Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1577: Simple because of the shabby

The speeding train stopped, and the escorting troops and servants deployed on the spot to prevent the aliens from attacking.

The enemy's goal has always been to relocate people, and the purpose of sabotaging the railroad is nothing more than to delay the migration and buy time for swarms or other conspiracies.

I have to say that aliens have made great progress. When the giant insects ravaged the world, they didn’t know what it meant to destroy the communication line.

Just a few minutes later, Ye Han received a new order from the headquarters, asking him to immediately mobilize the remaining troops to clear the enemy as soon as possible and create conditions for the repair of the railway.

The reconnaissance mission was immediately converted into a combat mission, and the servants who had just entered the mission area immediately attacked the nearby enemies.

At the same time, Ye Han threw the last two squadrons on the battleship to the earth. At this point, all the servants on the Ningwuguan had been air-dropped, and if there was another task, only human soldiers could be put on top!

At this time, Beiyuezhou will return all the servants handed over to the ground troops, and order all servants to support immediately.

It is still this time, no matter the distance, but all the ground troops around the mission area have received orders to support them as soon as possible.

At this time, it was still dark, and it was the darkest time before dawn. The ground troops, who had only rested for a few hours, immediately prepared for battle, but before the troops came out, they were ordered to stay in place by the Northern Capital.

Everyone didn't understand what Beidu was going to do. After only ten seconds, Lin Yi suddenly exclaimed: "Long, missile!"

"What missile?"

"I don't know, the targets are all mission areas!"

Ye Han moved his fingers, and the earth quickly zoomed in. Several unusually bright lines appeared on his screen. Each line represented a missile flying towards the mission area.


For a moment, only these two words remained in his mind.

It was indeed over. The missile flew out of the atmosphere in a very short time. After a short flight outside the atmosphere, it re-entered the atmosphere from above the mission area, and then fell straight to the mission area.

At this time, the last two squadrons were falling towards the target area, and the high-flying missiles passed through the airborne group and reached the mission area first.

In the blink of an eye, several strong lights exploded over the mission area one after another, and several mushroom clouds rose into the air. The explosions dispelled the rain clouds in the air, and also evaporated the raindrops in the sky. The raging neutron flow even made the mission area hard. The raw land is covered once, and all organisms exposed to the nuclear explosion are covered by the neutron flow. Only a few special areas such as deep trenches and canyons barely escape the all-round blow of the neutron flow.

Regardless of the enemy army or the servants fighting against the enemy army, they were all killed and injured in the explosion, and the airborne pod that was still in the air was blown around by the shock wave. Fortunately, the height of the airborne pod when the neutron bomb exploded was not bad. Affected by the shock wave, but not hit by the neutron stream.

A few minutes later, the two squadrons of servants landed. Only one-third of the servants fell into the mission area. When the other servants landed, they all floated outside the mission area.

After the neutron bomb exploded, there was very little radiation residue, and the servants were covered in carapace, so they were not afraid of this residual radiation.

The sun just rose at this time, and the dark mission area was gradually shrouded in light. Everything was so perfect, only Ye Han felt a little unpleasant in his heart.

He knew that the servants were all cannon fodder, so he didn't need to care so much, but knowing it was one thing, and whether he could do it was another.

However, the servants are not human after all, and Ye Han's guilt was only a little bit, and it was soon overshadowed by the joy of victory.

The enemy is finished, but the railway is also finished. According to the data obtained by satellite remote sensing, the aliens have destroyed a total of 47 kilometers of railways, 26 kilometers of roadbeds, three railway bridges, and two railway tunnels. collapse.

Such a serious loss cannot be repaired in a short time. It is conceivable that the East China Sea Line will be difficult to resume operation in a short time.

Ye Han knew that the fate of the relocation team was in the hands of Beidu, and there were only two results. One was to leave the relocation team at the current position, and the military immediately organized emergency repairs to the railway and resumed traffic as soon as possible.

But this may be very small. The aliens have long been staring at the migration team. Even if they stay for a while, it will be more dangerous.

The second is to leave the railway and move by road instead, but then the personnel will be scattered, not as concentrated on the train, and the pressure of escorting the troops will inevitably increase significantly.

But the benefits are also obvious. Roads are much more flexible than railways. One can be replaced by another, and the originally concentrated team can also be dispersed and divided into several teams in different directions. Safety and progress can be improved.

Now, let's see how Beidu decides.

Bei didn't let Ye Han wait too long, that is, after ten minutes, the migration team came out again, and moved slowly when it was less than 20 kilometers away.

After more than an hour, the train slowly stopped.

There are no villages or cities, nor station platforms, only the boundless grass under the roadbed, and the road parallel to the railway tens of meters away.

A troop was already waiting on the road, and various vehicles were lined up along the road, extending into the distance.

Passengers left the train under the organization of escorts and changed to military vehicles to continue onwards.

Because of the rush of time, the military did not have any preparations. Although this unit has many vehicles, there are few vehicles suitable for transporting personnel.

But at this time, no one can care so much, as long as they can get in the car and leave this ghost place.

The result is that any place where people can sit is full of people. The most conspicuous are several flatbed trucks that transport tanks. The soldiers in charge of maintenance temporarily welded a fence around the edge of the flatbed, and then a large group of people sat on it, each flatbed truck. It can squeeze passengers in half a car.

If it was before the war this mode of transportation would definitely be scolded by everyone, no matter whether it is a car or not, there must be a few complaints about the military.

But today is different from the past. The continuous war for more than ten years has changed many things, including the bottom line of people. No one dares to embarrass the soldiers, no one dares to mess around, no one dares to make trouble. Big talk!

Under the control of the military, those social ugliness before the war have been fundamentally reversed.

In fact, the army is still the same army, and the soldiers are still those soldiers. The difference is that all speculators in the military who dare to test the bottom line of the military are all severely punished by the military.

In fact, the military is already doing its best to mobilize vehicles, but the mobilization takes time, so it can only be simplified because of the rudimentary, and one batch is sent away.


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