Armor Frenzy

Chapter 57: dark tide (2)

The city wall of Jingjiang City increases a lot every day. After the city wall is completed, a city wall system with an average height of no less than ten meters has been formed that surrounds the whole city.

This city wall takes the high-rise building as the fulcrum, the reinforced concrete wall as the backbone, and the steel-framed color steel wall as the supplement, especially the latter, which occupies a very high proportion in the whole construction process. It is a colored steel structure.

The color steel structure seems to be fragile, but in fact, under the coordination of the Jingjiang Municipal Government, all the color steel walls are reinforced with skeletons, and a large number of steel bars are buried in the open space behind the walls. The master worker even grinded the tip of a considerable part of the steel bar into a triangular shape, and then painted a layer of anti-rust paint to be done.

As long as the giant mantis goes over the wall, it will definitely be pierced by the sharpened steel bars when it hits the ground, but humans can move freely between the forest-like steel bars.

Even so, the citizens of Jingjiang are still uneasy. They have tried every means to arm themselves. The most obvious place is that the sales of spirits and gasoline in the city are unprecedentedly hot. Everyone buys these two liquids not for use, but for the sake of it. Make your own Molotov cocktail for self-defense in the event of a giant bug attack.

Smart citizens used their wits to make various DIY modifications to the Molotov cocktail. Adding sugar and rubber like in the novel is just common. There are not a few people who add washing powder and toilet cleaners, and even plastic rags are added. I don't know what's the point of adding these.

For a time, it became a fashion to bring home-made incendiary pop-up doors. In just three days, the city confiscated more than 700 home-made incendiary bombs of various types.

Although the home-made incendiary bomb is DIY, the power of this thing is not small at all. If it is accidentally ignited on the body, the consequences will be disastrous.

In order to curb the trend of homemade incendiary bombs, the police conducted a comprehensive publicity across the city to persuade citizens not to make and carry incendiary bombs, so as not to endanger their personal safety.

However, some citizens still go their own way and would rather carry security risks than carry incendiary bombs with them.

The idea of ​​the citizens is very simple. They are armed with incendiary bombs. Even if they encounter a giant insect, they can die together. Otherwise, they will only end up with the tragic death of the insect mouth. Every man who still has some blood and energy knows how to choose.

At the same time, some citizens, while opposing the ban on incendiary bombs, questioned the police for the people's self-defense.

The police are also scratching their heads on this issue. The public has an urgent need for self-defense. This is an objective reality that no one can solve. But how can the public’s self-defense needs be met?

Surely knives won't solve the problem, hand out guns to everyone? Or give each one two grenades?

The city government organized the police to hold several meetings, but did not work out a specific plan that could be implemented. However, since the Jinghu incident was exposed, the social situation in Jingjiang City has been unstable, and the sense of crisis among ordinary citizens is unprecedented. Properly addressing the needs of the people for self-defense, once encouraged by someone with a heart, this incident is likely to become the trigger for the collapse of the social order.

The whole city's leading group together cannot bear the responsibility of such serious consequences. It can be said that this problem has reached the point where it cannot be solved.

The final result of the meeting was to make a detailed report on the situation to the superior and ask the superior to try to solve it.

The Jingjiang city government is not aware of the fact that due to the occurrence of giant insect attacks in many places, it is far more than Jingjiang that has reported similar situations across the country. The Northern Capital launched a secret discussion on this issue as early as a few days ago.

After three days of intense debate, Beidu issued a notice to the whole country to limit the opening of gun bans.

The notice clearly pointed out that the limited opening of the gun ban is an urgent need to combat the intensifying giant insect attack and protect the safety of people's lives and property. All localities must strictly control and prevent guns and ammunition from getting out of control.

Along with the notice, there are also detailed rules for the implementation of gun control. The rules stipulate that applicants for guns must be citizens over the age of 28, with no criminal record; no bad habits; no violent tendencies, no social conflicts; no mental problems; yes Fixed income; have a normal family; have fixed assets; have good self-control ability, and have an urgent need for self-defense in an epidemic area. Only those who meet the requirements for holding a gun can apply for a gun after review by the relevant departments.

Those who apply for firearms must participate in a three-day firearms use training, and only after passing the examination can a firearms license be issued.

The rules also stipulate that the age of public officials can be relaxed to 26 years old, and the age of retired active personnel can be relaxed to 22 years old.

Each of the regulations in the detailed rules is an insurmountable bar. All conditions must be met to be eligible to apply for a gun.

The detailed rules also stipulate that the first batch of open firearms is only a double-barreled shotgun. Guns must not be concealed and carried, and must not be carried away from the residence. Sensitive areas such as large must hand over firearms to designated locations for preservation, etc.

There are also deep considerations for only opening the double-barreled shotgun. First, this thing belongs to a type of shotgun. It only needs a rough aim to hit the target. For ordinary people who have not undergone systematic shooting training, it is very easy to master; two The power of this kind of gun is strong enough, and the use of suitable bullets can effectively penetrate the carapace of giant insects; thirdly, the effective range of this kind of gun is mostly about 50 meters, far from the military rifle with a range of more than 400 meters. compared to.

All in all, this kind of gun is not a threat to the state apparatus that masters military weapons.

Although the gun ban is open, it is not easy to get a gun. From a certain point of view, it can even be said that the opening of the gun ban is just a super pie made by the northern city, and it is qualified to take a bite. There are very few people, and most people can only look at it with greed.

The means are not new, they are nothing more than political means to win over a group of people and then suppress a group of people.

Although the conditions were harsh, it was still a good start. Early in the morning the next day after the notification was issued, citizens who applied for guns lined up outside the Jingjiang City Police Station, and the line was still growing. It broke through the thousand-person mark, and the application form was sent to the police station like a snowflake.

However, no matter whether the application conditions are met or not, the police station's answer is to go home and wait for the notification.

It’s not that the police are perfunctory, but the police need enough time to mobilize firearms. Fortunately, there is no technical difficulty in the design and production of double-barreled shotguns. The military factory that received the production task produced a large number of them in a very short time. Double-barreled shotguns and corresponding ammunition are quickly sent to all parts of the readers to come and read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all users please to read.

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