Armor Frenzy

Chapter 579: Chance

Immediately after the meeting, the Ministry of Defense communicated the order to all relevant departments. The military is like an engine that has been idling all the time and suddenly full of power, all departments are running at full speed.

After Beiyuezhou received the order, Gao Kai immediately issued a comprehensive mobilization order to the base. All personnel worked overtime to ensure the construction of warships, and the number of spaceships launched doubled!

In just a few days, the orbital factory has laid keels for three new ships, and the only four docks have all entered the shipbuilding stage.

The orbital factory is highly automated. The steel frame of the dock adopts orbital welding equipment. The welding head can be moved arbitrarily in the entire dock, and the technicians can complete the welding work without leaving the cabin.

The equipment that can be highly automated must be operated by humans, and the existing number of personnel in the orbital factory cannot meet the needs of shipbuilding.

Beiyuezhou Base attaches great importance to this problem, and sends a technical team of more than ten people to the rail factory at the fastest speed, so that the permanent number of the rail factory has reached more than 30 people.

The team of more than 30 people is divided into four groups, each group is responsible for a dock, the people rest and the equipment does not rest, and the construction is carried out 24 hours a day.

Although the manpower has been doubled, the personnel gap has not yet been solved, and the life support system of the orbital factory has already been overwhelmed. If more manpower continues to be dispatched, even the life of the personnel cannot be guaranteed.

In order to solve this problem, the ground dispatched a team of experts to the Beiyuezhou base for the first time.

The task of the expert group is not to join the orbital factory, but to install remote control equipment for the orbital factory. After the equipment is installed in place, the technicians can stay in the welding head construction in the remote control dock of the Beiyuezhou base, and most of the technicians in the orbital factory are withdrawn. Beiyuezhou, only the staff who manage the smelting equipment can be retained.

So far, the construction problem of the rail factory has finally been completely solved, and the work efficiency has reached a new level.

However, the improvement of the Beiyuezhou base is not a good thing for the international base. Originally, Beidu promised to sell the iron ore produced near the international base to a part of the base group, but after the Beiyuezhou base was fully mobilized, the demand for raw materials increased significantly. , it is not enough to transport all the iron ore produced back to the base, how can it be sold to the international base?

The Yankees asked Beidu to discuss this matter a lot, but Beidu would not let it go no matter what.

It is said that supporting the construction of international bases and allowing them to have shipbuilding capabilities as soon as possible is a matter of benefit to all mankind.

But the history of Chinese people being tricked by foreigners is not one or two times, and there are countless lessons, and it is impossible to make the same mistakes again; secondly, they are convinced that what they have is the real one, and they are not willing to hand over the safety of their net worth to outsiders.

Beiyuezhou has a lot of mines, but there is only one mine with high grade and close distance. Sufficient ore supply allows Beiyuezhou to fully support the four new ships, and at the same time, there are excess raw materials to build 011 class. If Allocating the ore to a part of the international base will not only affect the construction of new ships, but also don’t even think about the 011 level.

How could Beidu provide ore to the international base under such circumstances?

The grief-stricken international base gnashed its teeth in hatred but had no choice but to seize the time to find mines everywhere.

However, Beidu provided the international base with the coordinates of a mine, and the ore grade there was also good, but the distance was a bit far.

The Yankees have used force more than once to solve the problem. The problem is that the only space battleship in the entire outer space of the earth is the 011-class Qishan at Beiyuezhou Base.

Don't look at the fact that China only has this warship, but the power of space warships is not comparable to that of surface warships. With the 011-level weapon configuration, a warship can abuse the entire base group and call it Dad. Unless you are impatient, you can borrow it. The Yankees have no courage to use force against the fire of the battleship.

Of course, Beidu did not want to force the base group too much, and promised to restore the supply of ore immediately after the new ship came off the assembly line.

Countries on Earth may not know how many warships the Beiyuezhou base has built, but the international base is on the moon, and the orbital factory has nothing to hide. Even the slightest change will fall into the sight of the international base. There is no need to follow The international base is kept secret.

However, the two sides have tacitly kept secrets from each other. It is not the conscience of the base group, but the international base is also under the eyes of the Chinese side.

While Beiyuezhou was bravely taking the lead, the ground was also not calm.

All the departments of the Navy and the Army that can be related to the expeditionary mission are all actively taking action. The navy gave an order. Within half a day, the submarine soldiers of the three major fleets took half of the time, and the marine soldiers on the nuclear submarine took three-quarters of time, leaving only the A quarter as a seed.

Another hard-hit area is the Naval Air Because of the special nature of the space fleet, the Navy has invested a lot of money, and almost all the pilots of the Naval Air Force are dispatched, and most of the remaining pilots are older, almost ten years old. Save one.

The captains of the pilots are even more sweeping, unless the physical condition does not allow, otherwise one counts as one.

The situation of surface ships is not much worse. All officers and soldiers who meet the requirements are eager to sign up. The registration plan that was originally planned to be completed in three days was over-completed in only two hours. The total number of registrations is enough to form three expedition fleets. have a surplus.

This number seems to be a lot, but considering that it is necessary to choose the best among the applicants, the final result is only one of three, and the military has not much choice.

The registration situation in the Air Force is also hot. Astronauts have always been the best among pilots. No pilot does not want to join the team of astronauts, but now astronauts are civilians, but there are not many opportunities for pilots.

This time is likely to be the last chance, but all pilots who are a little chasing will not give up this hard-won opportunity. In just one day, the number of applicants exceeded 5,000, and the number continues to rise.

The military not only has pilots in the Air Force and Hainan Airlines, but also has a large number of pilots in the Army Airlines. Although the Army Airlines only fly helicopters, which does not meet the requirements of this mission, the pilots of the Army Airlines also have good physical fitness and cannot be pilots. It's okay to be an ordinary sailor, right?

The whole army seems to be in chaos, but it is orderly. In just one day, tens of thousands of officers and soldiers were included in the shortlist.

Due to the large number of people, it was impossible to gather everyone together for training. Beidu simply set up a training team with the military region as a unit to start training as quickly as possible.

The military promises all trainees of the training team that all qualified personnel will have the opportunity to join the space fleet.

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