Armor Frenzy

Chapter 724: high profile

On December 14, the task force, which had been sailing on the vast sea for eight days, arrived in the Gulf of Aden.

It was noon when the fleet arrived. Ye Han, who had just eaten lunch, was hanging out on the deck when he suddenly saw that the sea level in the distance was replaced by a line of land.

Although he knew that he would definitely reach Africa today, after floating on the sea for more than a week, Ye Han, who suddenly saw the land, was still full of excitement and anticipation.

"It's finally here!" Ye Han murmured.

"Yeah, it's finally here." A voice came from behind, Ye Han looked back, and blurted out in surprise: "Captain Wei?"

Seeing the surprise in Ye Han's eyes, Wei Chengfei couldn't help asking, "What are you thinking? What are you looking at?"

Ye Han grinned: "It's almost at the port, why don't you sit in the bridge?"

"The earth turns the same without anyone." Wei Chengfei said with a smile.

At this time, a freighter full of containers appeared in the distance. Because the distance was still far away, it was not clear which country the freighter belonged to. However, after the freighter found the fleet, it immediately lowered the flag on the mast and then raised it slowly.

Ye Han immediately turned around and saw that the flag on the main mast of the aircraft carrier was also lowered and raised again.

This ceremony of lowering the flag and then raising the flag is the etiquette between ships, which is similar to the meaning of two vehicles whistling to each other. The general rule is that the civilian ship lowers the flag first to salute, and the warship lowers the flag to return the salute. Between warships and warships, the lower level Lower the flag first.

The interaction between the ships aroused Ye Han's interest. It happened that there was a ready-made lecturer by his side, so he asked enthusiastically: "Captain Wei, we are going to enter the port soon, don't we need to fire a salute or something?"

"Not only fire the salute, but also have to stand on the **** for a while, why do you want me to go to the deck at this time?" Wei Chengfei stared.

Standing on the **** is a common name for divisional queues, which is the etiquette of standing along the edge of the deck. It is said that this etiquette was first used to express friendship to each other - my ship is about to enter the port, and everyone is standing on the deck. Not in combat positions , it is impossible to secretly cross Chen Cang to carry out a sneak attack, absolutely full of sincerity.

The same is true for salutes. It takes a long time to clear the chambers of a cannon in the age of sailing warships. After the salute is fired, it means that no more cannons can be fired for a long time, which is equivalent to indirect disarming... Well, sincerity, let's enter the port.

With the passage of time and the advancement of technology, the salute and the station **** have long lost their original role, and now they are only one of the common etiquettes of the navies of various countries.

Very good and powerful, it is indeed the most polite military service.

During the conversation, a group of officers and soldiers dressed in neat military uniforms walked onto the deck. Seeing this, Ye Han quickly said, "Then I'll go back first." After speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Hey, where are you going!" Wei Chengfei quickly stopped him.

"Go back, you are standing on the **** here, what's the matter with me here?"

From the top to the bottom of the Yunzhou, there are more than 5,000 people together. It only takes one tenth of the deck to fill half of the deck, and there is no need for him to join in the fun of the space fleet.

"What are you talking about, you are also on the ship now, go, call out all your people, and stand on the **** with you."

"Ah?" Ye Han paused, "Is this necessary? This military uniform is different!"

The navy not only has a lot of etiquette, but also has the most uniforms among all the arms, and the space fleet has only one-piece tights in addition to the regular uniforms and training uniforms.

"Who told you to wear a military uniform? Put on the power armor." Wei Chengfei said.

Ye Han almost thought he heard it wrong: "No, you don't have a fever, do you?" Wearing power armor to stand on the slope, is this a friendly gesture? Deterrence is more or less the same.

"What do you know!" Wei Chengfei stared, "We've already arrived at the Yankee's door, how can we not stop by?"

Ye Han was very surprised, and turned to look at the distant land: "Here?" He dared to bet with a year's salary that this idea must have been just come up by Wei Chengfei, not a plan in advance.

"Where do you think it is?" Wei Chengfei chuckled, "The American base is on the south side of the bay, our base is on the north side of the bay, the two bases are separated by a bay, a straight line distance of 12 kilometers, understand what I mean? ?"

"Understood." Ye Han nodded, "I'll do it right away!"

The military's habit has always been to keep everything good in its hands, and keep the best equipment secret, so that the true strength of the military is unclear at home and abroad.

However, Ye Han felt that if he was not afraid of thieves, he was afraid of thieves. Keeping hidden strengths would only make potential enemies look down on him. It is not bad to reveal a little to deter the enemy properly.

Of course, this is just his own idea.

Ye Han left in a hurry, and Wei Chengfei's voice was still chasing after him: "Take everything you need to bring, go to the front deck and find me—"

"Got it!" Ye Han replied, turning on the communication function of the wrist and brain while running, "Liu Bin, the hangar is urgently assembled, fully armed!"

"Yes!" Liu Bin blew the assembly whistle without saying a word.

The team members had been maintaining their equipment in the hangar. When they heard the whistle, they immediately changed their clothes and assembled. When Ye Han arrived at the hangar, the soldiers had already lined up.

Liu Bin saw Ye Han shouted and stood at attention. He turned around and wanted to salute and report. Ye Han waved to stop him: "Wait!"

The soldiers were stunned at the same time, not understanding what happened.

Liu Bin pondered quietly, didn't he enter Hong Kong right away, why are he still fully armed at this time? Did something happen to the port?

Thinking of this, Liu Bin couldn't help screaming, shouting at the soldiers, "Check the equipment!"

An inexplicable tense atmosphere enveloped everyone, and the soldiers did not dare to neglect, and pulled their gun bolts to check their weapons and equipment.

Just at this time, Ye Han, who had changed his armor, walked out of the hangar and asked in surprise, "What is this for? Put away the gun!"

"Captain?" Liu Bin was puzzled.

Ye Han smiled: "It's okay, go out and help stand up and cheer up the brothers in the navy."

Everyone suddenly realized what was going on.

The aircraft carrier is said to be small, but it's not too big to be big. These days, the soldiers have met a few new friends, and they have long known what happened to Zhanpo.

Ye Han waved his hand, "Okay, Liu Bin, the whole team starts, don't take the ladder, go directly to the elevator!"

There is no place for armored vehicles on the aircraft carrier. In order to accommodate armored vehicles and other equipment, Wei Chengfei directly vacated several hangars.

These hangars are not far from the lifts. Regardless of personnel or equipment, you can take the lifts directly to the flight deck... This is the fastest way to get from the hangar to the deck.

The team walked to the elevator in unison under the voice of Liu Bin's password, and the heavy boots stepped on the embossed steel plate step by step.

I cried, the code was finished at noon, and there was a sudden power outage before uploading.

When I came back from get off work and re-coded, I couldn't find the feeling of noon at all. It was a **** day.

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