Armor Frenzy

Chapter 676: give up voluntarily

In the case of insufficient light, the sight distance and clarity of the full-color night vision device are not ideal, and even automatically switch to low-light mode, so what Ye Han sees is not a normal picture, but various shapes and sizes. three-dimensional silhouette.

The underground lake is relatively closed, and everything here is different from the ground. It is difficult to judge the specific situation here based on the life experience on the ground alone.

So Ye Han took out a fluorescent stick, folded it, shook it, and threw it on the shore. The dim fluorescent light was like a high-power searchlight in the lens of the night vision device, illuminating the small lakeshore.

The vague outline finally became clear, Ye Han's eyes fell on the shore, and he was startled immediately.

There was actually a group of lake worms lying seven or eight meters in front of them, and looking further afield, countless lake worms were layered on top of each other, like a mountain that was about to collapse, which might drown this thin team at any time.

Everyone played smart at the same time, raised their rifles in unison, and prepared for battle.

But the strange thing is that everyone has been ashore for a while, but those lake worms have never moved.

Ye Han's heart moved, he picked up the light stick under his feet and threw it over, hitting the **** of a lake worm. That small and light light stick actually smashed the two-meter-five lake worm to one side!

Everyone looked at each other, Liu Bin blurted out: "Insect slough?"

Ye Han took a few steps forward, and finally saw the crack behind the lake worm: "Yes, it's the worm slough."

Xue Judeng was dumbfounded: "Is this too much?"

I don’t know if I don’t see it, but I was startled when I saw it. Seven or eight meters after landing on the shore, there was a boundary composed of insect sloughs. There was nothing on the side of the lake, but the giant worm sloughs were layered on the other side, and I didn’t know. Is it because the terrain is getting higher or there are too many worms, the worms tens of meters away turned into a hill with a height of no less than ten meters!

"Honey, there are so many worms in this place, how many wolf worms are raised?" Liu Bin was speechless.

Xue Ju immediately objected: "Don't come to a conclusion so early. It's hard to say whether this thing is a wolf larvae or not. It can only be said that it is possible."

"Maybe it's a fart, what else is there besides wolf worms in this ghost place? Can you find another kind of worm?" Liu Bin said dissatisfiedly.

"Then let me ask you, where are the wolves?" Xue Ju retorted without hesitation, "I admit that your speculation is reasonable, but we have been in the cave for so long, who has seen the wolves? We must find evidence. Come out, you can say whether this ghost place is a worm nest!"

"Why are you so stubborn!"

"I'm being cautious!"

"Okay, what's the noise!" Ye Han shouted sharply, "Will you talk nicely!"

The two immediately shut up and didn't dare to say another word.

Ye Han took a few steps and kicked away a worm slough: "Didn't it say above that I've never seen a wolf worm's larvae? If the wolf worm was like a dragonfly, it was always in the water when I was a child, wouldn't it be explained? ?"

When dragonfly larvae land, they shed their skins to become adults, which seems to fit perfectly with the wolf worm.

Xue Ju looked tangled: "Chief of Staff, we haven't seen the lake worms peeling, and secondly, we haven't found wolf worms, this..."

Ye Han waved his hand: "I understand what you mean, I mean there is such a possibility."

"Probably not... Didn't you say that wolf worms evolved from ants?" Xue Ju said weakly.

Ye Han was stunned, vaguely remembering that he had heard such a statement, and couldn't help being stunned.

"What the hell!" Liu Bin retorted, "Who saw the ants mutated? Saying this and saying that, isn't it all guesswork? Is there any evidence?"

Attack the shield of the child with the spear of the child, refreshing!

"This is really..." Xue Ju's voice became smaller and smaller.

"Then tell me, what evidence do you have." Liu Bin was on the fence with Xue Ju.

It wasn't the first day that he and Xue Ju met, but they didn't have much contact with him before. It was the first time he knew that this guy was so stubborn, and he dared to fight the chief of staff for this trivial matter, his brain was burned out?

Xue Ju persevered: "Why is there no evidence? Ants and bees are social insects. Wolves are swarms. Isn't it ants or bees?"

This sentence made Liu Bin roll his eyes, and he searched the liver and intestines without finding a strong refutation.

Ye Han nodded thoughtfully: "It makes sense, but just like what you said just now, all guesses can only be guesses before the evidence is found. Bugs evolve so fast, and it may also suddenly evolve sociality."

Liu Bin immediately said, "It is also possible that the larvae mutated into lake worms because they were close to the water."

"Can we stop talking shit?" Xue Ju asked.

"Who is bullshitting, think about it, dragonflies and mosquitoes were all in the water when they were young, right?"

"Does it have anything to do with wolves?"

"Why doesn't it matter? All animals slowly come ashore from the water. What if the puffed virus activates the wolfworm's atavistic gene?"

Xue Ju was surprised: "Huh, can you understand this too?"

"Enough, is there something wrong with the two of you? Why don't you two say that the wolf worm is a cross between two kinds of worms? Can you do something serious with this time!" Ye Han reprimanded in dissatisfaction.

"Then let's continue looking for wolves?" Before Xue Ju's mind turned around, such a sentence came out in a daze.

Ye Han almost laughed out of anger: "Look for a fart, it's all at this time, first find a way to go back and talk about it."

Only then did Xue Ju react, and he made a joke in his mind.

Ye Han looked around, frowned and said, "Everyone, gather at me!"

Everyone immediately gathered around, Ye Han was the first to sit down, and the others sat back to back in a circle.

Ye Han said: "Let's analyze the situation first. The hole we went down is nearly 200 meters away from the It is more than 50 meters high, and it is impossible to climb up no matter what. No matter what you think, anyway, I think the task No life is important, and I don’t have the heart to perform any more missions when the back road is cut off, so I decided to give up the mission and find a way to return to the ground as soon as possible, when it is convenient to leave or stay, what do you think?”

"The chief of staff is right, and the sooner the better, we must return to the ground before the battery runs out!" Liu Bin raised his hand in agreement.

The battery capacity of the power armor is limited. If you can't return to the ground before the power runs out, everyone will be trapped here. Even if there are no wolves in this hole, everyone will be trapped alive.

"I agree too." Xue Ju said, "It's not a mission that burns your ass. Find a way back first, so that everyone is not worried, and you don't have the heart to look for wolves when you stay."

"That's right, finding the way first is the right thing to do!"

"The chief of staff said this to my heart, and even my life is about to die. Who has the mind to look for bugs?"

The soldiers all expressed their approval. They were all great young men in their early twenties. Most of them were unmarried, and everyone's brains were fine. Knowing that the future was cut off, they didn't hurry up and figure out a way to leave. Isn't it courting death?

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