The butler was shocked, and the butler was shocked.

When the housekeeper said this, everyone in the living room was stunned!

Including Feng Kuazi, their faces changed, and they looked at the housekeeper with extremely puzzled eyes.

"What did you say?"

Chen Arthur frowned and asked:

"What body? Where is it?"

The housekeeper said tremblingly:

"It's at the door, Sixth Master, you guys go and have a look!"

Hearing this news,

Everyone was a little slow to react, but they all stood up and walked outside.

Feng Kuazi walked in front,

Before the group reached the door of the villa, they looked from a distance,

They saw a person lying outside the door, bloody, and it was very clear under the street light!

"Fuck, what's going on?!"

Seeing this, Chen Asher couldn't help but be shocked, and at the same time he had a bad premonition in his heart.

Feng Kuazi frowned, but still walked forward.

In front of him,

A man was lying on the ground, covered in blood, with a broken ankle and bones exposed inside.

What was even more frightening was that one of the man's hands was cut off from the wrist, and the palm was thrown on the asphalt road next to him!

Seeing this scene,

Chen Asher's heart beat much faster. This was the first time he had seen such a bloody scene, and his stomach was a little churning!

And Wu Yufei next to him turned his head and vomited on the side of the road!


Wu Yufei didn't have time to care about her image, and she bent down and vomited directly at the door of Feng Kuazi's house.

But at this time, Feng Kuazi didn't care about Wu Yufei at all,

but frowned and looked at the man on the ground!

What's going on? !

Even though Feng Kuazi had seen big scenes before, this sudden scene,

leaving a "corpse" at the door of his house, was really disgusting,

and he always felt that 90% of people did it on purpose!


Li Wenwu, who had just looked disgusted, became horrified!

"Isn't this Zhang Ao?!"

Li Wenwu was so shocked that he almost lost his voice, and then he said with more and more horror:

"Director Feng, this is Zhang Ao, the boss of Magic City Night!"

After hearing what Li Wenwu said,

Chen Arthur couldn't help but take a closer look, and then he found that the man lying on the ground was actually Zhang Ao!

Chen Arthur had seen Zhang Ao twice and was very impressed. He was sure that

the man on the ground was Zhang Ao, there was no mistake!

"Uncle Feng, this... this is really Mr. Zhang!"

Chen Arthur was extremely surprised, his eyes widened.

He couldn't believe that the boss of Magic City Night, how could he... be treated like this, and was deliberately thrown at the door of Feng Kuzi's villa!

After hearing what the two people said,

Feng Kuzi's face suddenly darkened!

At the same time, a somewhat creepy speculation in his heart could not help but rise!

This afternoon, Zhang Ao was just released by the Public Security Bureau, and it also caused quite a stir on the Internet.

However, now, he was mutilated like this and thrown at the door of his own house.

This is obviously someone warning... or more precisely, threatening himself!

"No matter what happened, call the police first."

Feng Kuzi took a breath, his face a little solemn and gloomy:

"Call an ambulance, and let the people from the Public Security Bureau come over."

The person was thrown here, and the first priority was to deal with the person first.

As for the specific matter, I can only go back and investigate.

Li Wenwu and Chen Ashe did not dare to delay, and quickly took out their phones to contact the hospital and the Public Security Bureau.


People from the Public Security Bureau came to Feng Kuazi's villa.

However, Feng Kuazi and his friends did not accept any investigation.

After watching the surveillance and letting them take notes, the security guard drove away.

In the living room,

Everyone frowned, and their faces were uncertain.

Even Feng Kuazi had some worries between his eyebrows.

For everyone, such a thing happened. Not to mention panic, but it was not easy to bear.

"Uncle Feng, it is obvious that someone is threatening us."

After a long silence, Chen Ashe could not help but say:

"Could this be done by Li Qing behind Yang Mi?!"

Zhang Ao had just been released by the Public Security Bureau,

and such a thing happened at night!

As long as you have a brain, you can guess that this must be related to Li Qing, although there is no evidence.

Feng Kuazi said hoarsely:

"You can ask this question, in fact, you have already guessed it in your heart."

"Except for Li Qing, there should be no other person who would do this."


His face became solemn, and his heart was filled with turmoil!

In this society,

Even the top capitalists would not dare to destroy a person so blatantly, let alone deliberately throw him at someone's doorstep.

Such means are really too cruel and arrogant!

Li Wenwu took a deep breath and said:

"It seems that the other party is not as concerned about the Beijing circle as we thought."

"Otherwise, they would not threaten us like this."

"It can even be said that this Li Qing has already set his sights on us."

"Director Feng, what do you think we should do next?"

After such a thing happened, Li Wenwu felt a little unsure. It was the first time he met such a ruthless person.

He even dared to destroy the boss of Magic City Night openly.

Feng Kuazi thought for a moment, his old eyes frighteningly deep:

"Respond to changes with constancy."

"Zhang Ao being abolished is not a bad thing."

"First, we have not suffered any substantial losses, and second, this will completely anger the person behind Zhang Ao."

"When the time comes, Li Qing will have no time to worry about us, so let's continue and sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight."

Feng Kuazi is very calm in doing things,

even when facing the current situation, he can think calmly.

Li Wenwu nodded, then sighed, and said with a distant look:

"After Zhang Ao got into trouble, I'm afraid the Demon City will stir up a big storm next."

"It won't be long before this matter is exposed. By then, many people will be restless."

"Even the official will pay attention to this game."

Feng Kuazi lit a cigarette he rolled himself and took a deep breath:

"Well, Li Qing is breaking the rules and breaking the balance by doing this."

"Once things ferment, it won't just be you and me who are eyeing Li Qing. I don't know how many people will want to get rid of him."

"No matter how cruel Li Qing is, his death will not change."

After hearing what Feng Kuazi said,

the hearts of the people slowly calmed down, and they felt that this was indeed the truth.

Chen Arthur said with a sinister look:

"Uncle Feng, then Li Qing and Yang Mi will soon have a bad ending."


Early the next morning,

Yang Mi got up early in the morning because she had to hurry up with the filming schedule.

"Sister Mi, we still have to be careful when we are filming these days."

He Baibai yawned and said while eating breakfast:

"Yesterday afternoon, Zhang Ao was released."

"There is a lot of public opinion about this online, and everyone is talking about you."

Yang Mi drank a mouthful of porridge. She also read the news yesterday afternoon:

"Well, I know."

"Anyway, we have to finish the filming quickly. Now Kristy Wu and the others are making fast progress."

"If they are released first, we will lose our advantage."

He Baibai sighed:

"Sister Mi, Zhang Ao has a big background. He and those people in the entertainment industry will definitely not let us go."

"And... I don't know if Li Qing will be involved."

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