Armor Frenzy

Chapter 708: woolen armor

Xiao Yuan and 104 had never heard of this type of soldier, so they couldn't help but wonder, Xiao Yuan immediately asked, "What is a combat engineer? A type of engineer?"

"I don't quite understand either. Maybe Maozi's side has anything to do with the earthwork and is called an engineer." Ye Han speculated indifferently.

"Look, aliens have come out!" Xiao Yuan whispered.

The few Maozi soldiers only ran 20 to 30 meters, and seven or eight aliens had already flown out of the hole.

While fleeing, Mao Zibing turned back to shoot. The aliens flexibly dodged while returning color. The shimmering mercerized light cut and disintegrated the Mao Zibing who fell at the back in an instant.

A few Mao Zibing knew that they couldn't escape, so they stopped running away and turned around to fight the aliens desperately.

It's a pity that Mao Zibing's equipment is too rudimentary, and it is not an opponent of aliens at all, but after a few breaths, seven or eight Mao Zibing died tragically in the hands of aliens.

It's not the ordinary tragic death, but the way of death that is divided into five horses, unloaded into eight pieces, blood rushes everywhere, and the internal organs are turbulently flowing on the ground, which is even more slaughtered than a slaughterhouse.

Before the plague of insects, such a scene could scare the faint-hearted out of madness, but after the plague of insects lasted for a few years, any ordinary person who survived was used to seeing **** deaths, and would no longer make a fuss about the tragic deaths of the same kind.

Professional soldiers like Ye Han simply dance with death, let alone make a fuss over a few corpses.

After all the Maozi soldiers were chopped up, several aliens flew over the corpses and circled for a while, and then fell one by one, forming a circle around the corpses.

Xiao Yuan lowered his voice subconsciously: "What do they want to do?"

"I don't know, but the opportunity is good." Ye Han said.

Xiao Yuan glanced at Ye Han in astonishment, and before he could speak, he heard Ye Han calling in a hurried tone: "601 called Hanhai, please answer when you receive it!"

"Hanhai received it, please speak."

"601 is asking for air support. I have a few aliens here."

"Hanhai understands!"

After the call was over, the Hanhai, which had been silent for a long time, activated the fire control system, and the laser cannon was aimed at the target under the control of the fire control computer.

As soon as the bridge gave an order, the three dual-mounted laser cannons fired at the same time, and six lasers fell from the sky. The unprepared aliens were enveloped by the laser beams, and the ice-white armor quickly intensified. All the aliens disappeared, and even more than half of Mao Zibing's body disappeared.

The laser dissipated, leaving only a few shallow pits on the beach that were still bubbling with faint blue smoke. The air above the shallow pits was distorted, and the sand at the bottom of the pits had been melted by the high temperature, and gradually condensed into clumps of translucent black glass.

"Hey, that's enough!" Xiao Yuan smiled like something, his grinning mouth couldn't close.

Ye Han's eyes quickly swept across the satellite image, and after confirming that there were no other aliens, Ye Han whispered: "All attention, Xiao Yuan, you take two squadrons to follow me through the underwater passage; 104, you take the other two The squadron walks through the opening of the cliff; the remaining two combat groups serve as reserve teams, the task of the reserve team is not to fight, but to defend the ground and prevent any aliens from escaping, and immediately call for air support when the aliens are found, do you understand?"


"Report!" A distinctive voice came out.


"Chief of Staff, Maozi's submarines have all run away, do we still need to go in?"

Ye Han was angry: "Damn, are we here to **** the submarine? Our mission is to destroy the aliens! It's all my **** to remember, an alien **** is not allowed to let go, Do you understand!"


"Set off!"

With an order, Ye Han jumped out first.

Xiao Yuan hurriedly followed, and the large troop that remained behind rushed out in a swarm, and divided into three waves in the rapid running.

104 led the two squadrons straight to the cliff, but Ye Han ran to the corpses of Mao Zibing first and looked at Mao Zibing's corpses curiously.

Xiao Yuan said in disgust, "Captain, what's so good about this?"

"Look here!" Ye Han pointed to Mao Zibing's body.

It was the waist and back of a corpse. There was an obvious bulge between the flesh and the coat. The heavy coat was pushed aside to reveal the two-finger-width mechanical structure under the coat.

Xiao Yuan was stunned: "What is this?"

Ye Han got up and said, "It might be an exoskeleton."

"Ah?" Xiao Yuan blinked, took out his saber and wanted to cut open Mao Zibing's coat to see what was underneath, but he couldn't do it after a few cuts.

"Bulletproof." Ye Han raised his eyebrows.

Xiao Yuan chuckled: "I see, Maozi is an exoskeleton plus a full-coverage body armor, and it really works!"

What is an exoskeleton? It is the basis and predecessor of power armor. Without exoskeleton technology, there is no full-coverage power armor!

To put it more intuitively, no matter which country's power armor is taken out, the surface armor and redundant equipment are removed, and the remaining skeleton and motion system are an exoskeleton!

Xiao Yuan couldn't help Maozi's equipment replaced the armor plates with heavy body armor. Regardless of the level of defense, no matter how you looked at it, it was a strong copycat style.

Power armor looks simple but is actually complicated. On the earth today, only Chinese and American power armors are independently manufactured.

China's power armor began to develop long before the insect disaster. After the insect disaster, manpower and material resources were quickly invested, and the real thing was quickly produced.

The military's idea is to solve the problem first, find various deficiencies in actual combat and improve them, so the equipment time of power armor is earlier than that of the Americans.

Although the Yankee was equipped with power armor later, the Yankee has a solid technical foundation. The American version of the power armor has a high starting point and good quality. It has more advantages in endurance, electronic equipment and volume.

The European coalition forces are also equipped with power armor. Although they have sufficient technical background, they have no extra time to waste, so they directly introduce technology from the United States instead of designing and manufacturing them independently.

This situation is commonplace within the base group.

Maozi could not get the Chinese technology or squeeze into the base group, so he could only develop the Mao version of the power armor alone. It is estimated that the key technology is always difficult to break through, so Maozi retreated and took the third way to get out. The four dissimilarities of the skeletal body armor.

Ye Han has a different opinion: "No matter how bad Maozi's technology is, he can't even add armor. Have you ever thought about how much weight Maozi's armor can lose by replacing the composite armor with a bulletproof vest?"

"At least two-thirds... Maozi deliberately?" Xiao Yuan suddenly woke up.

"I think so." Ye Han nodded.

Xiao Yuan didn't think deeply at first, but after listening to Ye Han's words with a little thought, he really figured out something different.

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