Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1574: I want to go 1 layer deep

The first batch of airborne servants was still in the air, and the second batch of servants had already left the airborne pod at 3,000 meters in the air. The firepower of the human side was immediately multiplied, and the initiative on the battlefield was regained, and the alien servants on the ground were replaced. Soldiers suppressed.


When the human servants landed, most of the alien servants had already suffered casualties.


Because the airborne servants were very scattered, after the first batch of servants landed, the alien servants quickly dispersed, and the two sides launched a fierce confrontation in a hide-and-seek style within a range of more than ten square kilometers. You, there is no clear line of battle at all, often a servant just fires and kills the enemy, and is immediately killed by another enemy.


The enemy and the enemy are entangled together, and the laser is useless. In this way, the enemy hidden in the dark can be drawn out!


Although neither side has any rules, but in general, the human side is more dominant. This is because the second wave of airborne servants are still in the air, and they are constantly firing on the alien servants from a commanding height.


The human servants have taken the initiative, and it is only a matter of time before this enemy army is annihilated.


However, the aliens seemed to attach great importance to this force, and quickly mobilized a group of giant insects to go to the battlefield.


After Ye Han discovered this, he simply ordered the third and fourth waves of servants to fall in the direction of the insect swarm to intercept these giant insects.


The servants won the first airborne landing, Ye Han let out a long sigh of relief.


It is far better to win with the lives of the servants than to fight for victory with the lives of the people. These servants don't even need to be recovered, and they hand over the command directly to the ground troops. They are a good assault force wherever they are used.


Servants are definitely not able to perform too complicated tasks, but the vast majority of ordinary troops perform tasks that are within the capabilities of the servants, and the use of servants is far lower than that of human soldiers. This is for the military. Not a small temptation.


However, there has always been disagreement within the military on how to use servants. On the one hand, most people agree with the economy of servants, but on the other hand, they are worried that after a large number of servants are used, well-trained human troops will become more and more The less and less, once the servants have an accident, it is equivalent to disarming the armed forces of mankind.


These two viewpoints are common among the top military. It is precisely because of this concern that the military has never used servants in large numbers, and will only use servants to a certain extent in the future. No matter how useful servants are, they will definitely, Absolutely, never will replace human soldiers with servants.


There has long been a case within the military. The use of servants is limited to land warfare and to non-technical positions. That is to say, servants can only serve as cannon fodder infantry in the human battle sequence.


It is with all these restrictions that Bei can agree to the military's use of servants on a small scale on Earth.


The battle on the ground continued, but there was no suspense in the end. Ye Han took his attention away from the airborne servants and continued to pay attention to the situation on the entire battlefield.


In addition to the various blows of the ground troops, the encirclement of the insect swarm has come to nothing, and the possibility of continuing to threaten the migrating team is extremely small, but the ground forces are also in a ball with the insect swarm. Blocking is dizzying.


Let alone a layman, Ye Han, an expert, sees the situation on the ground and can't recognize the situation for a while. He must carefully observe each battlefield before he can gradually understand the deployment of both sides.


Obviously, humans have an absolute advantage.


If this battle takes place in Kalidan or other tropical islands, it is hard to say whether human beings can gain the upper hand, but this battle takes place in the temperate region, which is still the home field of human beings. Any swarms that try to cross the dividing line will be met with The military's full-strength attack, even the use of nuclear bombs, will kill the swarms that cross the border.


Under such circumstances, there are very few giant insects that can successfully cross the border, and they are all small-scale crossovers, or one or two, or three or five. Even so, they will encounter human shelling from time to time. Save one.


After several years of development, the way of crossing the boundary of the swarm has been transferred from the surface to the underground. While the success rate has greatly increased, the casualty rate has also dropped significantly. Otherwise, the aliens would never be able to organize such a huge swarm.


However, humans also tried their best to block the underground passage. The most exaggerated one was that the Southern Military Region discovered an underground passage with a length of more than 700 kilometers. This was because the giant worm accidentally dug into the periphery of the underground city and triggered the peripheral alarm of the underground city. Otherwise, It is not yet certain where the passage will be dug.


Ye Han secretly guessed that perhaps the purpose of Beidu was more than the ones he had guessed before. He probably wanted to test the aliens to see how many giant insects were hiding under the eyes of humans.


From this point of view, this battle has achieved or even exceeded its intended purpose.


Destroying this group of giant insects cannot change the overall situation of the confrontation between the enemy and us, but it will definitely make the aliens feel distressed for a while, and we must spend more time and energy to send another group of giant insects in!


Thinking of this, Ye Han immediately made a decision and ordered Lin Yi to continue to fire on the ground to destroy the enemy's living force as much as possible.


To save people and lose land, people and land are saved, and when people are saved, people and land are lost. The words of Taizu and his old man are absolutely wise and well-known.


Speaking of which, isn't that what the aliens planned? If they wiped out all the human beings left on Earth, would those people in Beiyuezhou still be the opponents of aliens?


At this time, Ye Han received a new order from Beiyuezhou, asking him to drop a batch of servants to the earth. The coordinates of several tasks are a certain artillery battalion threatened by giant insects; a certain urgent need for support, but the reinforcements cannot be in short order. The blocking position that arrived in time; the edge of the battlefield where the swarm was surrounded and wiped out; and the vicinity of the migrating team.


It can be seen from Beiyuezhou's order that the ground troops have paid a greater price than expected, and they have reached the point where they have to seek support... Maybe it's not that the ground troops can't support it, but that they don't want to see too many casualties of the ground troops. intends to replace ground troops with servants and reduce human casualties.


This is possible!


Ye Han immediately analyzed the situation of these mission points and determined the number of airdropped servants, and then Ningwuguan dropped more than 700 servants to the ground in one breath.


These troops either participated in the battle immediately after landing, or exchanged fire with the enemy before they landed, or covered the safety of the artillery group, or opened the way for the relocation team.


This is also one of the main characteristics of the servants. Their thinking is very simple. They only know how to perform tasks passively, and there is no initiative at all. If not, the military would not have created such a mixed army with human wisdom. Command simple servants and maximize the strengths of both, and you may be able to reap different surprises.


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