, the personnel gap of the space fleet has never been filled. The military can only continuously replenish excellent soldiers into the fleet, but rarely remove personnel from the fleet, and finally formed an unspoken rule of only entering and not entering.

Duan Zhiyang said of course: "What is the transfer? The airborne troops are also part of the fleet, this is an internal transfer!"

"No, why can't I understand it? I remember that the airborne troops were scattered and replenished into the fleet, right? Everyone was evacuated from above?"

"No." Duan Zhiyang shook his head, "In that battle, too many people were sacrificed, and there were not one out of ten airborne troops that supplemented the fleet. Later, they basically stayed in the fleet. The current airborne troops are new troops that were recruited and rebuilt later. , directly under the command of Beiyuezhou."

Ye Han is still frowning: "You want to say that the fleet lacks a captain, and I believe that the airborne troops still lack a commander? Are you making trouble with me?"

Duan Zhiyang's expression suddenly became very complicated: "This is a long story. Where do you want me to start?"

Ye Han suddenly had a bad premonition: "Of course I'll start from the beginning... Otherwise, you can say where you want to go!"

"That's okay." Duan Zhiyang nodded heavily, "This is because I've been waiting for super battleships for the past few years. Ordinary battleships are built too few, and there are too many people and few pits, so there is no need for so many captains. There's no place to arrange you... Do you know how many people are waiting for Chen Tang now?"

"How many?"

"Excluding you, there are at least more than 40, either a major general or a lieutenant general, but there are only a few seniors older than you, and you can't find one with a better record. If you fight for it, the hope is really great. !"

Ye Han smiled bitterly: "Don't mention this, is this something I can fight for if I want? You should just say the second."

"The second one is that the main battlefield in the past few years is not in space!"

Ye Han was shocked, and a name blurted out: "Earth?"

Duan Zhiyang nodded, and Ye Han immediately asked, "What happened to the earth?"

Duan Zhiyang said: "It's hard to say, the current earth is not the same earth as it used to be."

Ye Han frowned: "What happened?"

Duan Zhiyang said: "In that battle, the extraterrestrial fleet tried desperately to lean on the earth. At that time, many alien battleships rushed into the atmosphere, you know this?"

"I know." Ye Han said, "Didn't they let the nuclear bombs stop them?"

"Intercept is intercepted, but the purpose of the aliens is not to land at all, but to spread seeds on the earth. Many enemy ships threw the seeds out as soon as they entered the atmosphere. The nuclear bombs only intercepted the warships, not at all. Live the seeds."

Ye Han suddenly remembered the puffed virus: "What seed? What does it do?"

"A seed of a plant."

"Why was there no news at that time?" Ye Han was extremely surprised.

The time when the foreign fleet arrived on Earth was in late June. At that time, the expeditionary force had not yet reached Saturn, and it was already mid-October when Ye Han abandoned the ship on Lei No. 1. It was three and a half months in the middle, and there was no news at all. Have not heard?

Duan Zhiyang said: "The seeds of aliens are too small, like dust. No one knew at that time. This was all deduced later."

"Oh!" Ye Han was stunned, "Go on."

Duan Zhiyang said: "It was all messed up at the time, we were messed up, the enemy was messed up, and there was no pattern at all when entering the atmosphere. As a result, those seeds floated everywhere, most of them fell into the sea, and a few fell to the ground. Around a month or so, a large phytoplankton similar to kelp was discovered in Qiongzhou, and no one paid attention to this thing at that time, and didn't have the time to pay attention to it, and only later found out that this thing is everywhere in the sea, and it's a disaster!"

Ye Han couldn't help but ask, "What happened after that?"

"It was research later, and I found that there is nothing special about this thing, that is, the photosynthesis and respiration are particularly strong, and it is a super plant."

"Isn't it good?" Ye Han asked suspiciously.

"What's good, this is just the beginning!" Duan Zhiyang's eyes suddenly showed a hint of fear, "How can something from aliens be so simple? This thing falls into the water as phytoplankton; falls into the forest, it can grow into trees and shrubs; Falling on the grassland is a meadow; this thing likes water very much, but it can also survive in the desert, and the root system is particularly developed, stronger than any known desert plant; even if it falls into the city, it can attach to the wall On the surface, a piece of moss grows!"

"I'll go!" Ye Han was really frightened this time, "So powerful?"

"More than that, this thing can parasitize on trees, stones, all kinds of buildings, and even cement. No matter what the environment is, this thing can't be It's a universal plant, The only requirement is that there must be water, a lot of water."

Ye Han was a little confused: "This thing is poisonous?"


"A worm?"

"What's wrong?"

"Then what can it do?" Ye Han was confused again. "Aliens are not stupid. They took so much effort to send this thing to the earth. They can't be idle and have nothing to do, right?"

First it was a puffed virus, then a giant worm, and then it went into battle in person, and now it has come up with plants. The methods of aliens are really endless!

"Of course not." Duan Zhiyang said, "At the beginning, no one paid attention to this thing. Later, the satellite accidentally discovered that giant insects in the tropical rain forest tried to spread this plant, which attracted the attention of the above. At the end of the year, It was found that this thing is very special, the evaporation is very strong, and a large amount of water vapor is released into the atmosphere every day; the photosynthesis is also very powerful, not only producing a large amount of oxygen, but also producing a large amount of greenhouse gases. In three years, the global average temperature has risen six degrees."

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