Armor Frenzy

Chapter 449: catch

It took a while for the airdrop to reach Eshan, but Ye Han didn't plan to just stay in the residential area and wait.

If you only need male spiders, you don't need to leave the residential area at all, you just need to pick a few from the spider group that attacked the residential area and get them back.

But it is not so simple to need a female spider. First, the female spider does not participate in attacking the residential area. Second, the female spider is much larger than the male spider, and it is much more difficult to capture. It is much easier to directly destroy it. .

Another point is that the female spiders are basically distributed in the periphery of the city, and they hang on the spider web to wait for the rabbit. How to get the female spider off the web is also a problem.

Based on the above considerations, Ye Han plans to go out for a spin first, find a few female spiders to sign up, and then wait for the anesthetics sent from above.

A few minutes later, the two armored vehicles left the residential area and began to wander along the roads in the city, looking for a suitable giant spider. After about half an hour, Ye Han had already marked seven or eight marks on the map, even if the success rate was only half. Children, I can also catch four female spiders, enough to cross them.

After stopping at a random place for more than an hour, Ye Han finally waited for the transport plane to arrive and determined the location of the airdrop by radio. After a while, the plane arrived over the armored vehicle and dropped an inconspicuous packing box.

Today's weather is really bad, a layer of lead cloud is floating in the sky, blocking the sun tightly, and the wind is much stronger than yesterday.

The parachute that left the plane fluttered in the wind and soon drifted away from the intended landing point.

Ye Han had to order the armored vehicle to keep up, but an unbelievable scene happened. The swaying parachute actually floated towards a building with more than ten stories. What was even more frustrating was that the parachute actually hung on the floor. On the towering tower!

Ye Han's heart was extremely tangled. He glanced at the office building with the door locked, and sighed helplessly: "Come on a few people, come with me to get the anesthetic... I hope there are no giant spiders in the building."

"Definitely not." Xiao Yuan vowed to cheer himself up.

The armored vehicle was parked outside the main entrance of the building. Ye Han led the three team members out of the armored vehicle, smashed the windows on the first floor, jumped into the building, and found the stairs to climb to the top floor.

Xiao Yuan was talking about things like elevators while climbing, which made Ye Han laugh.

With the power armor on his body, a few people climbed to the top floor without much effort. Ye Han looked up and saw the iron tower in the middle of the roof.

"You wait, I'll go up!" Ye Han said.

Xiao Yuan quickly stopped: "Don't say no, let me go!"

The soldier next to him didn't give the two of them a chance at all, rushed over a few steps, jumped up suddenly, grabbed the iron tower and started to climb up.

"Be careful!" Ye Han urged loudly.

"Don't worry, boss." The soldier replied confidently.

The iron tower is nearly 20 meters high, and it can almost stand up to seven or eight floors. If it falls from such a high place, the power armor will not matter.

However, Ye Han also knows that his worries are too much. Which of the mobile suits is an elite, and he can't even do trivial things like climbing an iron tower. What kind of elite is he?

The warrior who climbed the tower lived up to expectations and easily climbed to the top of the tower, but after taking off the hanging parachute, he was in trouble: "Boss, how can I put this thing down?

"One more, indirect force!" Ye Han said.

"I'm on!" This time Xiao Yuan's movements were the fastest, and he quickly climbed up the tower.

At this moment, the warrior at the top of the tower suddenly said: "Boss, there is a giant spider on the roof opposite!"

Ye Han was startled, turned to the edge of the rooftop and looked in the direction the soldier pointed.

The rooftop on the opposite building was lower than this side, and Ye Han saw a motionless giant spider lying in the corner at a glance, and it looked like it was still a female spider.

Ye Han activated the telephoto function of the armor, but was limited to seeing the opposite situation from the angle. He immediately said, "Can you see the opposite situation clearly from above? Share a close-up view with me."

"Understood!" The soldier at the top of the tower immediately activated the shooting function and passed a twenty-second video to Ye Han.

After receiving the video, Ye Han carefully observed through the team members' perspective and found that there were a lot of spider webs around the giant spider, but it was only limited to the corner of the rooftop.

Ye Han was a little puzzled: "What did it do on the top of the building?"

"Are you going to make a net?" Xiao Yuan guessed.

"What kind of net do you tie while lying on your stomach?" Ye Han asked rhetorically.

Xiao Yuan rubbed his lips: "If I hadn't seen this thing lying on the Internet just now, I'd have to guess that he hid on the rooftop to sleep."

"Don't worry about it, get the box down first." Ye Han said.

"Okay." Xiao Yuan climbed to halfway up the tower and took the box hanging beside him in his arms, "Let go from above!"

After that, he put down the box with the umbrella rope, and after a while, the box was placed on the surface of the roof.

Ye Han opened the lid of the box, and there were ten glass jars full of liquid neatly placed in the box.

Ye Han closed the lid: "Go!"

Several people rushed into the stairwell, and when they went downstairs, Ye Han inadvertently looked through the window and saw the giant spider on the opposite He hesitated for a while, and simply sent the video directly to Command, let the command study what the giant spider is doing.

There are insect experts in Beidou, and the habits of biochemical giant spiders should not be out of the scope of human understanding.

Before Ye Han could get downstairs, he received a communication from Beidu: "Ye Han, that giant spider is laying eggs, think of a way, you'd better get all those eggs back to me!"

Ye Han felt like he was shooting himself in the foot. He couldn't help complaining about himself, what kind of video did he send to Beidu when he had nothing to do? What's so important about curiosity?

But now it is too late to regret it, he has already received the order from Beidu, and he has no choice but to agree to it.

After returning to the armored vehicle, Ye Han immediately ordered the convoy to approach the building opposite. After replacing the armor with a new battery, he led a few soldiers into the building and appeared on the roof after a while, separated by the pipeline on the roof and the giant spider. far away.

Ye Han observed the situation with the scope on the gun. From his angle, he could clearly see the process of spawning the giant spider.

Seeing that Ye Han didn't move for a long time, Xiao Yuan couldn't help but ask, "Boss, when will you start?"

"Wait, wait until it finishes laying eggs." Ye Han said patiently.

The giant spiders are large and the eggs they lay are not small. Although the distance is relatively long, through the pipes around the giant spiders, it can be roughly judged that the spider eggs are about the size of goose eggs, and the white piles are crowded together. Giant spiders are in sharp contrast.

Seeing Xiao Yuan's eagerness to try, Ye Han simply said, "Go ahead and prepare with the anesthesia bottle, and you'll start when the giant spider moves."

"Understood!" Xiao Yuan opened the box, took out a glass bottle and held it in his hand, and looked at the giant spider with narrowed eyes, as if he was looking at the loot he had already received.

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